TRON: Legacy (2010)

Started by Anthony, July 31, 2008, 06:01:59 PM

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Just got back from seeing it in IMAX 3D. Wow, loved every second of it. Im with Davewasbaloo, the mythogy and "jedi" overlay worked so well. Ive been listening to the soundtrack no stop in the car for the last few weeks, so got goosebumps as soon as it started.

Ive made excuses to have to go back to see it in IMAX before I head back to work on the 4th, and hope that it was sucessfull enough to warrent the trilogy as originally planned. Did you see the cameo of Cillian Murphy in the Emcon board room, surely that leads to a different plot in a sequel?

Only thing I would say, is what made The Matrix so special was the Matrix itself, so part one for me was great, no so good when they went to Zion. In the same way if they do make a sequel, keep it on the grid, that was jaw dropping ....


Went to see this last night at the late showing.  Only saw it in 2D mind because me and my cousin didn't feel like coughing up an extra £4 on top of the £6.30 (seriously, £6.30, my cousin is home from Uni in Newcastle for Christmas and he was telling me that it's only £2.90 over there for a film, that's 2 films for the price of one here!)

A lot better than I expected.  The story wasn't incredible stuff but still pretty enjoyable, as someone whose never saw the original TRON I loved the whole concept of the Grid.  The special effects and CGI were stunning, I even thought CLU wasn't that bad - I mean there were one or two times I could tell it was fake (namely the end) but for the most part it was still decent.  The action was great too, but like others have said after about 45 minutes it was as if the movie just waved its hands, went "ta daa!" and gave up.  Oh and who can forget the Daft Punk soundtrack, I plan to put one of them songs from it as my ringtone  8)

One query I have though about the end, I'm hoping one of the TRON-boffins among us can help me out.
[spoiler:280nou09]How did Kevin Flynn manage to go all Jedi on us at the end as he grabbed CLU back thus saving Sam?  Also did he destroy all traces of the Grid in the process?  I thought that would have put the nail in the coffin for a sequel but I'm probably wrong, being as the fate of TRON and some other dude making a cameo hints towards future projects. :-k[/spoiler:280nou09]

So overall a good movie, worth seeing purely for the action and effects (and the music!) but I can't comment on the 3D, doesn't bother me though because as things are going 3D will be dead and gone in five years time.  Will be picking this up on Blu-ray once it hits stores!
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Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "-breeno-"One query I have though about the end, I'm hoping one of the TRON-boffins among us can help me out.
[spoiler:1thq5uh5]How did Kevin Flynn manage to go all Jedi on us at the end as he grabbed CLU back thus saving Sam?  Also did he destroy all traces of the Grid in the process?  I thought that would have put the nail in the coffin for a sequel but I'm probably wrong, being as the fate of TRON and some other dude making a cameo hints towards future projects. :-k[/spoiler:1thq5uh5]

[spoiler:1thq5uh5]He is the creator, the God of the Grid. But even more simply he is a User. If you watch the original Tron, there is a scene where Flynn stumbles across a destroyed Recogniser( the big flying things that picks Sam up at the beginning ). The thing is lying in pieces like giant lego blocks. Flynn discovers that he can rebuild and hold the Recogniser together by holding out his hands ala The Force[/spoiler:1thq5uh5]


Argh the wait is killing me, 20 days till it comes out here! Already bought tickets for the IMAX 3D version.


TRON: Legacy. Amazing film, I thought. However, I am now certain that 3-D is a gimmick and doesn't really add much to the experience. Having seen TRON: Legacy in 3-D, I know I would've enjoyed it even more in 2-D. Unfortunately, it's actually quite hard to find anywhere showing it in 2-D.

Pete's Dragon

With Tron Legacy reaching $150m in the states and roughly about the same worldwide, the money from merchandise plus the added cash from DVD and Bluray receipts, it's being reported that Tron may be getting close to Disney's benchmark for a sequel. says

QuoteAs kids around the country pulled out wall crawling light trail leaving Tron LIGHT CYCLES from under their Christmas trees, Disney has been counting the receipts – and I'm told...  it's about to hit the tipping point. Now the real question is...  Where does TRON go from here?  There is a plan, but it is being closely guarded.

Fingers croseed !


My understanding from a friend at WD PIctures is that the film cost $300m for production and marketing. They are very disappointed with the box office performance. My understanding is $500m is the threshold in which they were considering a sequel and WDI attractions in the parks.

It will be interesting to see how they do with DVD/Blueray releases.
since 2001 (many before that)


I have a friend that works for WD Pictures UK, and they put a slightly different spin on the performance Dave.

They put the marketing at $100, meaning $250 for marketing and production. They said that the box office had been strong and steady but not stellar. The likened it to Batman Begins, in the way that it was potentially a niche market that hadn't fully transferred over to the Star Wars league that they had hoped, but was a strong reason to think that if a sequel was produced it would build on the foundation set up by Legacy. Not that they were expecting Dark Knight level of returns if a sequel was produced, but that they would hope to see a strong uplift in box office results from a sequel.

They also pointed out that there is a certain sector of Disney produced movies that are more than their box office results. LIfe on DVD/Blu Ray can be stronger than average follow on, but also merchandise. Apparently merchandise sales have been strong, and in addition ElecTRONica at DCA has been extended through April now on the back of its popularity and more importantly merchandise sales.

Whilst, im not sure how much of my friends comments are tainted with fanboy longing for another film, the comments sort of make sense. I could see the logic in a second movie, the TV series is apparently still on the cards. In addition, as the majority of the actors were not huge names, and could of been signed to multi film deals without breaking the bank, there is an argument to say that the production cost on a sequel could be kept in line or reduced as the grid is already designed and fleshed out to a point. The same apparently applies to the Avatar sequels.

Looking on box office mojo, they predict that the films final gross will be in the region of $350 to $400 million, which would be significantly under the $500 quoted by you Dave.

Its a strange one if im honest, as I loved the film, loved the soundtrack, but more importantly I responded well to the marketing. I thought that marketing was extremely well done, and for me made it a must see film. However my nephew, a 12 yr old boy, wasn't struck on the film from the trailers, and said he would prefer to go see the latest Narnia film!!! How ever, after seeing Tron in IMAX, he hasn't stopped raving about it, has gone mad for the merchandise and would love it to move into a franchise. I asked why it didn't appeal to him in the first place, and he said it looked dark and depressing (not his words, but the meaning).

Something didn't connect based on returns, but I thought the marketing was really strong. I personally really hope we get to go back to the grid again

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "penfold12"my friends comments are tainted with fanboy longing for another film

My longing isn't tainted. I went down to B&Q and got a 10 litre tin of Electric Tron Blue Dulux One Coat Matt Emulsion and painted my longing for another film. Then gave it a second coat (even though the tin said one coat was enough).  8)

Worldwide gross is today at $325,697,550. If all that Disney is waiting on is bluray sales, then I'm pre-ordering a.s.a.p. !!


Well, Ive now seen the film 3 times in Imax. I know, I know very sad.... But I have to say the film was better 2nd and 3rd time around. Story wise there were little pieces that I picked up the second time I watched it that I had missed the first time. Id go as far as saying that the story is actually great haha!

I now just cant wait to watch the film in shiny Blu Ray HD in April.

Surely the box office is now enough to greenlight a sequel......


Still waiting on the official opening for TRON here in the Netherlands..... :x
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


Well sadly from conversations this week, Disney are still very dissapointed with it, as it was supposed to be their Avatar. But I am looking forward to seeing it again this weekend. It will be the first time for my wife and friends. I am really excited!
since 2001 (many before that)


Quote from: "davewasbaloo"Well sadly from conversations this week, Disney are still very dissapointed with it, as it was supposed to be their Avatar. But I am looking forward to seeing it again this weekend. It will be the first time for my wife and friends. I am really excited!

It will be interesting to see what you think the second time viewing.... I enjoyed it more....


Well I loved it the first time around, let's hope I love it even more 2nd time around!
since 2001 (many before that)

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: "slashFilm"For the last few weeks there has been a persistent rumor going around that the Tron Legacy DVD and Blu-ray release would feature a teaser for Tron 3. We haven't run much because we couldn't confirm it 100%, but someone else got some pretty detailed information that suggests the rumor was true. The info, which is obviously spoilerish if you don't want to know anything at all, is after the break.
AICN got the scoop from someone reportedly on set for the shoot. He says there will be at least three scenes. One has Bruce Boxleitner playing Alan and Dan Shor playing Ram. Another scene shows Olivia Wilde as Quorra arriving at the ENCOM building, where she is mobbed by press as she claims to have just spoken to Kevin Flynn. Finally there were tests shot for some interaction between Ed Dillinger (played by David Warner in Tron) and his son (played by Cillian Murphy in a Tron Legacy cameo) "stating that everything is going as planned." Harry said this "involved text screens," so we may not see the actors, or even hear them.

But it's that last bit that got me interested. Tron Legacy did a pretty good job of shutting down any interest I had in the series, but I know there are many who don't feel the same way. And if there is a third film and David Warner is involved, especially with he and Cillian Murphy plotting some villainy, I'll have to pay attention.

An April 11 release is reportedly scheduled for the UK version of Tron Legacy on DVD and Blu-ray, and there is no confirmed US release at this point. We'll report more when info becomes available.

So does this mean Tron 3 is really happening? As Harry says in his piece, this stuff was shot last year before Tron Legacy was released — it's not something done in the wake of the film's reception. That's important.