DLRP 16.08.2008

Started by nathalie, September 07, 2008, 10:11:29 AM

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In the beginning of July we recieved the Envie+, with the folder where you could take 5 people with you for 15€/each if you have a season pass.

I called my family, to ask if my parents and little sister wanted to come.
En maybe my uncle, he always once wanted to go there.

My boyfriend thought it'd be easier then to rent a mini-van.
His kids would go to then.  For 15€/each was perfect, hehe.
(he has 2 little boys, ages 7 & 8 )

Eventually my parents weren't going anymore (my dad refused to go to Paris, haha), my uncle couldn't anymore because of his work, so we asked my boyfriend's boss and his girlfriend.
But they didn't went eather.  They wanted to, but things happened...

So finally, a collegue of my boyfriend went along, with his wife and kid, and a friend of their kid.

Saturday morning, August 16th, 2008

About 5am the alarm went off.
Untill now, we had never had my boyfriend's kids with us to sleep over (they live with his ex-girlfriend) so we wouldn't know how it would go if they'd had to wake up so early.
Fortunatly, he woked them up, and they jumped out of bed, hehe.

Our biggest fear was that the car wasn't gonna make it.
(we were able to get the car from my boyfriend's boss as we don't have a car ourselves)
Quite an old car, and lately was giving 1 problem after the other.

So about 5.30am we left to put some more fuel in.
And wauw, we payed like 25€ and we did about 700km with it :o
With our previous trip, I payed like 75€ for the same amount of km's.
Old and rusty, but very cheap car ^_^ hehe

Then, off to the highway Kortrijk (Belgium) / Lille (France).
We live in Ghent, and it's "only" a 3-hour drive to DLRP :D
First stop: another gas-station, to pick up his collegue and drive up there together.

6.29am, somewhere in France.

By Charles De Gauilles, a plane was just passing over the runway.

We stopped twice on the road for something to eat/drink.
Once took the wrong way.
We wanted to take a last stop at a gasstation for a drink.  But my boyfriend kept driving on the right lane, but he needed to be on the left lane (I told him, haha) and we ended up driving off the highway.
Quite some detour to get back on track  :?
Nothing as nice as highways in Belgium ^_^ You can get up and off everywhere in no time.

Around 9.20am we finally arrived at the park.

And about 10am we were at the entrance.
Boyfriend's collegue, we never saw again that day after we got them their tickets, so it was just the 4 of us all day.

We started going to WDS first, for the stuntshow, which would start at 11.15am

When we entered, first there was this parade.
Cinema parade.

My boyfriend and his kids then wanted to do into ToT.
So we went and got fast passes, and did Tram Tours and Cars in the meantime.
Cars just stays so much fun, haha :D

With it being already 1pm, we decided not to use the fast passes for ToT, but to go to the other park, since there is a lot more to do there.

So we went to the exit, by going through that big store.
But then I came across something I wanted, hehe, and it took ages for them to help us :?
It was a pin, which was in one of those glass boxes at the cash-registers, and the CM needed to get someone to get it out and make the bill, etc...

The boys then needed to go the bathroom really bad, and the closest ones were going back into the park itself.
So in the end, we only needed to wait 5 more minutes for the fast passes from ToT, so they went and did it.
I didn't, I don't like things like that.
Not knowing when to fall and all that (even though you're going up, haha).

My boyfriend's a cab driver (so if you ever need one in Ghent  :P ), and this seemed like a nice one for his boss to get, haha.
(Tram tours)

And he also loves Cadillacs.  He used to drive one himself.

Suddenly it was so much later...  :o

And around 3pm we went to the other park.
When we entered, the Mary Poppins show had just ended.

First, we did Buzz.
We wanted to go for something to eat at Videopolis, to see The Lion King show while eating, 'cause the boys were hungry, but then we passed Buzz and did that first as the line wasn't so long.
But boy, soooooo sloooooow, it just wouldn't move  :|
Once passed the fast pass row, it went really fast.

Both our pics, none of the kids are visible, haha.
And points, mine (right) boyfriend (left).
I totally stink at it, haha.

Then, off to eat something.
After that, we did Star Tours, only 15 minute que.
When we got out, a 50 minute que, so we went in just on time.
When we were in the cabine, the youngest yells "cooooool" !!!
Everyone looking ... haha.

By It's a small world.

For Pirates, the waiting line was over an hour, so we went on to something else.
We knew in advance though that the lines would be so much, sunny weather and all, but the boys wanted to do something, so we went looking for something with a smaller line.
Phantom Manor, 15 minutes, hehe.

With intrusions...
Every minute the ride stopped, and we heard that evil spirits were at play...

Then we wanted to go to BTM.
But when we got out of Phantom Manor, we saw one of the trains standing still right on the hill, with a CM.
Intrusion nr. 2

The boys, trying to pull out the sword.
(or at least, 1 of them is trying, haha)

We managed to miss The Lion King show 3 times.
First by going into Buzz, then when I didn't find a way out from the parade that was passing, and the 3rd time when the theater was already full.

I'm so bad at parades, I've been there 8 times now, and never seen 1 complete *shame* (apart from Fantillusion).
Once apon a dream parade.

Intrusion nr 3 was about 8.30pm at Space Mountain?
Don't know what was going on, but suddenly everyone walked in through the fast pass entrance?

Later that evening we finally managed to see The Lion King show (the one from 9pm), row 4th, hehe.
And I got to film it, so I'm totally happy :D
I'm a huge Lion King nut (= freak, haha) since 1994.
A screenshot from my video.

He did that alot, looking right at me o_O

When we just missed the 8pm show, we decided just to wait, and then around 8.30pm we went in the line.
Doing a ride at that time wasn't possible anymore anyways.  Even at such late hour, waiting lines were 55+ minutes :?

Autopia by night.
(Which turned out to be Buzz by night, can't believe I got it wrong, was conviced it was Autopia, haha, till someone pointed it out to me)

Afther The Lion King, we went to Main Street, to find a place for Fantillusion.
Wow !!
Seems like you already have to be there like 2 hours in advance for a nice spot?
We were there an hour in advance, and across the street lines were piling up to like 6 - 7 people behind each other.
And that evening they were very strict about your legs/feet being on the street.
Which they totally weren't 2 weeks later, like they didn't care.
(we went again 2 weeks later, hehe)


I wanted to film it (ended up having only about 5 minutes), so I asked my boyfriend to take pictures.
And he's like: no, I can't, not without flash, bla bla ... (hehe)
And most of his pictures, for his first time in the dark, are so much better than mine  :o  haha.
Guess he has a steadier hand then me, hehe.

We were supposed to stay for the fireworks (a reason we went back 2 weeks later, lol), but the boys couldn't handle it anymore, so after Fantillusion we decided to go home.
Saw an light flash of twice, hehe while walking to the parking lot.

On the way back, can't remember a thing, haha, fell asleep.
And Sunday morning around 2.45am we were back in Ghent.

Om 2h45 zondagmorgen waren we weer in Gent.

Got loads more pictures, which are >> here <<

Also another reason for going back 2 weeks later...
I've been totally stressed the past months, lots of things have happened, mainly bad  :(
And I thought DLRP would do me some good, but at the end of the day, it didn't really ... :|
Didn't had so much fun, like it should.

But 2 days after we got back, I finally got work (was looking for work for about 1,5 years), so we had something to celebrate aswell :D + our 1 year anniversary, hehe.

That report will follow within the next days ^_^


wow that was a big report :D

You got some good pics as well :)

Upcoming Holidays

Past Holidays
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Sequoia Lodge
5th - 12th October 2008 - Santa Fe | My Trip Report]http://bit.ly/cCy0r0[/url] | My Trip
Photos: //http://bit.ly/bFHtog
Feb. 2012 - Florida - Radisson Hotel Orlando-Lake Buena Vista


Sounds like you had a great time and your photographs are brilliant!

Can't wait to hear and see more!!

Aveen xx
Luv Aveen xoxo


Thanks  :D

(can you all see the pics though?  I'm starting to see red crosses  :? instead of the picture)


Great report!! love your photos!

in answer to you question I too am just seeing red crosses ... if you right click and choose the "show" option it should work??...
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]


No, tried that ...

That's odd, they worked this morning after I posted it  :(
I checked the links, they all seem fine.

And about the "big report", bigrossco, I always do them like that, easier for me to remember the day, and I like to read them again once in a while ^_^


Have you moved the files? or deleted them?

listen to me, I don't have a clue lol
5th Anniversary - Hotel Santa Fe
Christmas 06 - The Kyraid Hotel (extended vistit <!-- s]



no, I just checked the link at the bottom of the post, they are all still visible on my fotopic account

very odd ...

Well, just imagine the pics for a few minutes with the text, and then afterwoods you can spot them in the photo-album, lol


Nice report Nathalie, with nice photo's, well the ones I could see.  Having the same problems as the others... :(