Studios Movie Stars

Started by Anthony, May 07, 2005, 02:38:29 PM

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I was just looking at the Photos Magiques photos of Good Morning WDS again, and it's interesting to see the extra movie star characters they use there which we never see elsewhere.

Why don't they ever have characters like Dracula just walking around the Studios? (in between takes  :wink: )  And also, there must be so many more characters like this they could use - ones that are either free for Disney to use or ones they actually own the theme park license to.

I know the Indy ride is in DLP, but they coul still have Indy in the studios...  They could even have him in Good Morning WDS, in a jeep.  They could also have the Star Wars characters and so many more...  It might be "Walt Disney" Studios, but these other movie stars are always fun and help to make it more like a proper studios rather than just a Disney "imitation".

Any other ideas for characters they could have?  :D


Actually, I've seen the 2 Cinéfolies stars dressed up in Victorian clothes hanging out near Les Parapluies de Cherbourg for pictures and autographs.  I have a picture of that in our huge database on the hard disk.  I'll dig it up later.

Wouldn't Darth Vader and the Storm Troopers be a great addition too, since the new movie is gonna get launched soon?

Oh and I love your Indiana Jones idea.  A jeep is much cheaper to rent I guess, compared to the oldtimes.


I think you've already named them.  :wink:

Jorien  :D


It also made me curious how they were allowed to use Dracula and Cleopatra in the first place, since I thought Disney wouldn't have the rights to use them...

Raptor1982 made a good point though, the new Star Wars film is out so they really should have the characters in one of the parks.  Star Tours would be the obvious choice, but then since Discoveryland is so packed already, how about a meet and greet spot like the Incredibles one but in Backlot or Front Lot?  I think people are more likely to make the short walk over to WDS to see the Star Wars characters than to see the Incredibles in all honesty...


Yes I would like to see more movie stars going around in the WDS. And of course for most the Star Wars Chracters. I only saw Chubaka ( Sorry don't know if I wrote it right  :oops: ) once at SM in Disneyland Park.  Also a Captain Jack Sparrow and Captain Barbossa from POTC would be nice. And what about some  stars from Armaggedon ?!
Oh Boy ! \":mickey2:\"


I once read something about Jurassic Park characters in Island of Adventure, Orlando.  They had Ian Malcolm and John Hammond walking around Jurassic Park and discussing abou the safety of the park.  

Something like this would be cool, but I can't think of characters from disney movies who could do something similar.


Oh I know a cool Cinéfolies scenerio!!

WHy don't they have George Meliés film a scene for his movie: From earth to the moon??  :idea: