Cutting corners

Started by Alpop, March 26, 2008, 10:51:08 AM

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I hope I'm not the only one this bothers, but I feel that for a couple of cnets extra the finish on things could be much better in the resort.

For example
at the bottom of the DLRP Today report (link below)
The sign for the celebration continues has 2 screws through it. This could have been finished off with a couple of gold screw caps! Maybe it's just me as I make signs for a living. I just don't like "naked" screws.


Well, I think, the average guest, not the fan, doesn't even recognize the screws.
In this case, maybe it's really a personal "problem".  :wink:  If I were into signs, maybe it would hit me as bad as it did hit you.
And it is a temporary sign. It won't remain there forever. So I can live with the screws. If it was going be be a permanent sign, hidden screws would have been better.


It really doesn't bother me that much as its only a couple of screws. After all behind the wall there is far more extensive work going on to worry about, id rather they concentrate on that and get it right than worry about every little detail eg. screws!  :D


Those caps would probably ended up as "free souvenirs" anyway.  Do you know why energy saving light bulbs haven't replaced all regular bulbs?  Because guests kept stealing them.  Really!


Point taken I suppose, but for what it would take.

In the scale of things a temporary sign is nothing. If we were fitting that we would'nt dream of leaving it like that.

Something like this in the right colour
[attachment=0:3ou97zof]cup and screw.jpg[/attachment:3ou97zof]
would have been better and it is a security fixing so It couldn't have been stolen.


I think you're being a bit harsh on a few nails personally...

If they had been used to fix something permanent in Frontierland or Main Street, sure, but this is just a temporary maintenance sign. And for what it's worth as an example, the signs advertising ToT before it opened - which were there for about 10 months - had much cleaner fixings:

And those recent signs they had for Stitch Live! - both the Studio-styled "this attraction is opening soon" and the proper poster in the times board outside saying "coming soon". If we were in 2005 or earlier, they would have been A4 paper with crappy WordArt and a completely wrong English translation. Instead we got nicely designed signs prepared in advance with good English.

They've actually improved quite a bit in this kind of thing. :)

But yes, now you look at the more professional ToT signs, you do wonder why they don't just use those nails by default...


I appologise for this really. It's my job and that's what I do all day long. It was a bit harsh.

I'm a bit like Monk (the detective) obsessed about little details, (hence my new site). I used to also be very interested in magic to which you sort of train your eyes into hiding the smallest details, but by noticing nearly everything.

I'm sure the saving here and there start to add up. Plus it was probably outside contractors doing the work and as part of the job stuck up the signs.


Don't worry, it's the same for every DLRP/Disney fan. The more you visit, the worse it gets!

Just don't look at the new fences on the other side of the courtyard:

Nice and clean.


Wow ! and I thought I was a fanatic for details when I go around the Disney Parks !!
I suppose that different screws would look better but I would rather see a few extra euros spent on adding something permenant to an attraction than caps for screws !!!
I guess we all notice the things that relate to our jobs when we are out and about anywhere;I always get obsessed with standards of customer service when I go out !!!


Quote from: "raptor1982"Do you know why energy saving light bulbs haven't replaced all regular bulbs? Because guests kept stealing them. Really!
Energy saving bulbs are not that expensive in France..... are they  :shock:

As far as the screws go, if No-Nails is as good as they say it is, they don't even need to put holes in these temporary signs.  :wink:

Remco K.

Quote from: "Baloo"Just don't look at the new fences on the other side of the courtyard:


Nice and clean.
I guess they were just used on an earlier rehab and moved on directly after, without any time to clean them? Or they just didn't care? :?


It´s seems a bit that they haven´t enough of it at this times  :lol:
Seems that they take them directly from the TOT-construction just to have something
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


odear you would really think they wouldve cleaned them?
well all down to cutting costs and corners i spose.
I spose it would get grubby though cause of the work they do?
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