The resort hub

Started by Kristof, May 29, 2007, 11:04:59 AM

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I've opened a new topic about the resort hub...

A few new details have been added recently:



I guess this is also related to the hub, green tents have replaced the white security boots.  They're still ugly, but at least they now blend in more with the greenery.


Both looks very nice. I like the floor with this "resorts"-roses and the green tents fit better to the resort. I didn´t like the white ones very much
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looks fancy

i dont like those security huts i know they want security but in morning its annoying
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


Doesn't really bother me. I never take a bag into the park, and I always just walk straight through, never slows me up or anything.

I think it's a necessary thing in this day and age unfortunately.


This is probably a dumb question but for instants where it says ;

"Disneyland Resort"
"17 JUILLET 1955"
"9102 km"

Is the km for how far this park is from DLRP ?

Sorry if this is a dumb question  :P


Yes indeed that is the km for how far this park is from DLRP  :lol:


About those security tents, if they'll be permanently needed, why not replace them with a permanent structure? I'm sure the Imagineers could come up with a nice Main Street themed shelter for Disneyland Park, and a nice Front Lot themed shelter for the Walt Disney Studios.


I agree.  The temporary tents also give the impression that they've been hastily erected in response to a direct, immediate security threat; not the best way to start your Disney experience.  A permanent gatehouse structure would make it look more of a formality and would stand out less as it would be swallowed into the general theming of the park.

Although perhaps the park designers don't want your first 'proper' bit of disney to be a security check.  Maybe it's better to go through the tents thinking "I'm not in the park yet" and have your first experience of Disney with the Disneyland hotel which is obviously much nicer.


And the sortie/exit signs dont exactly add anything either. Surely they can do better than that?

October 2001-Santa Fe
June 2002-New York
August 2006-Sequoia
October 2007-Sequoia
August 2010- Newport Bay Admiral Floor
August 2013- Newport Bay Admirals Floor
August 2014 - WDW! Art of Animation Resort
August 2017- Newport Bay Compass Club


i reckon they will be working on some sort of permanent structure if need be
August 2003, 04, 05, 06, 07 and 08 - With family
Halloween 2008 - Best trip ever
July 2009 - All alone


You may disagree, but I find the tents to be a total joke

I don't see how they add anything other than the illusion of more security.  They only check bags, and never frisk visitors or check under prams/buggies, so if somene wanted to get something sinister into one of the parks it would be a breeze

I heard someone say that they are making sure you don't take in food - but that's a joke... we've walked in with tonnes of food and never had a problem.

I personally believe the idea is to slow down the flow of people into the "official" entrance to the park, so that it feels better on the other side of the tents. i.e. they work on the premise that people will accept being delayed for "security" reasons

Personally, they are pointless, inconvenient, ugly and should be removed.

And for anyone still in any doubt - I don't like them... :-)


Gillburt - lets make sure i got this right - you dont like the security tents :lol:  me neither and they never have searched us ( maybe its because i look like an angel  :P  ) If youre going to do a job then do it properly.  If there is anyone working at the resort then maybe yhey could shed some light on how long they are going to be there


Well I think the green tents look better and with all the real world threats nowadays from the terrorists the little inconvience doesn't bother me much. Besides I'm used to security checkpoints from the states as they have them there too. We always approach them with all our bags open to hurry it along...


I have also no problem to show my bag! Last time they found a lot of used Kleenex there cause I had have the flu. The security was really amused about it and tell me where I can find a dustbin!

But back to topic. I was always bothered by the white tend cause the color didn´t fit very well and they get very soon cruddy.
So I am very happy the now chose green tends. Somebody may think that I´m crazy but for my the color count :lol:

Permanent Security Points will also be a nice thing to have. The could fix them better in the environment and give a free view to the center line between the hub and disneyland hotel/Frontlot
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