Handy Andy's trip report 12th-16th January 2009

Started by Handy Andy, February 23, 2009, 07:36:00 PM

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Handy Andy

Day 1

My wife Julie
My son Thomas (5)
My Sister Kim
The daughter of sister's friend, Samantha
Myself Andy

Early start as we were booked onto the the first Shuttle out of Folkestone. The car had been loaded with luggage the day before and locked in the garage over night. We left home at 4:15 am and picked Kim and Samantha up from a local hotel and then made the drive from one side of Kent to the other. We were quite early and had time for relaxing cup of coffee at the terminal.

The journey through the Channel Tunnel seemed to take a bit longer this year, probably due to the ongoing repairs after the fire. We were soon on the French motorways and having a really good run until we were about 10 mins from the hotel. At this point the SatNav gave me a different route from the one I would usually take. Instead of following the signs for DLRP I followed the instructions for the SatNav which took us down some side roads until we got to the point that the roads didn't exist any more and they were building a brand new housing estate where the road should have been.
The week before there had been a big freeze in the area and the roads had not been not been cleared or gritted. I was just making a turn to get back onto our route when the car decided not go the same way the wheels were pointing. The trouble was although we were only going about 7mph were going to slide into a ditch. The alternative was turn the steering the other way and head for a small boulder (if the car could turn). It was at that point I failed the audition for Moteurs.... action. Luckily the car turned and crunch we hit the boulder.
After checking everybody was OK and inspecting the car (damaged but drivable) we finished our journey and checked in to the Hotel New York or as we call it, our winter residence.

I should point out that my head was still in another place as we left the hotel as I had left my camera in the room.
Into the Disney village and the first thing we did was book dinner for the evening in Cafe Mickey.

We then went to the main park and as soon as we heard the music all thoughts of the accident left our heads, it was time for the fun to begin.

We headed straight to fantasyland and there were no queues at Pinocchio or Snow White so they were the first rides. Next was a ride on Le Carrousel de Lancelot followed by a ride on Dumbo and then The Mad Hatter's Teacups. We then walked straight on to Peter Pan and headed off to Frontierland for rides on Phantom Manor and then Big Thunder Mountain. This was the first time Thomas had been tall enough to ride BTM and he had now found a new favourite ride.

We then headed off to Discoveryland for Space Mountain (for myself and Samantha), Buzz, Star tours and Autopia.

It was then time for dinner so I hurried on ahead of the others, so that I could collect my camera from our room. Here are some photos and a short video from Cafe Mickey. Watch Goofy go.  :D/

Magical Wishes


Now I enjoyed that, apart from the driving mishap obviously :(  Hope the car wasn't too damaged :(
Loved the pics and the dancing characters.
Thanks for sharing =D>

Epcot_Boy :ears:


The Butlin Boy

Great trip report so far, it's a shame about your car, but your photos and video are great. It sounds and looks like you've all had a great time so far. I'm looking forward to the rest :)


Ah it sounds like you had a great time, the pics and video are fab! I looooved the video of Cafe Mickey, i am so excited about finally getting to go to DLRP now after watching that  :D/

Shame about your car though :(


nice start of your report :D ! Bummer about the accident, that sure wasn't a great way to start a magical holiday but glad that you all wee ok. The pictures are great, your son is adorable and I'm looking forward to read the rest of the report :).

Handy Andy

Many thanks for the kind comments. The car wasn't too badly damaged and anyway, it's only metal and fibregalss. The main thing is nobody was hurt.

Day 2

Nice early start and we had plenty of time to fill up with breakfast ready for our first full day. While at breakfast we discussed the plan of action for the day.

After breakfast Samantha and Thomas had their photo taken with Minnie.

Here is a photo from our room, overlooking the ice rink and lake. As you can see the lake was completely frozen. Even where it looks like there is water, there is actually 3 inches of ice underneath.

It was time to wrap up warm and head for Walt Disney Studios.

Straight away it was out with autograph books.

Then off to ride on the Flying Carpets, twice. (We love this ride)


Time to try the 3 new rides at WDS, Crush's Coaster, Cars Quatre Roues Rallye and the Tower of Terror. Julie (wisely) didn't ride ToT and I must admit Thomas and myself were glad to get off. Kim and Samantha loved it.

It was off to Thomas' favourite at WDS. Moteurs....Action. This is Disney's entertainment at it's best. Seen many times but always enjoyed.

After the stunt show it was time for a coffee and a warm up as it was very cold.
Time to do a couple of shows. First Stitch. I didn't think I'd like this but this was hilarious. Especially when Julie was picked to be Stitch's girlfriend and she was promised a chocolate planet. (Which she is still waiting for if you read this Stitch).

After that it was time for Cinemagique. Kim was the only one who had seen this before and again it was really good entertainment.
Unfortunately there was no Animagique or Tram Tours while were there.

Again the cold was starting to get to us and we decided to take a slow walk back to the Hotel via the shops in The Disney Village.

We decided to have dinner at Planet Hollywood and had an enjoyable meal.

After the meal it was back to the hotel for a couple of drinks and a quick character meet before bed.
Magical Wishes


great trip report and pics!! Can't wait to read the rest :)
Sophie \":nemo:\"
follow me on Twitter!!

All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney

The Butlin Boy

Thanks for a fantastic update, I'm glad you all had a great time in the Studios :)


Good trip report. Glad no one was hurt in the car accident.

Looked like fun at Cafe Mickey.
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320


Great second part..........loved the vid =D>

I wonder if the frozen lake had any effect on the carp that are in it? Should be ok I guess :)

Epcot_Boy :ears:



great update :D ! You surely had a nice view from your room, and I also enjoyed the rest of the pics...

Handy Andy

Again I thank you for all the positive responses.

Day 3

Up bright and early as it Extra Magic Hours. The weather was best described as dull, cold and damp, but that wasn't going slow us down. After an early breakfast we wrapped up nice and warm ready to brave the cold.
We bumped into an old friend on our way out.

And into the park with hardly anyone about.

Time for a ride on Le Carrousel de Lancelot.

Then off for a ride on Peter Pan. Did I mention it was cold.

A ride on the Mad Hatter's Teacups. (Thomas wants more effort)

A quick walk to Discoveryland later and a couple goes on Buzz and Samantha and myself had a walk on Space Mountain.

We then had a go on Star Tours.

A railroad trip later and we were in Frontierland, just in time for Mickey's Winter Wonderland. This turned out to be one of the highlights of our trip as Samantha was picked to go on stage to wake up the Country Bears. Luckily I'd was already videoing the show. One of those great memories that will stay with me forever.

Straight after the show there was a meet and greet with Woody at Critter's Corner. (Is it still called that?)

We the headed back to Discoveryland for a ride on Autopia.

We the caught the railroad again and got to Main Street Station just in time to see Mary Poppins. Julie took the photos while I videoed from from the Stairs at Mainstreet Station

Straight after Mary Poppins The Character Express made an appearence.

We then went to Big Thunder Mountain to get fastpass tickets and then to Adventureland for a ride on Indiana Jones. On the way we were ambushed in the jungle.

No time for Indiana Jones as it was time for Mickey and co. to get ready for The Once Upon A Dream Parade. Again another first for us and in my opinion (not that it counts for much) the best regular daytime parade so far. Again Julie took the photos while videoed.

We the went back for our ride on BTM.

We decided to save a few pennies and have a cheapie at McDonalds and then went back to the hotel for the evening.

Magical Wishes


It's strange seeing pics of all the water features of the park iced over. Looks like another great day and it looks like you got to meet lots of characters too.
Next visit to DLP: October 26th
Coaster Count: over 320

The Butlin Boy

Fantastic report so far, I'm really looking forward to the rest :)

Handy Andy

I forgot to put in a video of the day for day 3. So here it is. All Aboard!!!!



Magical Wishes