Favourite season

Started by fantasia, August 30, 2005, 10:37:51 PM

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Favourite season

Magic Unlimited
0 (0%)
Kid\'s Carnival
0 (0%)
summer magic
2 (7.1%)
7 (25%)
0 (0%)
19 (67.9%)

Total Members Voted: 28

Voting closed: August 30, 2005, 10:37:51 PM


Hi all.
The hotel poll created some interest how about a poll on the seasons at DLP.

I've been twice at summer and once at christmas. I prefered christmas because of the lack of ques and the weather was more bearible. I felt the shorter opening hours at the parks were better as due to the lack of people  it was easier to get on rides and to get to to characters for autograghs and photos.

With 2 children under 10 it was great to get them in bed at a decent time so as not to be niggley to next day.

Robin. :D

Sweet Laker

I have voted for Christmas. DLRP has got an magical atmosphere all year round. But the Christmas decorations just add that little bit extra magic to the parc.

Second choice whould have been Halloween, for the same reason. But i prefer the "Happy Christmas theming" over the 'scary' Halloween theming.


Hi Sweet laker.

The magic is great at christmas. so good that i will be taking my parents there for it later in the year. So as they can get it.


Thanks voter.
let us Know what good about Halloween.



Haha, so you noticed :P , Halloween is fantastic, so fun, so great, wow orange :lol: .  Really it has been the best season I have been to although with only ever doing low season, summer season and Halloween not much to go by is it :wink: .  The Villains parade has to be classed as fantastic, the villains all in action and very well too, have to say.  Maleficent is the best too, and very English last season :D .  Not to mention that Halloweenland and Orange Street are fantastic, especially at night, and wow nice pumpkin, so much more fun and definately great to go and explore Halloween from a new perspective instead of doing nothing.  Also Pumpkinmen so fantastic, and a orange mine it goes on, but would take me forever to type what makes it so fantastic, it's just so Disney, and not always not so happy princess loving Disney you probably find at Christmas :wink: .


Halloween is the best DLRP season ever!  The storyline, the crazy Pumpkin Men characters, tons of villains and the Halloween - lo - ween parade song.   :twisted:


o-o; I'm going to vote Halloween even though I haven't been at Halloween... ^^; hopefully I'll be going this October if I can get a job before the last week of September...


Absolutely Halloween.
I love the Villains in the park!
And all those 'scary' entertainment. It's just so great.

Second place: Christmas.


Out of the seasons I've seen - Summer Magic, Halloween, Christmas - it's hard to say which is my favourite.  They're all so good!

I probably enjoyed my visit this Summer the most, but it wasn't really down to the season.  Wishes was brilliant, but apart from that it was actually just the parks themselves and the weather which made the visit one of my best.

Halloween is great fun and really totally transforms Disneyland Park, but I think Christmas has to win here.  It might be busier and colder, but it's just SO magical, and there's a huge amount of extra things at the resort during the season too. If Halloween ever wants to overtake Christmas, all it needs to do is take over WDS as well.  If only they'd do something like a Halloween Good Morning WDS, it would win by far.  Currently though, Christmas is a much bigger season, but once these Pink Witches invade, I may change my mind...  :wink:


Definatly Christmas Season ! No other season is much more magical then this one. Everything there is sooo beautiful, so I would always recommend a trip to Dlp while Christ5mas Season.
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


Absolutely Christmas Season.
Snow in Main Street, all the lights in the park, oh-my-God, that's Disneyland! <3


yeah I think Christmas season is wonderful....... but I love Christmas in evry way...

But surely there is something magic in every disneyland-paris season!


Without any hesitation I've selected this season. The park is decorated and it's so beautiful !!! Where can you live a Christmas with a such intensity ?! For a magic day a magic place !!! Never seen anything better for the event  :)
An amazement when you arrive ,
A tear when you leave ,
A memory forever engraved ,
You visited Disneyland Paris

Tinker Bell

I Prefer Christmas,

The park is all decorated an feels so much more magical!


Quote from: "Kristof"Halloween is the best DLRP season ever!  The storyline, the crazy Pumpkin Men characters, tons of villains and the Halloween - lo - ween parade song.   :twisted:


My kids favourite and Hubby is Halloween too (and mine).  I did enjoy Christmas but thought the extras like orange footprints that the kids loved to walk in and the pumpkin men were just great.

We asked my boys if they wanted to go for Halloween or Christmas season this year and they  chose Halloween.
  They are (5 & & years old).
 :pumpkin:  :pumpkin:  :pumpkin: