DLRP Trip Report 04.-07.01.2009 with pictures

Started by ColdSun, January 10, 2009, 11:56:35 AM

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Nice trip report so far. I'm sorry for your problems with the meal plan and with the guest relation.

We had also problems with the guest relation during our last trip in September. The cast member gave us wrong informations about closed restaurants and then we found out that restaurants were open and others that should have been open were closed.

im totally goofy

nice piccies sorry you prob i know its annoying we just found out that when we go in 2 weeks phantom manor,fying carpets and stich live are all closed  :(  :(  :(  i just hope they dont close anything else or there wont be anything left  :)  :)  :)  :)

The Butlin Boy

Another enjoyable read ColdSun, sorry about the whole Inventions fiasco though. I'm really looking forward to the rest :)


DAY 3 06.01.2009

Once again I slept so well. I also slept with earplugs (mom snores :wink: ) and therefore wasn't even disturbed when mom was awake early and decided to actually go to breakfast to have coffee and bring back 2 small chocolate croissants for each of us. I got up at 8:20, ate my croissants, then we got ready and left shortly after 9:00. At first we went to the concierge to reserve our tables for the day. We had decided to have dinner again at The Steakhouse in the Village but since we wanted to see Fantillusion we booked a table for 20:00. For lunch we reserved a table at 11:30 in the Lucky Nugget Saloon so that even though Inventions didn't work out we would still have a meal with Charakters. It would be our first time :D/ . I wanted to check out Hotel Cheyenne because that's the hotel my friend and I will stay at in March so we did that. I must say I am looking forward to stay there (have not stayed there before), it looks very nice and welcoming. We also dropped by Hotel New York to take a closer look at the ice-skating thing and the Christmas Tree. Plus we wanted to check from where the VEA bus would leave because we wanted to take the bus from there and not from Sequoia Lodge in order to make sure we would get a decent place in the front of the bus (as I mentioned before I have a sensitive stomach. I get sick in the bus quite easily.)
At 9:50 we entered the Studios park. I was joking to mom that we would go on Crush's Coaster again but she didn't think it was too funny. But good thing that we had went on there already the day before because the whole time we were in the Studios (until about 11:15) Crush's Coaster was broken und it didn't seem like it would work again soon :? . They really have to figure something out for this attraction! Anyway, as mom and I love the spinning teacups we wanted to try Cars as well and went to queue right away. Unsurprisingly we were among the first group to ride on this day. I must say it is actually more fun than it looked like, the cars pass quite close to each other and it's quite speedy. However, the seats were most likely the most uncomfortable ones I have sat on. Mom sat in the back and already complained about the narrowness of her bench but the bench in front (where I sat) was even narrower. There is absolutely no way that 4 adults would fit in one car even though they show it like that on the security instructions. After being done with Cars we checked the Ratatouille Meet&Greet space again. Nobody was there yet but bound to arrive any minute. Mom decided she would also like to have a picture, preferably with Emile. So we waited around and after about 10minutes delay, a rat came out...and it was Emile indeed. Joy, joy. So mom got her picture and I also got another picture just because the character is so cute and fluffy :P . Next to the Ratatouille M&G are there was a space where Donald would be and I really wanted a picture with him because during my last visits Donald never had had his own area but was always walking around and therefore my pics with him were never really good, there were always tons of pushing children around and Donald never paid attention to me. However, it was still 30minutes to go so we just walked around in the Studios, checked the shops and so on. Then it was shortly before 11:00 and we went to meet Donald. He was actually on time and I was the first in line, so yes, I finally got a picture I'm happy about 8) .
As 11:30 was drawing close we left the Studios and went over to the Disneyland Park. There were huge queues to get inside but it went fairly quickly. We strolled along Main Street and made our way to the Lucky Nugget Saloon. It was still closed but opened its doors soon afterwards and we were among the firsts inside. Got a great place that overlooked everything. The buffet looked nice and as soon as we had ordered our drinks we went to get some food. The starters consisted mostly of salads and the ones I tried were all delicious especially one with rice and shrimps. As for the main dishes, there were lots of food kids like: chicken nuggets, French fries, pizza and so on but also some nice meat, really delicious potato-gratin, fajitas with chilli con carne and last but not least some really tender and well-spiced pork dish that was my favourite during lunch. Also the desert buffet was very nice, especially some yummy ice-cream cakes. But even more interesting than the food were of course the characters. In total we had Eeyore, Goofy, Pluto, the cat from Pinocchio (please someone tell me his name :?: ), Mickey and Prince John. A very good selection I thought. At first we were a bit in doubt if the characters would pay any attention at all to us but it was very well done and they walked around everywhere taking their time and so on. So except from Prince John we got pictures with everyone and everything worked well. I had thought there would be annoying kids following the characters but the parents kept them all in check. It was a really great experience to have a meal in the company of characters, it was much more fun than I ever thought it would be and I would definitely do it again.
After we had stuffed ourselves we went outside and discovered that it was still freezing cold (even colder than the day before) but that the sun was shining and it was a beautifully blue sky. Nevertheless we went into Phantom Manor. I also would have loved to visit Boot Hill but it was closed during our entire trip because the streets were so slippery. Afterwards we went on Buzz again and visited the Dragon before taking another flight with Peter Pan (had gotten a Fastpass after Phantom Manor I think). Then on to Big Thunder Mountain (also with a Fastpass). We got another Fastpass for BTM right after our ride but still had time to kill and because we were so frozen from the wind we decided to go on Buzz again – even went twice because the waiting time was just 10 minutes. There was still time until our BTM ride and we wanted to go on It's A Small World again but on the way there we saw that the Once Upon A Dream parade was starting so we run to the benches in front of the castle stage and I stood on there while my mom found a decent spot beside me on the ground. It was lovely to see the parade again but I think it was also cut short, for example we were missing the Alice-float. The princesses (especially Ariel) looked really frozen and I felt quite sorry for them but I was also happy because I got to see the Beast :oops: . The cutest however was when Timon from Lion King "fell in love" with me. As the float was passing he waved and I waved back and then he just kept looking at me and reaching for me and throwing kisses and so on. The float had already continued on and suddenly I saw him still peaking around a corner and sighing visibly :lol: . It was so cute and hilarious, my mom totally cracked up. I also liked the Christmas additions to the parade and the "Chante, c'est Noel" song is still stuck in my head. When the parade was finished we managed to hop onto It's A Small World before it was time for our BTM Fastpass. I wanted to take some pics during the ride and therefore took of my gloves. Definitely shouldn't have done that, I couldn't move them at all after the right. As a result we went into Phantom Manor again (actually twice in a row) so I could warm up. And surpise, surprise, like our previous ride on that day all the dancing couples worked. I was amazed! However half of them were broken again the next day :roll: . After having a decent body temperature again we decided to pay a visit to the Santa Claus Village. We had seen it on our way to the Mickey's Winter Wonderland show but of course it was much more impressive at night. I especially loved all the noises and just the entire atmosphere. Santa was also home but we didn't visit him, he was busy with some children and he also seemed to have a nasty cough :lol: . Instead we went back to Fantasyland and hopped on the Pinocchio and Snow White rides again. There was still some time before Fantillusion so of course we just had to go on Buzz again, this attraction was really the new-discovery of the trip for us. We then wanted to go back to the benches in front of the Castle stage but we learned from an announcement that Fantillusion had been cancelled. Pity but also understandable because it really was freezing cold. We were really glad that we had seen it on our first day already so the cancellation wasn't too bad. But of course it meant that we still had some time until we could claim our table at The Steakhouse. The shops inside the park were already closing down so we strolled through some shops in the Village. We went to the Steakhouse about 10 minutes earlier but were seated right away. This time we chose different main courses, (starters and desert remained the same) mom ate a steak and I opted for the chicken curry that she had had the day before. Once again it was really good and we left there stuffed and happy. Back in the hotel we dropped our stuff in our room and then went to have a drink in the Redwood Lounge. I absolutely adore that place, it's so cosy especially with the open fireplace. Mom had a Caipirinha and I took a cocktail called Tropical Wood that contained whiskey, coconut juice and some other nice exotic juices. We then went to our hotel shop to buy some presents for people. I also bought 2 little figures of Chip and Dale for myself that were just too cute not to buy and mom bought me a Sequoia Lodge pin (funnily also with Chip and Dale on it) because I had enjoyed the hotel so much. Then it was time to go to sleep once again – for the last time in our extremely comfortable beds in our lovely room.

The Butlin Boy

Another great read ColdSun. I'm looking forward to reading the rest :)


and here comes the final part :)

DAY 4 07.01.2007

And so it was already our last day, thank God there were Extra Magic Hours. So we had breakfast at 7:00 again and once again were the first ones. I must say that having a Montana Room was really worth the extra money. It was so nice to not have to get all tugged up in jackets just to go for breakfast. After breakfast we went back to our room, got our stuff, said goodbye to our lovely beds and then checked out. We dropped our bags at the luggage room and then headed to the park where we arrived at 8:05 so we could use all the available time.
There were just a few people behind us and absolutely nobody in front of us so we got the opportunity to take pictures of the empty Main Street which was impressive :D . Then we went straight to Buzz. The cast members working at the attraction were still chatting outside and we almost felt bad to break up their conversation but two of them went inside with us :lol: . We were really the only ones and wanted to go again which was no problem at all. Same went for Mad Hatter's Teacups and Peter Pan, we also did those twice. Then we had another ride on Pinocchio and then realized we had not really visited the castle properly, so it was about time. We went upstairs to look at the beautiful windows telling the story of Sleeping Beauty and also stood on the balcony for a while. We then went to the City Hall to make sure that the Beast would not be at the Princess Meet&Greet because we wanted to go to the Studios Park again but were afraid that we would miss it then. After all the Beast is a perfect costume for cold weather :wink: . The female cast member was sooooo sweet, even phoned around and was really helpful but unfortunately she informed us that the Beast could only be seen at the parade :| . Too bad.
So we went over to the Studios because we wanted to see another Stitch Live show and luckily the next English one was just on in 2 minutes to we went inside. That one was even more hilarious than the one we had seen before, and Stitch was so cute. After the performance we walked through the Studios some more and considered going on Tower Of Terror. I kinda would have loved to go but my mom chickened out because she was afraid she would feel as bad as she felt after Crush's Coaster. And I was too much of a coward to go alone and so we made our way back to the Disneyland Park :| .
There we got a Fastpass for BTM but as we still had time we managed to go onto Phantom Manor and Buzz for one last time. Then on to BTM where the Fastpass queue was surprisingly long. As a result our time planning got a bit out of control. We actually wanted to eat at Fuente Del Oro because it's our favourite fastfood restaurant at DLRP but when we got in the lines were so huge and so we were afraid that we would miss our bus to the airport. Instead we walked to Victoria's Home Style  Restaurant and shared a croque aux champions and rushed to the Disney Store in the Village. Of course it was hard to leave the park but at least I still have the March trip ahead of me. I picked out a Belle musical-box and a plush Emile in the Disney Store in the Village and then went to our hotel to get our bags before walking to Hotel New York to catch the bus from there. The drive to the airport was surprisingly quick so we actually could have stayed a little longer in the park but one never knows for sure in advance. We checked in and made our way to the gate where we were disappointed by the lack of possibilities to eat. The flight went well but both, mom and I were so very tired.

To sum it up: despite two disappointments a totally great trip with pleasant surprises as well. And I really fell in love with Sequoia Lodge, I think it's my favourite hotel now and I would stay there again in a heartbeat. Can't wait for March now, I'm sure the trip will be as magical as this one.

Thanks for reading!!!


Great trip report ColdSun, thanks for sharing it with us!!

Shame you missed ToT, you'll have to go on it in March!!

Was it nice and quiet when you went to the Castle? I love going up there during the EMH, it's always so quiet, a lot more pleasant! You can really take your time to walk around, admire the tapistries and windows, and the snoring guards...  :D

And did they let you stay in Buzz then? I've never dared asked, don't know why, we always get out and go straight in again...


I loved reading the rest of that Trip Report ColdSun, thanks for sharing.. :D/  :D/  :D/

The Butlin Boy

Thank you for sharing your fantastic trip report ColdSun, I've really enjoyed reading it. I'm glad that you had a great trip too :)


thanks for your sweet comments, everyone :D

Quote from: "never2old"Was it nice and quiet when you went to the Castle? I love going up there during the EMH, it's always so quiet, a lot more pleasant! You can really take your time to walk around, admire the tapistries and windows, and the snoring guards...  :D

And did they let you stay in Buzz then? I've never dared asked, don't know why, we always get out and go straight in again...

Yes, the Castle was superquiet, it was perfect. There was no rushing or pushing, you could hear the snoring guards and stay on the balcony as long as you wanted to without feeling like you are blocking someone else's spot.

About Buzz...we could sort of stay seated. We had to exit our "space cruiser" but then the cast member let us paa through a door and we were right back at the boarding area and could hop straight away. Don't know why we had to exit in the first place if we could then just walk 2 steps and hop on again but I guess they have therir rules to follow as well :).