The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Anthony, March 12, 2005, 04:50:53 PM

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Thank you! :D
First I have to appologize, because I didn't mean to sound rude. Sorry if I did.  :oops:
But in other forums, they are arguing about wether ToT is the last chance for DLP or not. If ToT is not working, DLP will be closed and stuff like this.
I was so tired of these things, that I couldn't believe my eyes you were "arguing" about announcement signs.

I still agree with you, that the Tokio sign is a fine piece of art and I like that style myself. But for an announcement sign, I think it is to unobstuctive. It would probably look great inside the attraction itself, were it hasn't to be removed.


On this forum we don't argue much about bad things happening to the resort, it's always nicer to talk about more fun things like big posters / signs advertising :wink: .  Also Paris's sign looks a lot better than Tokyo's anyway since it's big in your face and easy to read :) .


Quote from: "PATMAGIC"On this forum we don't argue much about bad things happening to the resort, it's always nicer to talk about more fun things like big posters / signs advertising :wink: .
Yeah, things are usually a bit more positive on here.  Instead of getting depressed that the "resort may close!!!" (it won't), it's nicer to talk about the 3 amazing years of new attractions we've got ahead of us.  :D

You might also notice that I (and a few others) analyse every single tiny detail that changes in the parks (like those posters)... it's just fun!  :lol:


A roof has been put on the "lobby" part of Tower of Terror (the front building).

Source: jo°e°l


Cool!  You can really start to picture how it'll look now.  It's amazing what a different seeing the tower against that tree in foreground makes too, it suddenly makes the whole thing look better.  It's weird to think that in around 16 months time we'll be watching them put the giant palm trees in next to the hotel...

I've always supported their decision on where to place it, but I'm starting to think more and more that the Imagineers definately did pick the best spot for our Tower, it's going to make such an impact throughout the whole park.  All those dodgy little corners won't matter at all, because wherever you are, the Tower will divert your attention!  (until they fix the rest of the "dodgy corners" lol)


Finally some more visual changes:


Cool!  I'm surprised they're building that part first, I would have thought they'd build up the large body of the building and then do the bits on the edges like that...  Oh well, at least it should resemble the Tower a bit more once this part's done!

This photo lets you see which part they're building:

It's the art-deco style "tower" with the mini dome roof.


Reslife posted this photo on Disney Central Plaza.  


It's funny how it looks like it doesn't fit on there at all - it's a different colour concrete, and on other pictures you can see that it doesn't line up properly with the main building...  :lol:

Can't wait to see it all finished over and painted... Long way to go yet, though!  :(


When we were passing by the Tower, we heard a French guy saying to another: "Yes, you are right.  They are building "The Big Drop" here."  :lol:


Construction photos from 26 March 2006:


That small building on the left appeared out of nowhere, didn't it?!  I hope that when the Tower's done it'll look OK from the stunt show.  At the moment it looks like it might be a bit too imposing - I know you can see all sorts from the Florida version, but our Tower is *very* close to the stunt show...

Thanks to rocknroller on Disney Central Plaza, here are some photos of the first of the three elevator motors being lowered into the building:

 :arrow: //
 :arrow: //
 :arrow: // (great photo!)
 :arrow: //
 :arrow: //


Okay, did I miss anything?

(From today's Le Parisien, as presented on "Le plan de relance du site par les attractions (une enveloppe globale de 240 millions dégagée après la restructuration financière et juridique de l'entreprise) comprend surtout la Tour de la Terreur, dont l'ouverture annoncée au printemps 2007 pourrait être avancée de quelques mois, et les Toon Studios, retardés à 2008." (//

So, am I reading this correctly? Is Le Parisien saying that ToT and Nemo have switched places and they're now aiming for a spring '07 opening for "the big drop"???

Poppy The Monkey

Do you think that La Terrace will be turned into the fastpass distribution area for the Tower of Terror (if FP is confirmed) ?

I was looking at pictures from DCA here....


and the fastpasses are distributed from an area like La Terrace which is in the same position in relation to the tower.

Just a thought.  :roll:


Quote from: "Poppy The Monkey"Do you think that La Terrace will be turned into the fastpass distribution area for the Tower of Terror (if FP is confirmed) ?

Yes, I think La Terrasse will be used as a Fastpass distribution area. If I remember correctly, the Fastpass machines will be located on the right side of the La Terrasse area.

Quoteand the fastpasses are distributed from an area like La Terrace

Actually, the Fastpass distribution area in DCA is supposed to be an old busstation at the other side of the road near the Hollywood Tower Hotel. I think it's neat, but I am afraid that we will never get a busstation like they have. However, La Terrasse isn't bad either, as long as we will get those great Fastpass machines. Just look at the details and how they fit in with the story and the theming.  8)

Now I think of it, I recently saw a pic of the Tower, taken from Animation Courtyard. The Tower won't have anything of a Hollywood-feeling at all as long as your oustide the La Terrasse entrance. Seeing the Studio Tram Tour entrance, the Art of Disney Animation building and all the asphalt in front it became painfully clear once again that it will be really hard to imagine that this hotel was once the highlight of Hollywood. And I am afraid no slightly retheming will fix this problem, I guess it has everything to do with the set up of the park. :?