New Years Eve

Started by kirstyloughnane, July 28, 2005, 02:26:44 PM

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Hi all, I hope everyone is well. Darling OH has booked for us to go to DLRP for 2 nights and 3 days over New Year (arrive 31st, leave 2nd). He wont tell me any details (surprise) other than flights and that we are staying at the SL, lake view Montana room. Has anyone stayed at DLRP or SL during New Year - what is it like? Any pics, trip reports to whet my whistle?? Are the parks busy? Any surpries in the room?

Also an aside question - we are trying for a baby this autumn and I couldnt be 10 weeks or so pregnant when we go at New Year - will there be rides I wont be permitted on?

Thank you!!!
Lots of Love

Kirsty, Taunton


hi everybody,

we are going to disneyland resort paris for new tear too. 29th dec - 1st jan 06. we're very excited!!!

we've previously been twice before in august 2003 and february 2004.

we also went to walt disney world in 2001.

we love all that is disney!!!!!
Kate, disneyholic who is having withdrawal symptoms!


Hi Kirsty, sounds like a very exciting trip you've had planned for you!  I hope you have a wonderful time. :D

I can't help you much with the questions about New Year, since I've never been in the resort on the night of the 31st.  I can, however, say that it will be very busy.  The atmosphere, fireworks and celebrations make up for that though, and going to DLRP at New Year definately seems to give a very different and unique aspect to a trip.

Quote from: "kirstyloughnane"Also an aside question - we are trying for a baby this autumn and I couldnt be 10 weeks or so pregnant when we go at New Year - will there be rides I wont be permitted on?
Firstly - I hope all goes well.  Secondly - yes, there will be rides you will be heavily advised not to go on, mainly the more turbulent and intense rides such as Space Mountain.  At the entrances to attractions the information and warning signs give you all the restrictions for the attractions and will say if a pregnant woman should not ride.  Basically, the attractions you'll have to miss out on are these:
- Big Thunder Mountain
- Indiana Jones and the Temple of Peril
- Star Tours
- Space Mountain: Mission 2
- Rock n Roller Coaster
- and probably Armageddon

There may be others, but as you can see you won't actually be restricted that much at all.  And if you need a bit of extra time to board attractions like Phantom Manor, just let the CM know and I'm sure they'll allow it.

Have a great time!  :D


HI all so sorry I have been lacks in coming back but just wanted to say thank you all for your comments.  I cant wait to go now and also to start trying for baby hehe!!

See you all at Disney!!
Lots of Love

Kirsty, Taunton


hi! this year I'll be in disneyland from 30th dec to 2nd jen 2006, at Disneyland Hotel  :stitch_bounce:

i really hope that in 1st jen 2006, it snows as two years ago. *_*