Disneyland Paris with disabled person in wheelchair - experience - NEVER AGAIN

Started by paulfoel, June 19, 2018, 11:42:16 AM

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Visit Florida every year. Last went to DLP about 10 years ago. This time was a chance to take elderly MIL with grandkids - she wont fly so DLP was the plan.

Good points:-

1. Green card system is very good. All rides have a separate entrance. Some of the wait times were a bit variable but it was very good.

2. Car parking in Disneyland Hotel is very close indeed. In fact, its so close we could see the car from the gate. Brilliant.

Bad points:-

1. Organisation. Got to Studios one dat 15 minutes after opening. All wheelchairs gone but they said they had plenty at main park (why not get them sent over?). They promised to do so. In the end, after going back 3 times (once they got strollers only because they "forgot" about the wheelchairs) I ended up walking over myself. This was not impressive.

2. Smoking. No smoking park? Don't make me laugh. MIL has breathing problems so smoke affects here. It seems no smoking is generally ignored by all - even when my wife spoke to a cast member he seemed VERY unhappy about being asked to stop someone smoking. I got the impression this rule is deliberately not enforced because it would upset too many smokers.

3. Other guests. Never have I experienced such rudeness, Its not easy to push a wheelchair but people seemed to have no consideration at all. The attitude always seemed to be "every man for himself"
People seem to let their kids run riot. Now I'm all for kids having a bit of fun but you need to be respectul to other guests. I'd be mortified if my own kids were falling over disabled people.
In the end, MIL probably had about 10-15 people fall over her wheelchair because they were either not looking, trying to push past, or kids messing around. 3 or 4 times someone fell into her lap. It terrified her and I'm afraid she will never go again after this weekend.

Fully expect I'll get flamed for this and told to chill out and remember its different in Paris than Florida. BUT, Disney should be for EVERYONE to enjoy. Regardless of whether you're "enjoying" yourself you need to be respectful of other guests....

Sorry but its a "never again" for us with MIL in a wheelchair which is very sad indeed.


We've found it harder now my father is in a wheelchair. The ignorance of some guests is unbelievable. I got really annoyed at Easter with some guests. We were leaving the park late one night and a family was letting go their children run wild and one of them just sat down in the dark in front of the wheelchair. This was our fault though. Also in the disabled section guests trying to out their children in front of my father, some tried sitting on his knee!


Quote from: Zee79 on June 19, 2018, 11:55:12 AM
We've found it harder now my father is in a wheelchair. The ignorance of some guests is unbelievable. I got really annoyed at Easter with some guests. We were leaving the park late one night and a family was letting go their children run wild and one of them just sat down in the dark in front of the wheelchair. This was our fault though. Also in the disabled section guests trying to out their children in front of my father, some tried sitting on his knee!

Yep. The ignorance displayed by, sadly, the majority of other guests is absolutely astounding. My MIL actually got whacked in the face by one little brat who was running around like an idiot and not even looking where he was running.

All you get from the parents (If you're lucky) is a "pardon". It spoilt the whole experience for her.

Like I said, there doesn't seem to be a culture in europe of being respectful and considerate to others - its all every man for himself and If I can gain something by pushing you out of the way I will.

Unfortuantely, it seems, in France this is the norm. Very sad.


I hate to say it but this is what they let themselves in for by building the park in France - particularly as regards the smoking as non-smoking doesn't seem to be a thing over there.

A friend of mine has visited the Shanghai park and says the rudeness is even worse when it comes to guest behaviour due to the culture over there.
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne


It does spoil it at times because it gets to the point that you join them in doing it because they just don't seem to understand manners.


Quote from: claire2281 on June 19, 2018, 06:15:31 PM
I hate to say it but this is what they let themselves in for by building the park in France - particularly as regards the smoking as non-smoking doesn't seem to be a thing over there.

A friend of mine has visited the Shanghai park and says the rudeness is even worse when it comes to guest behaviour due to the culture over there.

OK I deffo wont be going there then!


I found after pushing the wife around for 3 days at Disney that a footplate in the back of the ankles doesn't half hurt! :)

Jules Verne

It's true that there are different standards between Paris and Florida but there is still no excuse for people being disrespectful and especially for the presence of smokers, i know there are a large proportion of people who do in France and UK but in that type of area it should be stopped, especially around children
Personally I think you should be able to set a fire extinguisher off on people.

It's terrible that you had such a bad experience at a Disney park, I feel very deeply for you


@JuleVerne: @pTotally agree that you should be allowed to set a fire extinguisher off on smokers!

@paulfoel: I'm sorry to hear you had so many negative experiences. Those that absolutely refuse to parent are a big pet peeve of mine too. It's absolutely horrendous that there is so little respect for disabled people in a wheelchair. Maybe try going to Tokyo Disney, Japanese people are in general very respectful to others, so I think you'll have a better time there. I've only ever been there once for one day, but I certainly didn't see any disrespect happening towards people in a wheelchair. None of the crap you see happening in Paris.


It's a shame you had this experience and your MIL feels this way have you contacted Disney about the issues raised?if not it's something to consider.

My son is a wheelchair user and we've had similar problems on a couple of visits (not all thankfully) the smoking thing bothers everyone unfortunately, I'm a smoker did stop back again but I used the designated areas provided out of courtesy of other guests. It annoys me when my son and daughter gets it blown in their face when they should use the smoking areas!

The other occasion was when waiting for dreams and a group of kids literally climbed on top of my sons wheelchair, parents didnt see a problem but my partner and the other English family next to us ended up putting them in line. Not very Disney but has to be done. We don't watch the fireworks now the disabled area only allows one carer with him and it's simply not possible with his range of disabilities and health requirements if he had a seizure or stopped breathing I need another pair of hands on stand by so we choose not to go.

Disney themselves seem quite good with disabled guests we've always been treated well apart from one occasion I must say Florida and dlp are different but it's not like we're be visiting WDW on a regular basis. Highlight your issues in an email though, they will get back to you and if more people give feedback there's more chance of enforcing rules and making improvements.


Quote from: bobothebear on June 24, 2018, 12:00:18 AM
I found after pushing the wife around for 3 days at Disney that a footplate in the back of the ankles doesn't half hurt! :)

Yes I had a number of people who we accidentally caught like this because they'd dived in front of the wheelchair dare to glare at me because of it!

In the end it was clear that people just did not understand physics. Pushing a wheelchair it can't stop within an inch or move sideways.


Quote from: Jules Verne on June 27, 2018, 03:10:57 AM
It's true that there are different standards between Paris and Florida but there is still no excuse for people being disrespectful and especially for the presence of smokers, i know there are a large proportion of people who do in France and UK but in that type of area it should be stopped, especially around children
Personally I think you should be able to set a fire extinguisher off on people.

It's terrible that you had such a bad experience at a Disney park, I feel very deeply for you

Thing is as I've said, the CMs dont enforce it anyway....


Quote from: littlebitofpixiedust on June 29, 2018, 05:08:41 AM
It's a shame you had this experience and your MIL feels this way have you contacted Disney about the issues raised?if not it's something to consider.

My son is a wheelchair user and we've had similar problems on a couple of visits (not all thankfully) the smoking thing bothers everyone unfortunately, I'm a smoker did stop back again but I used the designated areas provided out of courtesy of other guests. It annoys me when my son and daughter gets it blown in their face when they should use the smoking areas!

The other occasion was when waiting for dreams and a group of kids literally climbed on top of my sons wheelchair, parents didnt see a problem but my partner and the other English family next to us ended up putting them in line. Not very Disney but has to be done. We don't watch the fireworks now the disabled area only allows one carer with him and it's simply not possible with his range of disabilities and health requirements if he had a seizure or stopped breathing I need another pair of hands on stand by so we choose not to go.

Disney themselves seem quite good with disabled guests we've always been treated well apart from one occasion I must say Florida and dlp are different but it's not like we're be visiting WDW on a regular basis. Highlight your issues in an email though, they will get back to you and if more people give feedback there's more chance of enforcing rules and making improvements.

Yes I am thinking about emailing disney but thinking about it:-

1. If it goes to someone in DLP they won't give a monkeys because thats just the culture.

2. Even if someone from Disney worldwide sees it will it matter? DLP makes them money and most people who go there are the same so whats the problem for them.

Florida and France are different. If some of the things in France went on in Florida THOUSANDS of people would complain and it'd cost them money. In France, MOST of the people are like this, they're all used to it so NO-ONE complains.

Like I said, smoking is so ingrained in France. Start getting funny and you risk upsetting them. Say its no smoking and it appeases the non-smokers - they know it annoys people but its all about money. The smokers money or the odd non-smoker who moans. As above, if you live in France you must be used to people smoking near you.