DLRP vs. WDW - What are the differences?

Started by skalos, May 26, 2007, 12:23:21 AM

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although I prefer Disneyland Park to Magic Kingdom, I prefer Disney MGM  studios to the Studios in Paris.  If there were only those two parks in Orlando then I'd say DLRP just edges it.  

However, there's also Epcot which is brilliant, Animal Kingdom which is OK and the water parks which are amazing.  Their Village area is better than the one in Paris too.

But as long as you're in Orlando, there's also two Universal parks (which, as they're designed more for adults, I prefer to Disney (Spiderman ride and Men In Black are just amazing)), Universal City Walk (like Disney Village)Busch Gardens, Sea World, Kennedy Space Centre, Wet and Wild and loads of other small attractions dotted around the local area.

The weather is better, everyone speaks English as a first language and the shops are great.

Although DLRP is special to me, in my opinion it's just a starter to the main course of Orlando.



I totally agree with you there bikemonkey.  :) WDW in Orlando is a lot bigger and a lot better because it has many other parks and it has been open for longer and has had chance to grow and theres also the plus of the other parks such as the Universal parks and Busch Gardens ect.. And although WDW is branded by some people as the "real" Disney i do not agree with that.. I think that all Disney parks are equal and maybe some day or little DLRP will be as big as the one in Orlando, Although if it does get bigger i hope that they will still pay attention to all the little details as thats what makes our park special.  :D

1997 - Santa Fe
2006 - Cheyenne
2009 - New York


The best or at least my most favorite thing at WDW is getting to see/meet all the princesses in Epcot.

I can't say I really prefer one over the other but being from the states I would have to say I am more partial to the FL one just because of being able to understand the language and it is waaaay cheaper in the states compared to the Euro. It is so bad against the American Dollar. We had actually planned to go in May but I cancelled the trip because the rate is so bad for us. I need my Disney fix again though so we are going back in June. I couldn't wait till July for our son's B-day. That is something special in FL. You get a B-day/anniversary pin and every CM who sees you says something and we even got on some rides in the FP lane without having FP's! My favorite memory was when Captain hook pulled me out of a line of people waiting to see him and made the whole line & everyone sing Happy Birthday when he saw my pin.

(I struggle so much too with my French & German here and even when I try to use what I know it sounds wrong and people are not always nice about it. It's hard and sometimes lonely being in an area where so many people dislike Americans. I always try to make people feel comfortable where ever they are from. Too many bad apples give us a bad name I guess)

I love being only 3.5 hours from DLP here so we can go more often. We were 6 hours away by car in the states and I do not like heat so it is much cooler here :)


Quote from: "Lordofthemightybeasts"Oh, and Big Thunder Mountain is also a much wilder ride than the Magic Kingdom one.
Yeah, and it's in the middle of a lake, and as far as i know in Walt Disney World the actraction is on land, wich in my oppinion makes it less interesting


Quote from: "WaltDisneyFanBoy"
Quote from: "Lordofthemightybeasts"Oh, and Big Thunder Mountain is also a much wilder ride than the Magic Kingdom one.
Yeah, and it's in the middle of a lake, and as far as i know in Walt Disney World the actraction is on land, wich in my oppinion makes it less interesting
DLRP is the only one in the middle of a lake the other 3 parks are on land .


I know this may sound strange but,

when you look at the other park facts and figures (rides and attraction not finance) it seems like DLRP is being "overtaken" by the other disney resorts because all the other resorts apart from HK has more than 2 or more parks and HK is planning to expand. but soon it will be like DLP is the little disney resort that other people outside western europe will not want to visit and surely that will damage the reputation of the great disney resort dlrp.

also most of the other disney theme parks are bigger dlp having 8 lands and Disney land parc having only 5. :(
Working xmas 2012!!! \":D\"


Quote from: "benjy"I know this may sound strange but,

when you look at the other park facts and figures (rides and attraction not finance) it seems like DLRP is being "overtaken" by the other disney resorts because all the other resorts apart from HK has more than 2 or more parks and HK is planning to expand. but soon it will be like DLP is the little disney resort that other people outside western europe will not want to visit and surely that will damage the reputation of the great disney resort dlrp.

also most of the other disney theme parks are bigger dlp having 8 lands and Disney land parc having only 5. :(

Even with 5 lands Disneyland park in paris is still the biggest Magic kingdom type park !  :)


Its funny I mentioned this in my last entry in the blog a few days ago as we came out of DL Anaheim. The problem with Florids MK is a lot of things were rushed in quickly and are basically edited half rides, POTC is a disgrace and even though SM is similar to Californias its still a cheaper version. Its also in some areas an ugly park (Fantasyland) However it has some nice areas and some fantastic atractions that are unique such as Philharmagic. What makes Florida so special of course is the whole WDW and the choice that gives you as an entire resort.
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]


i would note that the ride that is missing at DLRP is soarin

WDW is so spread out that its one park per day it takes 1-2 hrs to get inbetween parks
animal kingdom and the studios are both in need of another E ticket ride
epcot is a single day ...

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "Jaxx"i would note that the ride that is missing at DLRP is soarin

Which is strongly rumored for the Studios in the near future :wink:


Quote from: "Jaxx"i would note that the ride that is missing at DLRP is soarin


SDont understand why this is considered an E tkt ride at all. In Florida its theming is non existent and the state of the film is now scratched and dirty. In California we have thenming and it appered 2 weeks ago a new print of the film, however once ridden once I find its a bit of a doze..
[size=85]WDW Florida July 91(way too hot), DL California June 92,DL California Sep 93, DLP France Feb 96, DLP France March 02, DLP France Christmas to NY 03, WDW Christmas Eve to NY 04, WDW Oct 05, DL California Christmas to NY 05, DLP March 06, WDW Nov 06,DLP Paris Christmas to NY 06, WDW April 07 DL California Nov 07, WDW Dec 07, DLP Mar 08, DLP Jul 08, DL Hong Kong Mar 09, WDW Oct 09,  DLP Xmas 09[/size]


Quote from: "Jaxx"i would note that the ride that is missing at DLRP is soarin

WDW is so spread out that its one park per day it takes 1-2 hrs to get inbetween parks
animal kingdom and the studios are both in need of another E ticket ride
epcot is a single day ...

     Interesting post with regards to 1-2 hours to get between parks. My last visit three years ago in september we did 3 parks in a day, we picked the things we wanted to do and see i might add.
The magic kingdom and epcot are linked by the monorail,as you know, two hours max?,maybe in high season.Epcot and the studios are next to each other too and you can get ther via boat.

I agree in your statement about the studios, i think animal kingdom needs a couple of C and D ticket rides first :D


All the Best,



we went  to Orlando last june it had been 20 years to the month from the last time i had been
the times between parks was an estimate that came from the "unofficial guide to WDW" book
its AMAZING to me that the monorail doesn't connect MGM and AK to the rest of the park

i would do it very differently IF i ever go back to Florida
stay on property!! the extra magic hours make a HUGE difference definitely worth the extra $
go for the extra hours in the morning
leave at 11:00
do what ever for 6-7 hrs
return and close the place down
mid day in june was insane

we are headed to dlrp june 23/24 next year .. although we probably shouldn't the $ is incredably weak  

soarin is an awesome ride
DL and WDW ques are different but the ride is identical after you sit down
i wonder if they would change it for DLRP



Having worked at DLRP and having recently come back from WDW, there are quite a few differences.
I used to work on Space Mountain in DLRP before the renovations and that for me remains much better than the american one. you go through a Barrel Roll and a HairPin Loop (I think that's the neame for it).
The one in WDW is more like the Black Hole in Alton Towers (if you have ever been there)

WDW doen't have Indiana Jones ride.

DLRP does not yet have Splash Mountain, but there are designs for it and should get it (as soon as possible I hope).  :wink:

These are some of the big differences, however, WDW has more family orientated rides such as the Whinnie the Pooh Rides and Stitch's Great Escape.

I hope this helps. I think there may be some otherones but this is what I can think of off the top of my head.

Enjoy yourself. I know you will.   8)

PlutoSeb  :pluto:

The Butlin Boy

Quote from: "plutoseb"DLRP does not yet have Splash Mountain, but there are designs for it and should get it (as soon as possible I hope).  :wink:

WooHoo! :wink:  :lol: