Buffalo Bills - too expensive

Started by bigrossco, February 26, 2009, 07:57:38 PM

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Who now feels buffalo Bills has got far to expensive, prices on Disney's website just now are at:


1st category seating:
Adult rate - public rate: £50
Children's rate - public rate: £40

2nd category seating:
Adult rate - public rate: £42
Children's rate - public rate: £32

I feel my self that the show now far to expensive and if / when I go back to Disney would not go to see Buffalo Bills at that high cost, as feel that its not worth paying that much for

What do you think?

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I Can see where your coming from there, but there are lots of factors to think about.

Obviously the £ to Euro exchange rate is rubbish.
Also I find that live shows are generally expensive anyway. Round that off with it being Disney and your guaranteed I higher price.

We've just got tickets to see Mickeys Magic Show (Touring the UK) Adult seat was £22 + £3 booking FEE + Postage. The Ticket for my 2 year old was £17 + £3 booking etc.

So although it is high to see BB I did really enjoy the show + the food. Wait for a better exchange rate, maybe?


true after all I went in October 08 and was not as expensive as that

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The Butlin Boy

Just remember, you'd probably have to pay an awful lot more to see a west end show :wink:


Quote from: "The Butlin Boy"Just remember, you'd probably have to pay an awful lot more to see a west end show :wink:
You wouldn't pay more (generally), but you also wouldn't get a meal included.

I've been surprised by the prices before, but looking at them now, they're not that bad. It might perhaps seem very expensive (compared to theatre shows, etc) because when visiting DLRP you've already paid a lot for the parks, hotel, etc. It's a lot to add on top of that, but not too bad otherwise. Maybe a lot for the child tickets... I wouldn't like to pay for a full family, but then the same goes for any live show or event. You can pay £50 for some concerts and see nothing but a dot in the distance.

If you've got an AP Fantasy/Dream or book a Disney Hotel you can get 15% off...


i agree seeing a live show like that with a really big meal has it's price, i guess one problem is, that you see the show one time, but because of the price not a second or third time.


I'm sorry to be a dissenting voice, but when we went (August 2007) I thought the quality of the food was awful. :cry:

It was a good show and our two kids really loved it, but when we went back at New Years just past they (and SWMBO and I) didn't want to go and see it again.
\'A fine bunch of water lilies you turned out to be. I\'d like to see anybody make me wash, if I didn\'t wanna.\' ...... \'Next thing you know, she\'ll be tyin\' your beards up in pink ribbons and smellin\' ya up with that stuff called, uh..."perfoom".\'


I think this is way too expensive,I know you get a meal included (average at best),but a standard day ticket to the park is £35 .Think how much live entertainment you could see in a day,shows ,parades etc plus all the rides.It seems to make BBWWS very poor value,West End prices with out the surroundings !!!


Not a good time to mention the prices are increasing again from 3rd April then... Although the official website isn't useful enough to provide the new ones or even let you book beyond 2nd April.

From the prices in the brochure, it looks like Adults +£4 and Children +£3.

If you book BBWWS with your Disney Hotel from 3rd April onwards, it's £49 / £39 (1st/2nd) for adults and £39 / £29 for children.  So even with the "15% discount" you get from that offer, you're paying almost what the regular gate tickets used to cost...

Quote from: "Timbo"a standard day ticket to the park is £35 .
Soon to be £40! And the 2-day/2-park ticket? From £76 to £89! Although, the new price in Euros will be €112, which is £99, so maybe they're actually being kind?

I wouldn't like to speculate (though I'm about to), but it does seem like DLRP are still slipping in a major price hike thanks to the bad £/€ exchange. I know they obviously have to, but when the rate gets better I doubt they'll balance it back...


I think Buffalo Bill's is great value, and have been about a dozen times or so.

Work it out guys - a huge spectacle of a show (with very high training and insurance costs), three course meal, free beer and coke (these are expensive to buy at DLP0 and a free souvenir cowboy hat which I have seen on sale in the resort for about £7.50).

BBWWS is a bargain (I mean in London, a sandwich lunch is regularly about £7 a day and a meal on the scale of BBWWS is about £30, and good seats in a West End show are about £70 once you add booking fees). Personally, I would not care if they ripped out any of the coasters, but I feel BBWWS is the VERY best thing in all of DLP.
since 2001 (many before that)


And for comparison like for like, here are the cost of other dinner shows around the globe:

In the US where things tend to be cheaper and the dollar is a better exchange than the Euro:

Medieval Times (paper crown, not real hat - and lesser quality) - £48
Arabian Nights in Florida (poor quality show, no souvenir) - £45
Dixie Stampede - £33 (this is in the poorer areas of the US, no souvenir)
Pirate's Dinner adventure show - £45 (no souvenir, very poor quality)
Hoop Dee Doo Revue at WDW - £45 (no horse stunts, no souvenirs)
Polynesian Luau at WDW - £45 (does include fire dancing and a souvenir Lai (flower necklace)
Makahiki Luau at Sea World - £37 (no souvenirs and lower key than the others)

In Europe:

Pirates Adventure Mallorca - £46-£52 (the cheaper one does not include food)
Moulin Rouge - £145-£175

I have been to all of these, and for me, BBWWS is perhaps the very best!

So I reassert, I think BBWWS is very good value.
since 2001 (many before that)


To me, the overpriced rip off at DLP is the princess meal at Auberge de Cindrillon.
since 2001 (many before that)


Davewasbaloo, I see your point,dinner and a big show for £50 , is not too bad!.I think that compared to a day in the park with all the rides and entertainment it seems poor value,and it must be a big add on expense for some people with large family ! Glad though we don't £70 for the theatre in the North !! About £50 is the most we would pay for the best seats,and that is for touring West End shows !


Agreed, it is not cheap, but it is great value. And if I compared it to a day in the park and a meal, BBWWS is still good value.
since 2001 (many before that)


I also wonder what the repeat business is for the show,it hasn't changed for 15 years ,so how many people will pay out each trip to see the same show;as opposed to the park entertainment which at least tends to vary by season and is updated and changed every few years ! I have only been twice despite all my frequent visits to DLRP !
(Davewasbaloo I realise you are the exception to this as you seem to go every trip and love it !!)
I do like the history and links to Paris that the show has,however and in  some way the fact it is one of the original things left in Disney Village since opening !!