Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains

Started by nathan.jackson, July 18, 2008, 12:47:15 PM

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I recently watched Snow White ATSD and I realised that the ride only focuses on the bad parts of the film! I have always found Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains to be very scary even as a 16 year old! Things constantly jumping out at you and Queen/Old Hag appearing at every corner giving you a heart attack everytime! And whenever you are near the exit of the ride there are always crying or obviously terrified kids coming out!

I know that it is supposed to be through the eyes of Snow White but its hardly a pleasant ride!

Is it just me ( :oops: ) or is this ride slightly over dark?


I have to agree with you that it is one scary ride. It terrified me when I was 2 (so much that I wanted to leave the park and felt too scared to go on other similar rides like Pinocchio etc (thankfully my mum made me stay)) and it still scares me now i'm 18! My friend and I scream everytime one of those trees looms over you. It's giving me the heebie-jeebies just thinking about it!
Yo ho, Haul together, hoist the colours high
Heave ho, thieves and beggars, Never shall we die!


This ride scared my daughter (6) so much that even now when we even go past the entrance to the ride on the way to somewhere else, she grabs my hand and runs from it as fast as she can  :shock: .


ford prefect

In its defence my 3and a half year old and eighteen month old son and daughter each loved it!!!

My daughter (18months) loved pirates as well, until the big drop!
enjoy yourself, it\'s later than you think!


Quote from: "nathan.jackson"I recently watched Snow White ATSD and I realised that the ride only focuses on the bad parts of the film! I have always found Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains to be very scary even as a 16 year old! Things constantly jumping out at you and Queen/Old Hag appearing at every corner giving you a heart attack everytime! And whenever you are near the exit of the ride there are always crying or obviously terrified kids coming out!

I know that it is supposed to be through the eyes of Snow White but its hardly a pleasant ride!

Is it just me ( :oops: ) or is this ride slightly over dark?

The ride is based on the original Snow White's Scary Adventures at Disneyland in California. For some reason the Paris verion was just called Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains and the word "scary" was not included. It was probably another tranlation issue. :roll: In my opinion the word "scary" should be included just to give people a hint it might, just might, be scary! But I'm not sure how that could be said in French. :lol:


Quote from: "RnRCj"For some reason the Paris verion was just called Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains and the word "scary" was not included. It was probably another tranlation issue. :roll: In my opinion the word "scary" should be included just to give people a hint it might, just might, be scary! But I'm not sure how that could be said in French. :lol:
Les Aventures Effrayant de Blanche-Neige?

Yeah, I've always found it strange how the attraction is just called Blanche-Neige. With the new park map that doesn't have descriptions for anything other than the big thrills, most non-French people won't have a clue what Blanche-Neige et les Sept Nains means, since they don't translate it like they do with say HISTA.


Quote from: "Baloo"Les Aventures Effrayant de Blanche-Neige?

I like that! Any non-speaking-french-peep with half a brain can work out that Effrayant must be something to do with frightened!


Well the animated movie is very dark as well, probably one of the most dark of all Disney animated movies.  A whole bunch of obscure paintings and movies (including Metropolis) from those days were the inspiration for the animators.  I definitely recommend looking out for a copy of the book "Il était une fois Walt Disney".  I'm not sure if there are English copies, but it has a lot of pictures in it never the less.


When I first went, as an 8-year old, I was SO scared too ;) I was crying from the moment, we went into the queens castle, to snow white appears at the end;) but the worst part of this is, because of some technical issues, it stopped in the middle of the forest scene;) I was so scared, and had nightmares about it for days;) but today it is one of my favourite rides, and I allways end up riding it at least 2 times a day, when I'm at DLRP :D
It\'s just like we dreamed it
As far as I can see
It\'s just like we dreamed it
As good as good can be
And I know it\'s so much better
\'Cause we dreamed it up together
Just like we dreamed it, to life! Magically...


Annual passport holder! FANTASY!


Quote from: "nathan.jackson"Is it just me ( :oops: ) or is this ride slightly over dark?

No, it's not just you. I remember going on the ride for the first time when I was 9 (and believe me, I was a total whimp - I didn't even dare to go into Phantom manor at that point!) expecting some fairytale-magic à la Peter Pan. It ended with me covering my eyes basically the whole ride.
Now when I'm in the parc and the lines are not too long I usually go once just for the sake of it. And last time the witch in the boat coming out of the tunnel still made me jump a bit :lol: .


Will have a go tomorrow to see if it still frightens me!!


I first went on this ride at 18 years old with 3 friends the same age and I have to say we all found it really scary and we were even more scared when our cart stopped and didn'nt move for 3 or 4 minutes and we thought we were trapped as it was near the end of the day!  :shock:

Actually I haven't went on the ride since!  :P  I wasn't really expecting it to be scary and maybe it would be a good idea if they changed the sign to say the Scary adventures of snow white as that would mean teh ride made more sense lol. I have to say i am not a big fan of the pinochio ride either, did it twice though, love the painting of the blue fairy on the wall at the end.

Luv Aveen xxx
Luv Aveen xoxo


Oh the forest scene in the Snow White ride is horrible! It scares me every time still, and I'm 23! :lol: Obviously I would never skip this ride cos it's a classic, but I was still jumping in the forest bit 2 weeks ago.... Oh and when the door opens and the Old Hag's there! *shudders*... The Pinocchio ride is terribly dark as well, especially the shadow scene with Lampwick turning into a donkey, and the bit when you go into the cage!  :shock:



1st time i went on this (as a 27 year old!  :wink: ) i actually screamed at the bit with the witch, tho i have to say that this was to much amuzment of the kids in front of me! lol. It does seem a little dark for a childs ride, but then i guess the film is quite dark too as others have mentioned.