Star Tours enhancement/upgrade (EEP)

Started by Anthony, April 23, 2005, 08:27:05 PM

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Thank you for the translation Esti, that all sounds fantastic!

We're just about to go on a long DLRP trip (Dec-Jan), though this will be our last for a long while as we want to save up and "do" Florida and California properly whilst our kids are still young.

This sounds like a great "excuse" to come back to DLRP in 2017 as we all love Star Wars :D I'm hoping that with the new cash injection and support from Disney they'll really overhaul, clean up and fix everything before we eventually come back. That might really be the last time before our kids get jobs and lives of their own... they grow up so fast  :-\

I really hope that once the original Star Tours is gone for good, they finally release a DVD or high quality upload of the the film, and copies of all the posters/artwork etc. I love Star Tours and it would be a crime if it was gone forever... that said I'm very excited to ride Mission 2, especially if they are adding more themeing and areas to the park nearby :)

Alberto Frog

Has anyone heard any rumours or confirmation of when star tours is closing for its big refurbishment?

Am planning on taking the kids (7 and 3) in mid November 2015 presumi that the christmas season has started.  Apparently Big Thunder Mountain and IASW will both be closed at this time and Star Tours being closed as well would probably be a deal breaker for me.

Thanks in advance!


According to ED92, Star Tours will close from mid-March 2016 to mid-March 2017. Of course these dates are subject to change.

Alberto Frog

Quote from: msRavenswood on January 14, 2015, 11:42:21 AM
According to ED92, Star Tours will close from mid-March 2016 to mid-March 2017. Of course these dates are subject to change.

Lovely - thank you.  Obviously there will still be short term refurbishments but eurostar tickets go on sale from 22nd Jan so that is good info to know.


On our resent trip I was talking to a very nice cast member at the star tours shop and she began telling me about the star wars area remodel and star tours upgrade starting next year apparently the shop is moving to the end of star tours were the video games air hockey are at the moment and they are creating a larger themed star wars area with character meet and greet etc sounded very good to a star wars geek like me ;D


Eeeeeep, we were thinking our last trip might be December 2016, but with news like that we are going to HAVE to see what that area is like when it is all done!
Thank you for sharing.    ;D


Excited :))) can't wait for our 2017 DLP trip, we were going back in 2016 but with all the rumours of rides being closed etc we thought we'd wait, plus it's the 25th anniversary so Defo not missing that :))
Cheyenne 2013
Cheyenne 2014
Disney hotel 2017 can't wait ;)


The wife has said after eight years in a row we are giving Disney a rest for a few years! So I said ok you can have the rest of this year and next year (only because I've heard BTM is closed next year) 2017 sounds  good to me  ;D


Yeah, we'll definitetly go back in 2017 for the 25th anniversary and to see all the new Star Wars stuff - I'm a real nut for Star Wars and the kids love it too, so can't wait. Although I'm a little sad to lose the original Star Tours, More theming and improved ride and shops is very welcome. I just hope they stick to the original plan of including Rex in the pre-show/queing area - it would be sad to lose him completely!


The last flight to Endor will depart pn March 16th next year. Which is unfortunate, since we won't be arriving until the 20th.
<-Plz click


I heard they're keeping it open a little longer, so you may still be able to do last flight to Endor :)

I saw the ride video of the upgrade they did in Tokyo, if that's what we're going to get, I will be DISPLEASED!
Hands off Rex people!


I've got a full transcript and English translation of the Star Tours: Merci et Bon Voyage! Presentation, for anyone that's interested. This was the presentation Imagineer Laurent Cayuela gave on 16 March 2016, inside Videopolis Theatre at Disneyland Paris, as part of the Last Call for the Endor Express event.

Star Tours: Merci et Bon Voyage! Presentation


I was surprised to see not just star tours, but also the shop next to it walled off by a fence. Wouldn't have thought that they'd close that too, since all the star wars merch always sells so well
<-Plz click


They have moved a lot of the merch i.e. droid building etc to the Disney Store in the village :)
♥ Disneyland Paris 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2011, 2015 ♥ Disney World Florida 2009 ♥ Disneyland California 2008 ♥

Next Visit: DLP March 2016.


Quote from: CafeFantasia on April 01, 2016, 06:35:50 PM
I've got a full transcript and English translation of the Star Tours: Merci et Bon Voyage

Thank you very much for the English translation, great to be able to enjoy the ceremony.

Forgive me if this has already been posted and I've missed it, but DLPToday has a really interesting post with pictures of the planned re-design of the area here: