Toy Story Playland (General discussion)

Started by Kristof, August 06, 2008, 01:37:16 AM

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I totally agree with you RnRCj.

It's even worse that TSPL is also built in Hong Kong. There it is built in the Disneyland park. Can you imagine to have these rides in our Disneyland Park??


OK - I have resolved to say nothing more about TSPL. After I´ve been told that I´m too negative the last time, I just wanted to wait until its finished. But I can´t hold up anymore!

BOAH - this thing is: ugly, a brass, disappointing, upsetting, bungling, rubbish, a waste of time, trash, uncreative and far behind everything Disney stands for!

I can´t say what predominates more: My anger or my sad dissappointment.

Its against everything Walt ever wanted to see in Disneyland.
Its against every Imagineering pholisophie
It has no storyline
It has a bad themeing
It has a worse capacity
Its far behind the concept of a Weenie... more
It destroys everything that could have get a weenie cause it destroys the skyline

Quote2. There are 4 parks at WDW, so they have the space to build appropriate attractions where ever they want, they wont have to cram everything into one little 'extra' park. The biggest problem with WDS is the space, and I think that will always haunt them.

Why doesn´t WDS have enough space? Uhhhh - ever had a look at Google Earth?

QuoteWether you personally like the rides or not, this will get a massive thumbs up from the majority of family groups to the Studio's as they'll now be able to spend a whole day there, instead of just a few hours

Thats exactly the wrong attitude! Maybe...maybe it will let guest stay longer in the park. But with this cheap quality attractions Disney injures themselves. The more they cut down high quality attractions, the more people don´t need to come to a DisneyPark! Why should families pay a huge amount of money for a flight, expensive hotels and expensive tickets ... if they can get this kind of cheap attractions at their home holiday park?
[size=150]Let\'s put the Walt back in Disney![/size]



Quote from: "Martyn"
QuoteApparently we have different expectations when it comes to Disney attractions?
QuoteBut it's still not good enough. This is Disneyland here - not some amusement park attempting a dark ride.

I think the fact that MM & PW were built in the first place goes to show that times have changed, and you need to adjust your expectations to that. So with that in mind, Crush is a much better ride for WDS than MM & PW .

We don't have to adjust our expectations after 50 years of Disney themepark design. Tickets for Disney parks haven't become cheaper either over the years, so why should we allow Disney not to live up to their previous higher standards? Even cheap off the shelf rollercoasters like Indiana Jones were very well themed. Luckily they still seem to get it right most of the time, but sometimes they don't (Primeval Whirl or Mullholland Madness for example.)

By the way, no one ever argued that Crush is better then Mulholland Madness and Primeval Whirl, so why are we even comparing them? You are comparing Crush to these two attractions at Paradise Pier and Dinoland USA, so ofcourse Crush's Coaster looks better then that, not much of a surprise. But how does Crush hold up to Raging Spirits (2005) for example? In the last decade, Disney built and designed some very good rides aswell, let's not forget that. But attractions like the ones you mentioned or Toy Story Playland worries me al lot. I don't really get why we are comparing a Disney attraction from post-Eisner (Crush-2007) to Mulholland Madness and Primeval Whirl (late 90s-2001). Thanks to people like John Lasseter we should have higher expectations then 10 years ago.


I love how Anthony justs posts the picture of the construction and then leaves, like a zookeeper throwing meat into the lion's cage ;) :P

I'm pretty sure (not certain, don't want to have to eat my words in future) that this won't affect the appearance of the Boulevard, we can't judge from the picture that we have seen, it's too high of an angle to make a proper judgement there.  It's a shame that we'll be able to see it from outside the park, but that view has already been runied by Tower of Terror, so i'm not complaining.

Also, it was commented earlier that WDS has too many childrens attractions, personally i feel we don't have enough.

QuoteLet's have a look shall we?

I would say the Flying Carpets are suitable for children. Cars of course. Then there's Art of Disney Animation and Animagique. There's also the Studio Tram Tour. Cinemagique. Moteurs Action. Oh - almost forgot about Playhouse. And Stitch Live.

Now let's have a look at attractions that would generally be considered to be "for adults"...

Tower Of Terror
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster
I wouldn't exactly call STT, Cinemagique or Moteurs children attractions, they're more family if not slightly edging the teen/adult (when my cousin was 7 she cried on STT).  So when you look at actually attractions and not shows all WDS has to offer is Flying Carpets and Cars, hardly overkill on the kiddies rides is it...?
"You\'re dead if you aim only for kids. Adults are only kids grown up, anyway."
- Walt Disney

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The photos where clearly taken to see how construction is progressing so the angles could be very misleading.

The vast majority of visitors will enjoy Toy Story Playland.


Quote from: "-breeno-"I love how Anthony justs posts the picture of the construction and then leaves, like a zookeeper throwing meat into the lion's cage ;) :P
Haha! Actually, I chose that picture because I think it looks alright. It's still conventionally a bit ugly as a tower, I'd hate it outside my house (whereas I'd love an Old Mill) but next to Cars, it looks like it belongs there to me, the colours are quite complimentary. From other angles, not sure yet. And we probably won't be saying that when it arrives in Hong Kong, but then that's the HK government's problem for taking something that was never designed for their park in the first place.


dagobert made a really point; that there seems to be no grand master plan for the Studios. I have to say, from all the evidence, I completely agree. How can Disney expect a co-hesive park with a real and tangible identity so that it can stand alongside the Disneyland Park instead of in its shadow, when just have small plans, one after the other? I'm not saying the the decision to bring ToT and Crush was a simple and easy one but there is no overall development of the of the park, just small areas at a time.

I'm not here to judge anyone who not only likes the design, but is looking forward to the completion, that's individual choice. But I don't think it's fair to justify the TSPL construction by saying that it will help bring families into the park. Yes I agree that the Studios need more family orientation attractions (note I say family not children as the original intention of Disneyland was a place where all the family could have fun together). However, they could have designed some well-thought out attractions to suit all ages, but they haven't.

Yeah sure the new brochure adverting TSPL might draw in a few more families this year but what keeps most people coming back is far more than just a few new rides, it's the Disney magic. It's well thought out attractions in beautiful setting which transport you to another world. It's everything little detail being covered (I took a photo of the toilet building in Fantasyland (the one by Adventureland) and when my mum saw it (she's never been to any Disney park) she said "wow, that's amazing". When I told her it was the toilet, she couldn't believe it! Disney have always been more than just a cut above they've been leagues above the rest.
I spent well over £2000 on my trip in 2008, and it was just for two of us, never mind having to shell out if we had kids. I certainly wouldn't spend that much staying at Alton Towers (I won't even pay their prices now for their hotel) even though I really like it. Why? Because I'm not paying that much for the rides it has on offer. If I had payed that much on my first trip to Disney and it turned out to be a glorified run of the mill theme park then I wouldn't have come back. Neither would anyone else because they can get the same experience much cheaper somewhere else.
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


Sorry i was gone for a while.

My opinion is that the TSPL is going to be a nice addition to the studios park , but it doesnt even FIT in the hollywood boulevard.I really think that they should build buildings or a wall to the hollywood boulevard in front of  toy story play land area.I mean , Tower of Terror and Toy Story in one place.... that doesnt fit does it? They could better place the playland in the Toon Studio 'lot'  then call it a Playland. I mean , why not call it Toy Story Playgarden? Then people know what it must look like.

Anyway , I wil come back in a few weeks with the update of Februari ;)!

DLP MP3 - The only podcast with onrides RIGHT from the Resort! With ToT ,SM:M2 , Crush\'s Coaster , Star Tours, Peter Pan,  Stitch Live , Panoramique , BTM  and Pirates of the Carribbean! !
For iTunes ] and MP3!

Newest episode.... Toy Story Playland The Tour and Rc RACER!


Quote from: "jeakat24"I spent well over £2000 on my trip in 2008, and it was just for two of us

You know, if you are spending that kind of money visiting Disneyland Paris, you really ought to look into visiting Orlando. The two of you could easily enjoy a week at a Moderate Disney resort, and visit all 4 of the WDW parks, including flights, for that amount.


Quote from: "Maarten"By the way, no one ever argued that Crush is better then Mulholland Madness and Primeval Whirl, so why are we even comparing them? You are comparing Crush to these two attractions at Paradise Pier and Dinoland USA, so ofcourse Crush's Coaster looks better then that, not much of a surprise.

Well I first mentioned Mulholland Madness and Primeval Whirl because someone mentioned that Crush isn't a proper Disney ride, its more of a ride for your average theme park. So I mearly pointed out that if you think that about Crush, what on earth do you think about MM & PW. They're crappy portable coasters with a rubbish 'theme', so at least with Crush, we got an awsome theme, and a customized ride. And the turtle shells are just freakin awsome  :P  

Quote from: "Maarten"But how does Crush hold up to Raging Spirits (2005) for example?

Well I prefer Crush to Indiana Jones, and whilst Raging Sprits has better themeing than Indy, it appears to be a hell of a lot slower:

So personally I would rate Crush above Raging Spirits. Though the themeing is spectacular.

I see what people are saying, these are odd attractions for a Disney park, they are normal theme park attractions, but then so are Carousels, Tea Cups and Flying Elephants (and we have 3 of them...)


Indy is definately not the best themed attraction in DLP, but it is a lot better themed than TSPL and Indy fits into Adventureland while TSPL is really out of place at WDS. I like Indy although the track could have been better integrated into the theming. In my opinion Indy is on the same level like Crush, which I also like.

I will be in DLRP next week and then I will see the whole mess with TSPL.


Quote from: "Alan"
Quote from: "jeakat24"I spent well over £2000 on my trip in 2008, and it was just for two of us

You know, if you are spending that kind of money visiting Disneyland Paris, you really ought to look into visiting Orlando. The two of you could easily enjoy a week at a Moderate Disney resort, and visit all 4 of the WDW parks, including flights, for that amount.

Thanks for the advice, we've never looked at Orlando, just assumed we wouldn't be able to afford it. I have to say that that particular trip was so expensive because we went for Halloween and bonfire night, would'nt normally spend that much  :shock:  :D

Quote from: "dagobert"Indy is definately not the best themed attraction in DLP, but it is a lot better themed than TSPL and Indy fits into Adventureland while TSPL is really out of place at WDS. I like Indy although the track could have been better integrated into the theming. In my opinion Indy is on the same level like Crush, which I also like.

I will be in DLRP next week and then I will see the whole mess with TSPL.

Enjoy your trip. Personally I really like the Indy themeing, but I agree that it's not the best. I see what you're getting at though. I love the mad hatter tea-cups and think that both the lanterns and the building structure are beautiful, but could you imagine it being in Frontierland?  :evil:  :wink:  It just wouldn't work, nore does TSPL next to the ToT!
Jan 2002- Cheyenne,
Nov 2004- Santa Fe,
July 2005- Santa Fe,
March 2007- Cheyenne,
Sept 2007- Cheyenne,
Oct 2008- HNY,
Jan 2010- Santa Fe,
Sept/Oct 2013- Cheyenne (Alice's first trip),
Feb 2015- DLH (Isaac's first trip and Alice's birthday trip)
June 2016- Sequoia Lodge


Is the Rc racer track going to be higher or lower than that "pole" :roll: ?? please say lower, i don't want to see a tacky orange race track from a distance!!
Luv Aveen xoxo


I think RC Racer is about the same height maybe slightly less, it's 25 metres.

But it will be a little further away and slightly hidden behind some old trees they've kept.


Quote from: "Anthony"I think RC Racer is about the same height maybe slightly less, it's 25 metres.

But it will be a little further away and slightly hidden behind some old trees they've kept.

Phew :-"  I hope so, I think it would be a much worse eye sore!  :wink:
Luv Aveen xoxo