Crafty travel agents

Started by littlebitofpixiedust, January 15, 2018, 10:58:43 AM

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Ok we rarely use a travel agent but when in dlp on more than one occasion we've got chatting to other families specifically the times we've stayed at the DLH and they've said "the reason we've picked this hotel is because you get into the park early" & "this is worth the extra money as we get into the park before other hotels our travel agent suggested this hotel for that reason"

I obviously explained it's all on-site hotels that has early access but one lady wouldn't believe me.

I think it's so naughty that this is happening to families, i don't know which travel agents these are but it makes me wonder do they often mislead customers. I'm glad I always book direct with Disney!


its not that Travel Agents mislead people, its that people dont do their own reserach and dont know what questions to ask travel agents.

Many people put blind faith in travel agents, they will have a basic idea of what they want and how much they can spend. They will say to the travel agent something like this

we are a family of 4, 2 adults 2 children, we can spend xyz amount of money, we want to go sometime in the month of a or b, what do you suggest.

The travel agent will then match them with a Disneyland Package. Now if the family have not done any research and dont know about the different hotels, it is possible the travel agent will pick a hotel which gives them maximum commission.

The travel agent will tell them about the amenities and extras available at the hotel they are booked in. Why would they tell them about amenities and extras available at the other hotels its not relevant information.

The travel agent also will not go through a comparison of the other hotels with the family before booking, like we do when we book DIY. Again its not relevant. The family is paying the travel agent to make the decisions, based on their requirements.

This reminds me about a work colleague who took his family to Disneyland Paris a few years ago.

Family of 4, 2 adults 2 tween princess mad girls. They would be the typical Irish family, both parents work, neither would be Disney people, neither would be part of online Disney communities and would have very little interest or time to spend researching Disneyland Paris on the internet. The wife went to the local highstreet travel agents and booked a holiday to Disneyland Paris for Christmas 2015. Most likely it would have been booked September October 2015.
The travel agent arranged everything, flights, transfers, hotel, park tickets. Family were happy, they paid the money, all sorted, Christmas in Disney done.

Then in January, at lunch time, the work collegue tells us about the trip. They stayed in Kyraid, only found out . when they checked in it was a partner hotel, they were expecting an onsite hotel. For the amount of money they paid ( premium time, Christmas time, booked maximum 90 days before arrival) they were not happy with the standard of the hotel, they would have been expecting something like Sequoia Montana Room. They would have not got any of the great deals we all know about on the differernet European sites. As it was an Irish travel agent they would only have access to the deals on the Irish Disneyland website. It is likely there was no deal available to the Irish travel agent at the time of booking, so they would have paid the full price.

They were not told before hand that they would only be able to enter the park at general opening, they were not happy they went to the park and found out that the park was open since 8am for other hotel guests. As a result each morning when they did eventually get into the park there were high wait times for everything.

They were also not happy about having to use the very crowded shuttles to and from the parks, they did not know about fast passes and so much more.

Now I so much of their disappointments would have been explained by just one hour browsing here on Magic Forum. But the point is, they paid their travel agent so that they didnt have to look for information themselves.

The problem is people put blind faith in travel agents and then find out afterwards all the questions they should have asked.
When You Wish Upon A Star Dreams Can Become Reality
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyworld Florida 1992
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland California 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016,2017
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland Paris 2011 2013, 2016


Oh my gosh, that's such a shame what happened to that family!  As you say, they put their trust in the travel agent and they let them down badly!  What a disappointment.  I'm always surprised by how many people still book DLP through a travel agent though, it's surely more expensive than booking direct?  Mind you, they probably don't even realise that if they just use the agent without any research.  The thing is that DLP isn't a straight forward holiday to book for a first timer really, is it?  There's so many different hotels and ticket options and meal plans etc that for a newbie it must be quite daunting. 

Pete's Dragon

I never saw the need for a travel agent as far as DLP was concerned. Booking an onsite hotel only leaves travel arrangements. And when the only option I have is EasyJet, why give a travel agent around £20 per flight to visit the same website I can?


I also went to 2 travel agents to compare prices. I thought it was a bit over my budget and started doing my own research (and found this forum :) ). For the same days and hotel (Santa Fe) I ended up getting the free half-board meal plan AND saved 400€ compared to what the travel agents asked (and I could save more if I went to a partner hotel but for the 1st time as an adult I wanted the full Disney experience).
I learned my lesson the best way possible. When I tell people I went to DLP, 99% of them ask me a combination of questions regarding price and travel agents. 1st thing I now say is "if you want to save a lot of money forget travel agents!". I'm now writing a very basic guide for my friends on what to look for when booking everything yourseld.
Of course if they want peace of mind and have their wallet overflooding, by all means go through a travel agent but beware that you could save money by doing some times by yourself.


Quote from: dlpowl on January 15, 2018, 03:28:17 PM
I'm always surprised by how many people still book DLP through a travel agent though,

Quote from: Pete's Dragon on January 15, 2018, 03:39:27 PM
I never saw the need for a travel agent as far as DLP was concerned. Booking an onsite hotel only leaves travel arrangements. And when the only option I have is EasyJet, why give a travel agent around £20 per flight to visit the same website I can?

I dont know about other countries but for alot of Irish people over 40 booking through a travel agent is their first thought. Many many Irish families still do the cheap package holiday to Spain, Portugal, Canary Islands, Turkey or Greece. Disneyland Paris is just a once off holiday for them, as a break from their usual sun holiday. They book their package holiday every year with the travel agent and think Disneyland Paris is just the same type of holiday.

They have no interest in researching or checking anything out before they go. They like the ease and simplicity of going to the travel agent, and getting everything done for them.  For them the cost of paying someone to organise their holiday is worth it as they think thats just how it is.

When You Wish Upon A Star Dreams Can Become Reality
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyworld Florida 1992
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland California 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015,2016,2017
♥ ♥ ♥ Disneyland Paris 2011 2013, 2016

Pete's Dragon

Quote from: bad-pink-tink on January 15, 2018, 04:55:28 PM

I dont know about other countries but for alot of Irish people over 40 booking through a travel agent is their first thought. Many many Irish families still do the cheap package holiday to Spain, Portugal, Canary Islands, Turkey or Greece. Disneyland Paris is just a once off holiday for them.

I am Irish and over 40 ;D


Yes I guess your right some people like convienence of having a travel agent doing the organising and arrangements but I just thought it was odd that on 2 occasions I've had similar conversations with families.

I guess it's also possible that people assume it's more expensive booking with Disney themselves and a deal can be found through other places. Many moons ago we used travel agents until we had problems with our Eurostar so opted to do that direct the next time and Disney we found we saved a lot and was more straight forward.

I guess the commission part comes into it too.

Recently a friend of mine who has a disabled child (like me) went and I wish I'd known because she's also used a company for the Eurostar and hotel. She paid a lot considering it was 2 nights in a partner hotel she also didn't have a direct train and ended up having major issues resulting in dropping his wheelchair when boarding and breaking It... she wouldn't of had this trouble if she was on a direct train (we never have) she asked me what I paid for 2 nights at sequioa lodge and she was surprised needless to say next time she'll call Disney and Eurostar directly.

Your also right about the Magic forum if more people knew the information is so freely available and they could plan their trip ask questions and save money I'm sure many would. However like you've said also there'd be people that regardless want it all done and dusted through the travel agents.

We couldn't believe the savings doing travel/hotel seperate and of course we've never gone back like many of us here! I get random messages through Facebook asking me to price up Disney ect like I have a secret  ;) they're surprised when I sent the official park link.