What do you think about the quality?

Started by lil-shawn, December 28, 2008, 12:31:16 PM

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Hey ya Folks,

on my last visit I was really surprised how the quality of Disneyland Resort Paris, from year to year will be worse.
at worst, I found, however, half of the employed, were not able to speak english.
please where is the good quality of the 90s?

so what do you think about the quality of the Disney parks, Disney hotels, the service, the attractions etc?


Interesting question. I think it depends on whether we are talking about DLP vs itself. vs. other Disney parks around the globe. Or vs. non Disney. It is difficult because the original creation of DLP is arguably the best and and most beautiful version of the lands and e-tickets Disney has created in an MK style park. But many things have indeed been in decline.

The easy one, is we know that compared to most places in Europe, the quality of DLP is higher (maybe with the exception of Tivoli Gardens).

Compared to itself, it is variable. I think the parks offer a better overall experience than 50% of the WDW parks (I prefer DLP and WDS to the MK and DHS). Show quality is better than anything in WDW and only Aladdin in DCA beats Tarzan, Lion King, and Mickey's Winter Wonderland. The maintenance of the AA's seem to be better than Florida but worse than California. And the special celebrations get better and better - Halloween, maybe Christmas (but this was better when they had fireworks like in the 90's and early 00's). Restaurant quality has been a roller coaster ride. Counter service food quality has been steadily improving, but DLP has the slowest lines in the Disney universe. The table service is a gamble, sometimes awesome, sometimes not so great. And the proliferation of bland all you can eat buffets annoys me greatly. Consistantly good experiences for the last 17 years have been at the Silver Spur, Steakhouse, Annette's, and Walts (have had bad service here 50% of our 18 or so visits). Buffalo Bill's is still the greatest dinner show Disney has ever created, but the food quality seems to get worse each visit. As for general cast and shopping, difficult. There are some outstanding cast members at DLP and some awful ones. But DLP suffers more than the other resorts for this. WDW and DL have greater consistency, but not the levels of extremes. As for the shopping, it has been getting worse and worse ever since Jay Rasulo started the Disney Parks brand push to sell the same rubbish across the globe. My view of DLP merchandise? Nothing to see here. I would love to spend my money, but most of it is cheap tack. And the hotels. Hmmmmm, with the exception of the DLH, none of the DLP hotels are in the same league as the other Disney resorts around the globe (they used to be).

Now comparing DLP to itself, I have alluded some of my thoughts above. Overall it has been a roller coaster. In 1992, EuroDisneyland as was, the park was the finest in the Disney Canon. Loads of entertainment, themed shopping, craftsmen and artisans throughout the resort, big fireworks, and international cast including many from DL, WDW and TDL. It was awesome. And the place seemed to get better and better culminating with the opening of Space Mountain. Then it started to go down hill and got worse and worse in the early 00's - with some peaks such as WDS, King Ludwig's etc. opening. But overall, maintenance, cast, cleanliness (or lack of), hotel service, everything started spiraling between 2001 and 2006.  Since 2006 I feel like DLP has been on a continual improvement with the 15th Anniversary, the increase in live entertainment again, new attractions in the studios (many very high quality indeed).

But, where the biggest harm has been is with the hotels (the Hotel New York used to be one of my favs in the world - this August, it was not a good experience, especially for the money) and the others offer sub par experiences compared to other Disney hotels and non Disney hotels (the Holiday Inn, Dreamcastle, Marriott etc. all offer much better service at a lesser cost). The Disneyland Hotel is the only one that offers Disney quality service, and at a crazy price! Also the proliferation of buffets, lack of theme consistency in the shops, also drive me a little spare. I also think the reliance on toons and thrills in the last 10 years have hurt the Disney experience greatly (but I do not think many have noticed yet - but they will when their kids become teens).

But WDW is declining at a much worse rate to where I now refuse to go any longer. Disneyland in California is still the epitome, and I am currently saving for a trip to TDL as my Disney pals tell me it most lives up to the old school Disney standards that made me fall in love with the parks.
since 2001 (many before that)


During our three trips to DLRP (last one was in September 08) we had never problems with the CMs. All of them were able to speak English and some could also speak German. The CMs were also always polite and very helpful.

I can only compare DLRP with WDW (we have been there in January 08) and in terms of quality and cleanliness of the parks there was really no difference. I would even say that DLRP's Magic Kingdom is so much better than WDW's MK. Some attractions like Phantom Manor or Star Tours need an update, but all the others are great compared to the MK.
And since the new additions to the Studios the quality of this park improved very much. Now I really like the WDS. They just have to add more attractions and it is a full day park.

The only thing I can complain about is the quality of the Santa Fe Hotel. First I have to say that we like the hotel and it was always nice and clean and we really enjoyed staying there, but compared to the Pop Century Resort at WDW it needs a renovation.


After 51 visits, I cannot wait for visit number 52!
since 2001 (many before that)


hey ya folks,

when I started the topic, I thought primarily to the dlrp.
but of course you can also use the other Disney parks around the world to compare ...

QuoteNow comparing DLP to itself, I have alluded some of my thoughts above. Overall it has been a roller coaster. In 1992, EuroDisneyland as was, the park was the finest in the Disney Canon. Loads of entertainment, themed shopping, craftsmen and artisans throughout the resort, big fireworks, and international cast including many from DL, WDW and TDL. It was awesome. And the place seemed to get better and better culminating with the opening of Space Mountain. Then it started to go down hill and got worse and worse in the early 00's - with some peaks such as WDS, King Ludwig's etc. opening. But overall, maintenance, cast, cleanliness (or lack of), hotel service, everything started spiraling between 2001 and 2006. Since 2006 I feel like DLP has been on a continual improvement with the 15th Anniversary, the increase in live entertainment again, new attractions in the studios (many very high quality indeed).

But, where the biggest harm has been is with the hotels (the Hotel New York used to be one of my favs in the world - this August, it was not a good experience, especially for the money) and the others offer sub par experiences compared to other Disney hotels and non Disney hotels (the Holiday Inn, Dreamcastle, Marriott etc. all offer much better service at a lesser cost). The Disneyland Hotel is the only one that offers Disney quality service, and at a crazy price! Also the proliferation of buffets, lack of theme consistency in the shops, also drive me a little spare. I also think the reliance on toons and thrills in the last 10 years have hurt the Disney experience greatly (but I do not think many have noticed yet - but they will when their kids become teens).

So here I must agree with dave.

that is exactly what I meant, in the 90s and early 00ern was dlrp one of the best Disney parks around the world.
But now, from year to year, the magic is lost, do not understand me wrong, I love Disney and will always walk in the park.

dlrp must simply go back to its beginnings and the quality, to what is expected. okay so I understand that there is much work to continually provide top quality. but there are people who let their children in the gardens pee, or a queeline which exists only 2 years, and already looks so corrupt.


The first time I have been to DLRP was in 2000 with my parents (2006, 2007, 2008 I have been with my girlfriend) and we didn't stay on property. We have visited DLP just for two days, the rest of the week we have spent in Paris. So I don't really know how the quality of DLRP was in the 90s and the early 2000s, because I can hardly remember my first trip, the only thing I remember is that the park was very, very crowded.

At that time I was not a big Disneyland Fan and so I didn't pay attention to details. Disneyland was just an amusement park for me and I just enjoyed the two days. I fall in love with DLRP during my second visit in 2006 and since then the quality is always excellent for me.

When we decided to go to WDW I have read many books and forums about WDW. All claimed that WDW is better and that the CMs are more polite than in Paris, that the parks are cleaner than in Paris, that American visitors behave better than Europeans, and so on.

There I have realized that there is really no difference between these two resorts and as I said in my previous post, DLRP is much better in terms of quality, but that's just my opinion.

I don't know Disney's quality standards of the 90s, but if it was better than now, it would be great to experience the "Disney Magic" of the 90s again.


Quote from: "dagobert"I don't know Disney's quality standards of the 90s, but if it was better than now, it would be great to experience the "Disney Magic" of the 90s again.

Well I agree that I would rather go to DLP than the MK in WDW. But DLP quality in the 1st few nears were absolutely amazing. And sadly, so many DLP fans do not know what they have been missing.

I grew up going to DL every 6 weeks or so from 1974 to 1986. I have been to WDW a few times over the years too. But when I went to the opening of EDL April 12th 1992, it blew me away. And it just kept getting better but the debts meant they had to cut, slash and burn. Slowly we are getting some of that quality to return, but it is not what it once was.

But I am very optimistic. This summer showed me DLP is getting back on form and I hope it continues (our trip in October shows it is). It worries me though that on other forums, I have been reading a lot of negative reviews over December, but I am hoping this is just because Brits have been feeling the impact of the Euro differential.
since 2001 (many before that)


I have to agree with Davewasbaloo,when DLRP opened in '92 it was amazing,I remember the shopping especially being fantastic,individual products sourced from all over the world that you could not find anywhere else,craftsmen in the stores etc.Now sadly it is bland and boring,nothing excites me anymore in the stores,the same bars of chocolate and plush toys in every shop it seems !! I am sure if they varied the products they would sell more items,I don't have to have a Disney logo on everything I buy,and in fact don't want it ! I find dining is a real hit or miss ,restaurants people rave about we have had terrible meals and service in,and v.v. but the standards have improved lately but still nothing like the first few years when they had lots of money and staff to put into the park.Lets hope that the sell out Christmas season is a good sign for profits  and they can put some of that wow factor back !


Well..........let me see :-k

Before my first visit to DLRP in 2002 I had been to WDW 7 times from the early 1990's. Although everybody told me I was wasting my time going to DLRP after visiting WDW, I tried it anyhow. Well, I fell in love with DLRP and for several other reasons too I have since then always aquired my Disney Park Fix from DLRP (Although California does beckon :) ).
On the whole I think DLRP has kept up the Magic since my first visit.........but there are 3 points where I think there has been a decline..
Firstly, the quality and service of their onsite hotels has seriously declined. The Disneyland Hotel does maintain an excellent service, but the cost is absolutely appalling, and in my opinion cannot be justified, captive audience or not :(  I also think that the budget hotels, the SF and HC, are also over priced and are in need of a lick of paint. I will be staying at the Sequoia Lodge in March but only because I got a good deal for my stay, but for my summer visit I will be staying at the Radisson mainly because I do not believe that the price they are asking for the Disney Hotels can be justified in the Summer.
Secondly......I am extremely unhappy with the move during the summer to AYCE buffets at the Resort Hotels. I really think there is no need for this.....it simply cuts down on places where fine dining can be had..........and as much as I love the Parks I do like to have a nice and tasty meal in the evening......it's part of the experience for me.
Thirdly......and most seriously to me.........the cleanliness of the Parks is seriously in decline. On my last summer visit, I was apalled at the cleanliness of the toilets (Bathrooms), they were simply disgusting. I can appreciate how difficult it can be to keep them clean when the parks are busy.........but if they are struggling to cope then they should employ more people. There can be no excuse for filthy toilets, especially when they are being used by children.
However........it has to be said.......I still love DLRP, and could not think of any other place where I would like to spend my holidays. No DLRP will certainly continue to receive my hard earned money :wink: on a regular basis..........but they need to be careful.......not everybody adores the place in the same way as we on this forum do =D>
So yes.......I think there has for me been a slight decline since my first visit in 2002.........but I think my concerns can be easily overcome :)

Epcot_Boy :santa:



I agree with you Epcot Boy on the toiletts. They are in such a bad condition. During our last trip in Setember you couldn't use the restrooms near the "Au Chalet De La Marionette Restaurant". There was such an awful smell and most of the toiletts weren't working.

We had dinner at this restaurant and it was really terrible to eat there with all the smell, so we had to find a better place.

In terms of clenliness there was no difference between DLRP and WDW.

Hopefully it will get better again.


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Interesting question. I think it depends on whether we are talking about DLP vs itself. vs. other Disney parks around the globe. Or vs. non Disney. It is difficult because the original creation of DLP is arguably the best and and most beautiful version of the lands and e-tickets Disney has created in an MK style park. But many things have indeed been in decline.

The easy one, is we know that compared to most places in Europe, the quality of DLP is higher (maybe with the exception of Tivoli Gardens).

Compared to itself, it is variable. I think the parks offer a better overall experience than 50% of the WDW parks (I prefer DLP and WDS to the MK and DHS). Show quality is better than anything in WDW and only Aladdin in DCA beats Tarzan, Lion King, and Mickey's Winter Wonderland. The maintenance of the AA's seem to be better than Florida but worse than California. And the special celebrations get better and better - Halloween, maybe Christmas (but this was better when they had fireworks like in the 90's and early 00's). Restaurant quality has been a roller coaster ride. Counter service food quality has been steadily improving, but DLP has the slowest lines in the Disney universe. The table service is a gamble, sometimes awesome, sometimes not so great. And the proliferation of bland all you can eat buffets annoys me greatly. Consistantly good experiences for the last 17 years have been at the Silver Spur, Steakhouse, Annette's, and Walts (have had bad service here 50% of our 18 or so visits). Buffalo Bill's is still the greatest dinner show Disney has ever created, but the food quality seems to get worse each visit. As for general cast and shopping, difficult. There are some outstanding cast members at DLP and some awful ones. But DLP suffers more than the other resorts for this. WDW and DL have greater consistency, but not the levels of extremes. As for the shopping, it has been getting worse and worse ever since Jay Rasulo started the Disney Parks brand push to sell the same rubbish across the globe. My view of DLP merchandise? Nothing to see here. I would love to spend my money, but most of it is cheap tack. And the hotels. Hmmmmm, with the exception of the DLH, none of the DLP hotels are in the same league as the other Disney resorts around the globe (they used to be).

Now comparing DLP to itself, I have alluded some of my thoughts above. Overall it has been a roller coaster. In 1992, EuroDisneyland as was, the park was the finest in the Disney Canon. Loads of entertainment, themed shopping, craftsmen and artisans throughout the resort, big fireworks, and international cast including many from DL, WDW and TDL. It was awesome. And the place seemed to get better and better culminating with the opening of Space Mountain. Then it started to go down hill and got worse and worse in the early 00's - with some peaks such as WDS, King Ludwig's etc. opening. But overall, maintenance, cast, cleanliness (or lack of), hotel service, everything started spiraling between 2001 and 2006.  Since 2006 I feel like DLP has been on a continual improvement with the 15th Anniversary, the increase in live entertainment again, new attractions in the studios (many very high quality indeed).

But, where the biggest harm has been is with the hotels (the Hotel New York used to be one of my favs in the world - this August, it was not a good experience, especially for the money) and the others offer sub par experiences compared to other Disney hotels and non Disney hotels (the Holiday Inn, Dreamcastle, Marriott etc. all offer much better service at a lesser cost). The Disneyland Hotel is the only one that offers Disney quality service, and at a crazy price! Also the proliferation of buffets, lack of theme consistency in the shops, also drive me a little spare. I also think the reliance on toons and thrills in the last 10 years have hurt the Disney experience greatly (but I do not think many have noticed yet - but they will when their kids become teens).

But WDW is declining at a much worse rate to where I now refuse to go any longer. Disneyland in California is still the epitome, and I am currently saving for a trip to TDL as my Disney pals tell me it most lives up to the old school Disney standards that made me fall in love with the parks.

Same here. It think it took exactly this stages:

1992-1994 very very high standard (You had even table service for breakfast at NPBC without buffet)
1994-2000 high disney standard all wonderful clean and nice
around 2000 till 2006 declining of standards to something that was very shocking for long time visitors but first time visitors won´t see it
since 2007 again better standards step by step but not the same level.

For example: My parents visited the park 2007 after a break of 6 years. They were shoked about the cleaness level of the resort. All I could say was that it is was much better then 2006.
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


QuoteI agree with you Epcot Boy on the toiletts. They are in such a bad condition. During our last trip in Setember you couldn't use the restrooms near the "Au Chalet De La Marionette Restaurant". There was such an awful smell and most of the toiletts weren't working.

We had dinner at this restaurant and it was really terrible to eat there with all the smell, so we had to find a better place.

In terms of clenliness there was no difference between DLRP and WDW.

Hopefully it will get better again.

yeah i have to argee with the toiletts what i saw back in 2007, but this year on december all the toiltts was very clean...
with the smell i have to argee too, the badest was in buzz lightyear, i stand long time in the quee and when i was entering the building i fall backwards, the smell was to extreme.

the other thing, what for me is really dissapointing are the tickets, why they changed the nice and good plastic cards to these bad paper cards, why they don´t make it like in wdw, the hotel guests get a plastic card with ur name on it, it is ur room key, ur entree ticket, and ur hotel pass in one... the regular guests without a hotel stay get the normal paper tickets...

but after all, dlrp is a higher quality park than other parks in europe, they have to top it, they have to be the best park in europe and the best disneypark around the world...


I like the plastic cards better, too. I have some from my first trip in 2000. When did they change the tickets? Was it when they opened the second park? I don't understand it, because at WDW they have these plastic tickets, too. There, it is also your roomkey and I think you can also use it for paying.

I would prefer that Euro Disney would use the money for renovation of the restrooms, instead of using it for new decorations or bad new attractions.


Just a comment on toilets - we visited again during w/c 15th December 2008.

We found that generally all toilets were clean, and a lot of the time there was an CM present to clean them.    

Having visited previously each year since 2004 this was the best we'd seen them.



Quote from: "ICHAPMAN"We found that generally all toilets were clean, and a lot of the time there was an CM present to clean them.    

Having visited previously each year since 2004 this was the best we'd seen them.

That was my general impression aswell during our trip last summer. But maybe I was just lucky haha.  :wink: