Trip Report 30.11.08 - 04.12.08 - Day 2 - with pictures

Started by Getyogrooveon, January 14, 2009, 12:00:17 AM

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So after a fitful night tossing and turning (a combination of smaller bed than used to, unable to get room temperature right, noise [from road sweepers at exactly 3.15 every morning] and being incredibly stressed at work currently) we got up and went for breakfast at the Cheyenne. My parents have come with us to Disney twcie before, the first in the Sequoia Lodge, and secondly in the Cheyenne. They detested breakfast in the Cheyenne, because of the niose, the fight for the tables etc. I love it! Some how to be in the Wild West themed restaurant first thing in the morning makes the whole experience that little bit more....

We decided to go back to the Disneyland Park today, even though Tower of Terror was calling (the first Shareholder previews started a couple of days after we came home in 2007 which was gutting).

We did not get into the park until about 10am, but headed straight for Fantasyland none the less in order to "break my daughter Abbey in gently". Whilst she loves the teacups and It's A Small World, last year she did not like any other rides and would not go near the characters (Pluto bounded up to her when she was just over 1 in Café Mickey and really frightened her), so we went firstly on he Carousel:

...and then to her beloved teacups...

...before heaing to It's A Small World, where upon we saw from the queue the 7 Dwarves entering Fantasyland from the big gates. After IASW we headed round to see if Casey Jnr and Storybook Land was open to our surprise and delight not only were they both open but the Dwarves were there too!

Abbey absolutely loved Casey Jnr which we were pleased about as we both wanted her to come on Big Thunder Mountain later in the holiday (her big brother Oliver first went on when he was 4 after much persuasion). Next up, my favorite ride, Pirates of The Caribbean, Abbey was petrified and spent the whole journey with one and over her eyes and one hand on her hat (in case it was blown off!!!!). This picture shows her before going on... such cruel parents...

At this point I should talkabout Pirates. Why is the ride so dark these days? When I first when on back in 2001, you could see the cats on the crates, the winch mechanism pulling up the waterfall, the skeleton drinking the wine. Now you cannot see anything it is so dark in there. I really hope they close Pirates for a good while and give it a really good refurb and restore it to how it was, where you can actually see what it going on. Anyone agree? Anyway, rant over, next up Mickeys Winter Wonderland, still a great show, even after seeing it for 5 years, and I still gasp when Mickey & Minnie come out in their icedance costumes!! :oops:

We decided to head for Au Chalet de la Marionnette for lunch, but took in a cruise on the Molly Brown first, which was somewhat ruined by the enormous numbers of seagulls flying around. We were stood right at the front of the boat, unfortunately for me driectly underneath the mast. From the minute we set off seagulls swarmed us, including one "having an accident" from the top of the mast onto my head, and another landing on my actual head. I couldn't believe half way round some idiot took out a sandwich and started thowing bread in the air. The seagulls went mad and really frightened some of the younger guests. Good to see Old Joe back anyway.

So on to Au Chalet, which was our favorite fast food restaurant in the park...

We couldn't believe the prices! Nearly €12 for an adult meal! I know with the exchange range the way it is everything is expensive, but £12 for a cold tastless burger, fries, coke (50% ice) and a chocolate cake is crazy, and we were wondering round for 20 minutes to find a table whilst my wife queued for 30 minutes to get served!
By now the weather had improved slightly, the rain had gone so we walked from Fantasyland via numrerous shops to the top of Main Street (and played in the snow) and back down ready for the parade.

My favorite place to watch the parade from is between IASW and the arch, opposite to the Pizzeria Bella Notte, where we always get Hot Chocolates from first. OK you don't get to see the stops, but is very uncrowded and you get to see the parade first! However, the queues for the drinks were long so we couldn't cross over so watched the parade from outside the Pizzeria. The parade passed by and the weather turned a little worse. Whilst I love the new parade, I still hanker after the old parade with Chante C'est Noel playing right through...

Next up some time for my son, so off to Discoveryland, for Buzz ("dad you cheated, how can you get that score"), Space Mountain (rough but atleast the music is working this year) and Autopia (so glad this is now open in the Winter) where we we saw the most incredible thing. A girl stalled her car in the outside lane just under the seating area. Rather than waiting for a cast member, she unbuckled her belt, jumped out, and jumped into the car of her friend on the inside lane, who the drove off, leaving the abandoned car where it was with a huge queue of cars behind it. She was so lucky she did not get run over! The castmembers couldn't believe it!

Next back over to Frontierland for a go on Big Thunder Mountain in the dark. First myself and Oliver, then Rachel and Oliver (no queues, so didn't use baby swap). After this both myself and Rachel both agreed we would wait another year before getting Abbey on board! Seems much rougher and faster than before, maybe it was just because it was cold and wet.


We had a look fround Woody's Roundup and posed for some pictures (Father Christmas still too busy) and then headed back for my favorite show, the Candleabration.

We then headed back for a couple more goes on Big Thunder using Fastpasses before heading back for Fantillusion which we watched from our favorite spot, but the rain came back so the photos did not really come out [and the wife was taking them].

Dinner tonight was at Billy Bobs, which was OK, but not up to the par of Agrabah Café and the drinks service was very poor (and i paid €7 for 500ml of 1664 lager which agrrieved me greatly).

It had been a long day so we headed off slowly along the river for bed (via of course the launderette for some ice for that relaxing Brandy).

Another long one! More tomorrow......

"Eveything is automatic - this is Disney" [CM on the rollercoaster simulator in the Studios - Nov 2004]

05.92 Newport Bay
09.01 Santa Fe
11.03 Cheyenne
11.05 Sequoia Lodge
11.06 Cheyenne
11.07 Cheyenne
12.08 Cheyenne
08.10 Saratoga Springs - Walt Disney World
11.10 Cheyenne

Pete's Dragon

Great report, cant wait for more. Loved the photos of the parade.

My little girl also cried during POTC, but not because of the pirates but because of the realy low light levels. They really could do with turning the dimmer switch up a couple of notches.

P.S. They really hae given Old Joe a bright lick of yellow paint  :shock:


great update with even more wonderful pics =D>


I love BTM at night... It really feels faster!!

Great update and brilliant pictures!! Oh, and loved the video of BTM... ah, so many memories... I was almost lifting my arms and yelling along!

Disney Fanatic

What amazing pictures you have.
Love the video of BTM seems like only yesterday I was on it.
Im very jealous of the 7 dwarfs picture as they are my favourite disney Chracters.
Great trip report looking forward to reading the next part
Sequoia Lodge Feb 2004
DCR Feb 2005DCR Feb 2007
DCR Jan 2008
DCR Jan 2009DCR Halloween 2009.......
next trip DCR March 2012


Absolutely fantastic report with some wonderful pictures =D>

Is that the same Seagull that Disney Fanatic photographed? :lol:  Certainly likes the limelight :wink:

Epcot_Boy :ears:


The Butlin Boy

Great report, I've really enjoyed reading it. As for the prices and the lights in POTC, I could't agree with you more. We were there the other week and it was like that then too :? Oh well. I'm looking forward to the rest :)


Another great installment, looking forward to the rest.. =D>  :D

Quote from: "Pete's Dragon"They really have given Old Joe a bright lick of yellow paint  :shock:
Yeah, he did disappear for a while, which was mentioned on another trip report a while back, I'd mentioned that he'd gone to Florida for his holidays, I think...And that was because his home was getting a make over, aswell as himself when he returned.. :lol:  :lol:  :mrgreen:


Great addition to your trip report!! Definitely agree that the light levels have gone down....especially where the cats are floating on the could hardly see them!!
Looks like you all had a fab time! :D  :D
Sophie \":nemo:\"
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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.- Walt Disney