Tower of Terror Competition Prize Blowout - The BAD

Started by king_spoon_ian, August 26, 2008, 05:44:54 PM

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I know this is probably going to make me out to be a complete moaning ninny, but there were several things I noticed during my holiday that have been frustrating me for years, that I thought I ought to vent. I guess it's probably not just me who's annoyed by these completely illogical things, but I guess we'll soon see.

1) Roping areas off.

Does anyone remember when this never used to happen? Now, when the fireworks start, entire areas get roped off ages before the thing starts - Adventureland's shut off, as well as Fantastyland. It just seems like cost cutting rather than for safety reasons.

It's the same whenever there's a parade, or anything else going on. All the little back routes - and sometimes the main ones are blocked off. We tried to get to Discoveryland from Fantasyland, I think it was, but the one route was roped off. We were advised that there's no way round - other than going through each of the other three lands to get there. Why do they do this?

2) Lack of Disney Express.

I know this'll paint me as completely ungrateful - but believe me, I really appreciate winning the prize. I just thought that Disney would have included their own service on the prize, or at least given us the option to add it in. For some reason, we didn't get the Disney Express service, and as such, had to lug our luggage from the Eurostar station to the hotel.

3) If Autopia's so popular, why do you so rarely see it running at full capacity? It's usually only got one track on, and even then they open it incredibly late. I understand it costs more, but when you've got 75 and 90 minute queues, doesn't it make more sense to open it earlier?

4) Why is the French language, which comes through the speakers, always so much louder than the various headset translations on the rides? Honey I Shrunk The Audience is just about manageable - you can just about hear the translation over the top of it, but in the Art of Disney Animation, you can't hear a thing the translated dub's saying through the headset, as the volume in the cinema is so very loud.

5) In five years of going to Sequoia Lodge, we've only had a room with air condition that worked once - and then it wasn't a lake view room. Has anyone managed to have a lake view room at Sequoia Lodge with air conditioning that works? Maybe it's just our bad luck!

I'll post the other moans when they come back to me. I guess if you've got anything you want to get off your chest about the Disney experience, feel free to post it below.


I find the studios park worse for roping off, well it was before crushes, cars and ToT was built, as far as I know there is no way of getting from one side to the other!

My travel agent said on our last trip that because we using the indirect Eurostar service, changing to a TGV train in Lille, we wouldn't qualify for the express luggage service. But when we checked in at Waterloo the CM gave us the luggage tags and we used the service no problem. I assume that you also used the Eurostar as you said you came from the station to the hotel, so you should have received the service. I'm sure that if you didn't get the tags you could always go up to the express desk and ask for the service.
On traveling back, the hotel staff will be happy to give you the luggage tags for the service, as they gave us extra ones for the extra bags we had filled during the trip.
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge