Dlrp Tomorrow!

Started by Jake, October 11, 2008, 09:35:34 PM

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It is my birthday today, had a lovely meal lastnight 25 of my friends.
Today went into town bought some stuff with my money,
then went out for a meal with my family.
My mum handed over a gold envolope that contained a letter nicely decorated with disney character pictures that i had to read out to my younger brothers and sisters,
explaining how we would be going off to Disneyland Paris at 6am tomorrow morning!
I am extremelty excited as you can imagine, and look foward to posting my trip report! :D


First of all happy birthday Jake and second hope you have a great time in DLRP :D/  :D/
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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Happy Birthday !
Lucky having your suprise trip like this  :D
Cant wait to read the report  :wink:


Happy Birthday!! and...I hope you have a fantastic trip to DLRP!!!  :mrgreen:  :D/  :mrgreen:
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"


Happy Birthday.

What a great surprise. I wish my wife would do something like that, but she's not too keen on Disney and would never happen.

Look forward to a trip report when your back

The Butlin Boy

Happy Birthday, I'll bet your face was a picture when you read that letter :wink: I hope you had a great birthday, and that you have a great holiday too :)


Oh sorry, a happy belated birthday to you :mrgreen:! Hope you had a good time!
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


I am back home finally after a long coach journey back to Cardiff.
DLRP was great and had a enjoyable time, as always!

Will do a trip/photo report soon :)


Awsome photograph I'm looking forward to the trip report  :mrgreen:
"I could be the Alice to your Wonderland"

The Butlin Boy

I'm glad you had a great trip Jake, I can't wait to read your trip report :)


Your back, cant wait for the trip report.
And my presents  :P  Thanks !
That photo of you and the pumpkin is so nice  :)


Happy Belated Birthday Jake  :D/  :D/  :D/

Though I don't remember seeing your name at the bottom of the Birthday Section on that particular day [Sat 11th Oct]. Mmmmmmm, never mind.. :mrgreen:

Love the photo, really Halloweenie... :D/

Looking forward to your Trip Report with some more piccies... :wink:  :D