St. David's Welsh Festival 2008

Started by Anthony, October 30, 2007, 08:57:14 PM

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The new minisite (well, the 2006 one redone again) has just launched:

They've even attempted to give the event its own logo (remember when every event/show/parade got a logo back in the 90s?). It's not bad, kinda amateur but nice to see a the effort.

These new events for national celebrations (incl. St Patrick's) have become really good, especially details like those awesome unique costumes for the characters...


The Butlin Boy

It looks good, thanks for the info Baloo :)


Again Disneyland Paris and Edwards Coaches are running the same trips for welsh high school to go on a 2 night stey at Disneyland Paris again.

I want to go again, but there not taking year 10  :evil:


Looking good. Nice little extra details for the parc, i like the effort!
"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." Walt Disney


i love the new logo! great to see dlrp is stepping up advertising for the smaller events
Remember Dreams Come True! \":mickey2:\"

[size=100]\'We Keep Moving Forward\' [/i][/size] - Walt Disney

Disneyland Resort - 2007 2010
Walt Disney World - 2001 2003 2005 2006 2008 2009 2011 2012/2013
Disneyland Paris - 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2004 2005 2007
Disney Cruise Line - Disney Wonder: 2008 2009 Disney Dream: 2011 Disney Fantasy: 2012


I've never heard of this celebration, but it's great Disney's paying attantion to it.
"Cause I found some kind of fairy...tale"


This is going to be celebrated this weekend :)
Sadly this year they were not aloud to take my year as were in year 10 gcse year they said were not aloud to miss anydays of school which is a load of rubbish.
Its a year today since i went to DLRP last !

Good news is again alot of schools are going from wales for this festival ! =D>


Great to see how massive the response is to this kind of little celebrations at the resort.
Love that costume from Minnie!

Some pictures from Karin of the forum ... el2174.jpg ... el2178.jpg ... el2199.jpg ... el2215.jpg


The fireworks for this event were called 'Dreams in the sky' not a title I have heard used before at dlrp.

For a small even they were good, typical dlrp style set to music from Fantasmic! Little odd to hear the music in this setting, some show lighting was also done on the castle although its not amazing. I wonder if this show will be anything like the summer fireworks if wishes does not return?

I just looked at the 2007 show and the 2008 version is much better feel like more pyro used, 2007 show had moments where there were no fireworks.

The English introduction to the show is the same lady who did voiceovers for the WDW whilst I worked there, you can hear her mainly at Epcot. I like her style she is much more upbeat in a Disney style than the usual voiceovers used in Paris. Both this show and the new years have been very much so more Disney than in previous year which is a trend I like and hope continues.


Just found a clip from the fireworks on YouTube.  If anyone finds a full show clip, please post it here!


Edit: a longer clip by djbass on DCP.



OMG, the efforts this year are much better than last years!
We went last year for St Davids Day fesitval and it was mainly only the Disney Village with a few welsh stalls and fireworks display in the evening, i am in love with the Welsh lady costume on Minnie! :D


Ok, that was a very odd choice, fantasmic and wales?  Hmm, i'm confused now :? , I kind of thought that perhaps last years choice of music was a better fit.  Even if that was also a complete odd choice.


I have no problem with the music. Why not?! There won´t be as much "disney insiders" as we may think. So for them it will only be a piece of music and not the fantasmic! score.  :mrgreen:
Wer nämlich mit "H" schreibt ist dämlich.

...the DPG is watching U...


Minnie's welsh costume is one of the best ever, she really suits it. Must be pretty rare too, only at DLRP and only for 4 days per year. Music doesn't really fit the fireworks, but it's better than the New Year's Eve '08 effort. All DLRP fireworks seem to look the same though. I know they're limited, but not that limited. Hopefully this Summer will have something original.


Baloo did you not like the new years 08 fireworks I thought they were the best yet.

It looked different than the usual display, different launch patterns thing like that and I thought and the music was great very festive/magical. I have found past new years eve in Disneyland Paris too adult, yer I know they have to appeal to both children and adults but this is Disneyland.