Cars Racers Weekend?

Started by Kasey, June 24, 2017, 12:33:00 AM

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Hello! (This is my first post but I've been reading for a long time!)
I haven't seen any posts about it but I was looking at the Disney UK site and I saw there was a competition for a holiday to DLP and it's for the Cars Racers Weekend which is during the 10th - 12th of November. This is the first I've heard about the event?


Hi Kasey

I don't really post often enough to feel worthy of welcoming you to the forum, but I will anyway:

Welcome to the forum!

That said, I don't have a clue what this Cars weekend is, and my research has turned up nothing. Therefore I can only assume that it's some kind of poorly advertised special event  ::)

If anyone has any serious contribution as to what this might be, please share as it sounds interesting, and any timely (Cars 3) special activity can only be a good thing, right?
Trips so far
April 2011 - Sequoia Lodge (First ever DLRP trip)
Nov 2011 - Newport Bay Club (Mickey's Magical Fireworks and Bonfire 2011)
Sep 2012 - Hotel New York (20th Anniversary Celebrations)
Nov 2013 - Hotel Cheyenne (Mickey's Magical Fireworks and Bonfire 2013)
Dec 2015 - Disneyland Hotel (Disneyland at Christmas)

polar vixen