The Twilight Zone Tower of Terror

Started by Anthony, March 12, 2005, 04:50:53 PM

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QuoteSo, am I reading this correctly? Is Le Parisien saying that ToT and Nemo have switched places and they're now aiming for a spring '07 opening for "the big drop"???

Karl Holz said in his speach during the opening of Buzz that Toon Studios would open first, then ToT.

QuoteDo you think that La Terrace will be turned into the fastpass distribution area for the Tower of Terror (if FP is confirmed) ?

I heard that La Terrasse would still be used for what it is, with 2 food carts on both sides.  Would look messy if you ask me.  :?

Quoteit will be really hard to imagine that this hotel was once the highlight of Hollywood

It's a movie set that is being used in a Twilight Zone episode.  I guess the Hollywood stuff would be digitally inserted in post production.  :lol:


Quote from: "raptor1982"I guess the Hollywood stuff would be digitally inserted in post production.  :lol:
Ha ha ha ha! Brilliant. :lol: You could say that about quite a few things in the park at the moment...  :P


Quote from: "raptor1982"Karl Holz said in his speach during the opening of Buzz that Toon Studios would open first, then ToT.

Thanks Kristof... that's what I thought - and it makes a bit more sense to me - but that Le Parisien article just made me stumple.


Yeah, it made me confuse too!!  But, you know how it goes at DLRP...  Everything can change really fast!   :?


QuoteHa ha ha ha! Brilliant.  You could say that about quite a few things in the park at the moment...

On the other hand, the idea isn't that crazy.... Maybe they can put a small sign next to the tower with a visual how it would look like in the Twilight Zone episode and explaining how they added in digital effects to make it look like a full set??  :idea:  :?:


I'm sure that I will prefer ToT to RnRC once it is open!

. . . And at last! I won't have to travel all the way to Florida to ride ToT! :D


A metalic structure for the roof has been put on place on the small tower on the left!


That's the exit, I think.  I like how this section already looks a lot like it will when its finished, with the thicker walls lower down and an archway at the bottom.

The Butlin Boy



Wow, it's progressed more than I expected!  It looks great at the front already, with the arched entrance and the canopy/terrace bit.

It also seems that the show building part is now connected to the tower - maybe we'll finally see the show building rise up to its full height and get a roof soon then?  :D


Here are some photos from yesterday:

More photos here:


Is it just me, or just the TOT look small? Does anyone know the size of it?


Yes it does look small, because the whole construction is plain grey.  When they paint it and add the other decorations, the building will appear a lot taller because of the forced perspective.


I think it looks sooo big!!! I can't imagine yeat how the ToT could fit into the small Studios Park...   :?:
[size=85]1992 - Disneyland Paris - 1-day-trip
2000 - Disneyland Paris - Santa Fe
2004 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Cheyenne
2005 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Santa Fe
2007 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Newport BayClub
2008 - Disneyland Resort Paris - Sequoia Lodge
2009 - Walt Disney World


Actually it already does!!!  When ToT is finished, it will look like that everything was build around the Tower.  (Quite similar to the castle at DLP).