Javey74's Trip Report [22nd - 25th Feb 2009]

Started by Javey74, March 03, 2009, 09:19:15 PM

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Thank you everyone for all the extra comments, I only wish there was a quicker way of typing up a Trip Report at times...  :lol:  :mrgreen:


Day 3 - Another Day, Another Dream.. :D/

Weather: Dry, fine, a little cold.. :wink:  

Well the alarm went off at 6.30am again, we all got ourselves out of bed and started to get ready for breakfast, though as we had planned we were going to try and get in for 7.25am, instead of the card time of 7.45am.  We headed out of the room and along to 'La Cantina', we saw the Usher just in sight, I produced the three breakfast cards and she said "Bonjour" then "Merci" and in we went.  It worked, no queues, plenty of space to move around the food counters. One thing I can't remember on previous visits was the different coloured plastic bowls and plates, they were in three colours; blue, red and green.  Me being me, I always matched the same colour.  :lol:  Anyway within ten minutes of tucking into our breakfasts we could see the queues starting to build, and boy, within another minute or so the queues were starting to loop back towards the main corridor..  :shock:  :shock: It goes to show that 5 or 10 minutes can make all the difference.. :roll:

Well after breakfast we headed out to the bus, again because we called back to the room, we decided to go to the Cheyenne bus stop and arrived at the Disney Park just after 8.15am.  We had noticed the day before, but more so today that the queues for buying tickets to get in were very long, aswell as long queues of people waiting to get in, even though it would be quite a while before opening for them..  :roll: We on the other hand had to by pass 2 CM's, after showing our Hotel Card, we then walked around to the Disneyland/AP's and Online Printed Ticket entrance. Another thing I can't ever remember was that every few tickets that went through the turnstile there was a Donald voice saying "Oh Boy", this was as you went through the turnstile itself.  After all of us go through, we needed to get to City Hall, the reason being was that we were going to have dinner today at the Agrabah Cafe Restaurant, now I know you don't have to have a reservation for this particular restaurant, but we thought it wise since the Plaza Gardens was closed due to a makeover, which mean't that there would be a lot more visitors using other restaurants.  We went in to be greeted by some lovely CM's, we got served by WALL-E's girlfriend EVE, well that's what it said on her name tag anyway..  :mrgreen:  We asked for about 2.30pm, which was fine, she was really helpful, she then printed off our reservation ticket.  Exiting City Hall we then headed down Main Street.

Since there was some time to spare before the aforementioned plan for Autopia, which opened at 10.00am, we decided to make use of other rides in Fantasyland that are open for EMH's, especially for attractions like Snow White, Peter Pan, The Spinning Teacups and maybe finish with the Carousel, before heading back to Discoveryland.. :wink:

We headed to ride the Snow White attraction first, since there was no queue.. :wink:  Which was dark as ever.. :D Quickly moved off to Peter Pan, only a short queue..Yip eeee..  :D/ This attraction is still quite jolty on the stops and starts..  :o Then Vanessa and Jen went on The Mad Hatters Spinning Teacups, they enjoyed it as ever..  :D/   Then we all quickly moved to the...

Carousel, where we all had a ride. I love listening to the music played on this attraction as you go round, it's so cheerful, if you're not careful you can drift away into another world after a while..  :lol:  :mrgreen:  

Jen always likes a photo on a horse, she always picks one of the larger ones..  :mrgreen:

Looking at the time, which was about 9.05am, we all swiftly headed back to...

Discoveryland and went straight to...

Buzz, since we were a little too early for Vanessa and Jen to stand for Autopia, only to find it was closed.. :( There were quite a few people getting turned away, we heard that it wouldn't be open till 10.00am.  :roll:  Now what...Well we had a little wander around and got a few more shots..

Oh yes, and a shot of what I was about to go on for the first time.. :mrgreen:

For those eagle eyed viewers, the waiting time was not 45 mins, this was a later shot..  :lol:  :mrgreen: Anyway, time was getting on so Vanessa and Jen went to wait for Autopia at about 9.15am, whilst I on the other hand noticed only a 10 minute waiting time on SM:M2, well there was no going back, I headed towards the famous entrance..

Well I didn't realise how long the queue lines actually run, no wonder you can wait nearly 3 hours at times..  :o  I went along a few corridors, turned a few corners, then passed an open barred area where you can view the rocket cars passing towards the end of the ride. I walked on further till I finally saw the back of the queue, which started just before the first set of steps, near to where the screen gives you a run down of what the ride consists of and the health and safety warnings that go with it.. :shock:

As far as the ride statistics go I remember hearing about one 360 degree loop, a corkscrew loop and an 80 degree loop, 7 drops and 2 stop starts throughout the ride. I'll admit, I was wondering what I'd let myself in for at this point.. :shock:  :shock:  The queue started to move again, now heading up some stairs, then along another passage where I could eventually see the loading bay below, the queue moved again and now I was heading down the steps to the loading bay, moving straight onto a gate, since I was by myself, I got into the car myself then a girl got in after me, I pulled the shoulder restraint over, I remember bracing myself at this point as the CM's checked each of the rocket cars restraints by pushing on them. I did keep reminding myself that TOT dropped me faster than gravity, so getting blasted upwards at an angle of 32 degrees, at 44 MPH in 1.8 seconds, pulling 1.5G can't be that bad.. :wink:   HOW WRONG I WAS.. :lol:  :mrgreen: The rocket cars pulled away and went around a bend, seeing the incline now in front of me the rocket cars came to an abrupt halt.  Countdown begins...Trois, deux, une, then came a bang and a blast of steam, the next thing I knew was a force pressing against my chest, the rocket car was moving so fast I couldn't keep my eyes open for some reason, the rest of the ride was a blur, well after the first drop it was anyway.. :lol:  I remember lots of lights flashing, as for the audio, well, there was some there if you could cancel out everyone screaming and the noise of the ride itself.  The ride was just so fast and because it's in the dark, you feel the forces on your body change quite quickly, and because it's in the dark you cannot see what's coming up.  I suppose you get to know what's coming up after going on it a few times, but considering this was my first time I didn't know what to expect. Some parts my eyes were open, other parts they were closed, though they were open for the part where you go through the kaleidoscope type tunnel, where I also noticed that the ride seems to slow down, there's another part in which it does this aswell. I have to say that the only main discomfort on the whole ride was my head, banging side to side on the shoulder/head rest, which are not exactly soft, and because of this a little neck strain. The ride is quite rough and bumpy, one of the bumpiest I've ever rode at DLRP, a lot more than Indiana Jones.. :mrgreen:  Now I read that the ride lasts about 2 minutes 10 seconds, this is a long time for a coaster of this speed, no wonder the tracks about a kilometre long.. :shock:  :shock:   When the trip eventually finished everyone seemed to exit the ride looking and feeling the same....A feeling of being overwhelmed and in a lot of cases, a little shakey.. :o It's another ride I won't forget, yet another ride that I will go on again on my next trip.

Well I exited Space Mountain and headed back to meet Vanessa and Jen over at Autopia, who had managed to get first place in the queue, the time was about 9.45am, with the queue getting ever so longer, they asked about SM:M2, which passed a little time, checking the time again it was approaching10.00am. The queue now was starting to go all the way back towards Space Mountain itself. Just before the CM's opened Autopia, they dropped the ropes to Discoveryland after the announcement was released to say that the park was now open to all guests. I remember hoards of people running past us all heading for Space Mountain, I was so pleased that I didn't have to wait in the new queues that would be building vastly every second.  Anyway, just before Autopia actually opened, one of the CM's started handing out Autopia Driving Licenses to all the Children, floods of children from way back in the queue came running just to get one.  The CM then led the way through the queue area's, which was rather pleasing since there was no queue, so we just kept following him.. :D/  :D/  Well we got to the loading bay and Vanessa and Jen got in one car and I got in the one behind. We all got away with Jen driving in their car.  Now all I can say is that my car had a serious steering problem.. :shock:  You could keep the steering wheel straight on a straight and it was still weaving side to side.. :lol:  It made my driving look ridiculous, I'm sure the car I was in had lost it's steering rack or it's ball joints... :lol: Put it this way, it had lost something..  :lol:  :lol:  :mrgreen: All in all it was still fun trying to control it.. :D

Well our next idea was to get a fast pass for Big Thunder Mountain, since we knew the queues would be quite long already. Heading over there out of Discoveryland, passing the castle I couldn't help but get some more shots of it, to gon with my vast shots from previous years, but this time I had my new camera which had a 12x zoom.. :D/  I really wanted shots of the gold characters before they disappear and turn into the abstract Mickey ones... :wink:  :D  Plus there was a beautiful blue sky backdrop, I just couldn't resist.. :D/

The logo soon to disappear>> :(

7 Dwarfs>>

Buzz Lightyear>>

Cheshire Cat>>

Chip and Dale, they've even coloured their noses, Dale's red and Chip's black>>


There he is....My buddy Donald>>  :D/  :D/  :D/

Dumbo, he must of flown up there>>  :mrgreen:

Goofy, notice the two security cameras for viewing the areas each side of the castle>>  :wink:

Huey/Duey/Louis, up to mischief>>  :mrgreen:

Jiminy Cricket>>




Tinkerbell, always the topper on most things, especially the Castle>>  :D

Now these look like gold tulips to me, but I would be wrong.. :mrgreen:

One of the Spire Pinnacles>>

Oh yes, I managed to get this shot of the Castle's Bell Tower, which I remember got mentioned in a quiz on this very Forum just recently>>

Day 3 to be continued, which includes the all important meet up with the Character Express characters, and one messy crowd line up for the Once Upon A Dream Parade..  :roll:

Pete's Dragon

Another great addition to your trip report !!!! Comparing the golden tulip things to the 15th anniversary characters, you can really tell they've been up there a lng time without a decent polish (especially Pluto, whose nearly a black labrador)

But c'mon. Admit it. The autopia car was fine. It was you who was still shaking after SM:M2. Hmm?  :wink:


Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"Another great addition to your trip report !!!! Comparing the golden tulip things to the 15th anniversary characters, you can really tell they've been up there a lng time without a decent polish (especially Pluto, whose nearly a black labrador)

But c'mon. Admit it. The autopia car was fine. It was you who was still shaking after SM:M2. Hmm?  :wink:
You're right Pete's Dragon about the 15th Anniverary Characters, now you come to mention it..  :shock:  

I've looked at those two you mentioned again, and Pluto is looking a bit worse for wear compared to the glitzy tulips.. :mrgreen:

As for my car in Autopia, I'd have been fine if that was the reason.. :lol:  :lol:  :mrgreen:

The Butlin Boy

Great update Javey, I like the new camera :wink:  :P


Thanks BB..  :D

As for the camera, I only wished I had a touch more practice with it before I went. I only bought it 2 weeks before I went, the instruction manual was like an Argos catalogue, and I only had the weekend to try it in the house and the yard, when it wasn't raining..  :roll: But I did manage to get the basics in the short time with a few more complex setting functions..  :mrgreen:

The thing is, I know a whole lot more about all the settings since I've returned from the magical land, which I could have made use of at DLRP... ](*,)  But there's always next time.. :wink:  :D

But all in all, I was really happy with what I did get whilst I was there.. :D/

Thanks again.. :D

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Javey74"Thanks BB..  :D

As for the camera, I only wished I had a touch more practice with it before I went. I only bought it 2 weeks before I went, the instruction manual was like an Argos catalogue, and I only had the weekend to try it in the house and the yard, when it wasn't raining..  :roll: But I did manage to get the basics in the short time with a few more complex setting functions..  :mrgreen:

The thing is, I know a whole lot more about all the settings since I've returned from the magical land, which I could have made use of at DLRP... ](*,)  But there's always next time.. :wink:  :D

But all in all, I was really happy with what I did get whilst I was there.. :D/

Thanks again.. :D

I know that feeling, I felt the same when I got back from DLRP too :roll:  :wink:


Another great addition to the report!

I always love your details on the rides, i almost felt the tention and anxiety before you got on Space mountain!  I could never go on this ride but my brother and his girlfriend went in it last august and said the exact same thing about his head hurting as it was thrashed about! They really should look into making it abit more head friendly lol! :P

I love your photos of the Candles! I love the fact there is a Huey Dewie and Louie one as I loved Ducktales as a child! :D  I never noticed that Figaro was on Pinocchio's head before! I will be glad to see the Candles go though, as I always thought they kind of made the castle look a bit cheapy looking (just my opinion) but it's great you have the pictures to look back on!

I can't wait to read more!
Luv Aveen xoxo


great update and more great photos, thanks for sharing :D !

I definetely will not go on Space Mountain ever :shock: , that's one of the 2 rides (the other is RnR) that I'm most scared off.

Hey, when I was there in January, we were also served by a CM called Eve in the City Hall, maybe it was the same one :). She was indeed extremely lovely and helpful.


This report keeps growing into a masterpiece  :wink:

Wonderful photos - which camera is it?

Please visit my DLP website: www.dlp-photos.com

[size=150]Trip report from August 2014[/size]


Thank you once again everyone for your wonderful comments.. :oops:  :D

Forza: It's a Fujifilm 1000fd >> viewtopic.php?p=106698#p106698 :)


Mr Javey Sir, you need to go back to Disney! because 1: I can't go...so you need to go for me and 2: If you go I get another superb trip report from you to read!!! which then cheers me up as I can't go :(  :lol:

More please?  :mrgreen:
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


Awwhh, thank you Laura, that was ever so touching.. :oops:  :oops:  :D

Don't worry, the continuation of Day 3 is to follow shortly.. :mrgreen:


Quote from: "Javey74"Awwhh, thank you Laura, that was ever so touching.. :oops:  :oops:  :D

Don't worry, the continuation of Day 3 is to follow shortly.. :mrgreen:
Yey  :mrgreen:  :D/  :mrgreen:
I'm so excited to read some more!!!
Ooo I also may be going next year! I may be going with my friends  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


Quote from: "burntsienna"Yey  :mrgreen:  :D/  :mrgreen:
I'm so excited to read some more!!!
Ooo I also may be going next year! I may be going with my friends  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
I hope you get there Laura, you deserve that trip well and truly.. [-o<  [-o<  :D/