NEW Chicken Little Set!

Started by Anthony, September 30, 2005, 06:23:49 PM

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The rumours were true!  The first part of the mini street set is now being put into place in front of Animagique:

Source & more photos: //

I was a bit confused about the location of the street set at first, but apparently a second half will be arriving soon, so that'll probably be put over on the left of Animation Courtyard opposite the current set, so make a little mini Chicken Little street!

It's incredible what this tiny street set has done for the Courtyard - it already looks so much nicer and fits the "Animation" theme so much better!  :D


The "street set" is now finished!  It's actually more of a photo location than a street set, since there's only one side to it, but it still looks really good, and there are some nice details in there too...




What do you think?  :)


I think it looks great! But I havent seen the movie yet and I'm not really interested right now, so I can't say much :P


The set looks really nice, far much better then on those pictures.  It's bright and very colourful.  It really lightens up Animation Courtyard.  And the guests love it!!  There was even a woman who asked flor in Legends of Hollywood were she could buy the Chicken Little dvd...  :wink:


I agree. It's a great set and very professional. The colour, design and possition are very cool indeed!

One of the better WDS additions of recent times  :wink:
Grab a balloon, come on let\'s go!


Chicken Little isn't released in the UK until February 10th, so they've only just got the official site online.

In the top corner it features a link to... Disneyland Resort Paris!  Yay! ... little.htm

Finally, they're getting back to the cross-promotion they used to do so well.  When "Euro Disney" first opened, they actually put the logo at the bottom of UK Disney movie posters...

It's a shame there's nothing about meeting the white witch on any Narnia stuff.  By the time the DVD is released it'll be too late.


Yes, Chicken Little was mentioned as a sponsor on the movie posters here too.  And some travel agencies have large stickers on their windows to promote Chicken Little meet 'n greets at the park.


A quick question - is the giant Chicken Little billboard on Studio 1 *still* there?  Didn't it go up in like August last year?  :? I hope it's gone by the time Laser Blast opens, or there'll be an extra reason for people to head to DLP instead of WDS...


Yeah, it's still up  :(


Maybe they have to keep it there for a certain length of time, to keep the deal with Walt Disney Pictures?  I'm guessing the reason why DLRP has been featured on publicity and websites for Chicken Little is because DLRP agreed to feature (advertise) the movie in WDS so heavily...  :?

It should be gone by April, I reckon... *crosses fingers*


Well my theory is it's going to be up till at least the movies have ended their run in cinemas and since here in the UK we have only just caught up with the rest of the world, it will still hold advertisng power to your typical Brit, hopefully it will be gone by my April visit otherwise I'm going to be annoyed since I love the whole architecture of Studio1 and it will be my 3rd visit that it has still been up in the resort :evil: .


I think it will stay there for some time. It's also a great billboard to promote the DVD of Chicken Little.
Although I think they forget there will be a Chicken little shadow if they remove the huge billboard due to sunshine and other weather conditions. I think there must be some difference in color of the paint where was the scaffolding and where not?


I like the new set
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

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Oh no... I've been there in October and I didn't mention it, although I was on the Flying Carpets  :roll:
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