Thoughts on the new APs?

Started by Ohana, March 30, 2017, 01:58:56 PM

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Just browsing the DLP website today as I'm going back in July and will be buying an Annual pass for the first time. I won't lie I'm pretty gutted that the dream pass has gone, and it's replacement is just rather unfair in my opinion.

The annual pass infinity sounds amazing but it's just short of €400.. the next one down from that is still more costly than the dream pass and offers less privileges.

I also really dislike that you get priority viewing of parades and illuminations? Absolutely not it should be first come first serve, the people who are prepared to sit it out infront of the castle should be the ones who get priority viewing not those who happen to have enough money to pay for it.

I'm unsure of the new discounts and whether the passes come with a yearly photopass yet so can't comment on those but so far I'm pretty darn gutted. What are everyone else's thoughts?

November 2015 -- Santa Fe
May 2016 - Santa Fe
November 2016 - Cheyenne
July 2017 - B&B Hotel


I dislike how the best perks are either stupidly quadrupled for a family or uncertain whether you can even use them....

I'm the dad in a family of 4. If we get 4 Infinity-passes, we also get 4 photopasses - there's no need for that.
We also can park 4 cars in the priviliged parking area - we travel in 1 car, so no need for that.

If you want to use the priviliged area for the parade or Illuminations or use the swimming pool at a hotel, you have to make a reservation. So there is a chance it's full - or you're at the back of the reserved area. That's not logical: if I pay (a lot of!) extra money for extra options, I want to use them, not have a chance of using them.


Annual passes as they were are ridiculously cheap. In perspective for the cost of five days in the parks you get to come back everyday in the year and have discounts and benefits. They have allowed me to stay off site with my family and be in the park for 2 weeks at a time. Because they were so cheap it meant that since 2008 i have spent a total of 3 months in Paris enjoying the magic.

Now that Disney are getting serious about the Parks and making them magical again they have realised that the prices need to go up for the first time in years. They only feel expensive because the others were so cheap.

These prices are still way cheaper than the ones you pay going to either Anaheim (2 parks) or Orlando (4 parks).

And you can still really enjoy the park without having the top annual pass. I would personally go with the magic plus, which is 50 euros more and only has 5 days blacked out. You dont have to have the additional bits that Infinity offers, noone is forcing you.


Yeah in the grand scheme of things it's definitely still way Cheaper and I am surprised they had cheap passes for long, I'm just bummed out that when I'm finally considering getting one haha. I am hoping that this means big things for the parks and that there is more magic but I really hope the fact that the priority seating at parades and illuminations doesn't ruin it .. that's my main worry. Oh and only 10% off in shops with the magic plus sucks too.

November 2015 -- Santa Fe
May 2016 - Santa Fe
November 2016 - Cheyenne
July 2017 - B&B Hotel


Hi all,

My opinion the new pricing structure for the annual passes is well overpriced compared to what you get in the states, { if it was like the states, in every way then its a yes from me for the higher pricing but until that time its no}.
We have been Dream annual pass holders for quite a few years now, and when are Dream passes expire in October we will not be renewing.
My family and I are Disney mad and we are very lucky that we have managed to visit quite a lot over the years with are annual passes.
Until major updates and more investment I feel that DLP will see a decline in visitors investing in annual passes with the new pricing structure..
Yes I know the refurbishments take time and its gradually happening slowly,
The 25th Celebrations will help attract a lot of visitors and these major updates and with the all the refurbishments taking place will help attract visitors, but until its as good as the states the pricing is well of the market value. 
Oct 06, Santa fe 3 days
Oct 07, Sequoia 4 days
Oct 08, Sequoia 4 days
Oct 09, Sequoia 4 days
Dec 09 New Year
Oct 10, Cheyenne 4 days
April 11, Cheyenne 4 days
Feb 13, Cheyenne 5 days
Feb 14, Cheyenne 5 days
Oct 14 Hipark 4 days
Nov 14 Hipark 4 days
Feb 15 Santa Fe 5 days
May 15 Hipark 4 days
Augt 15 Hipark 5 days
Feb 16 Cheyenne 5 days
April 16 Hipark 5 days
Aug 16 Hipark 5 days
Oct 16 Hipark 5 days
Dec 16 Sequoia new year
Next Trip
Oct 17 Hipark 5 days


Quote from: andlorna on March 30, 2017, 09:28:08 PM
Hi all,

My opinion the new pricing structure for the annual passes is well overpriced compared to what you get in the states, { if it was like the states, in every way then its a yes from me for the higher pricing but until that time its no}.

The Magic Plus Pass is £213. A 4 day, 2 park ticket is £172. I don't therefore agree that they're over priced if you do what they intend you to do - go back multiple times in a year.  For example, if you do 2 trips of 3 days over the year then it is still cheaper to buy a pass than it is park tickets.

They were VERY underpriced before in comparison to park tickets and now they're priced much more realistically.

The cheapest Disney World pass is £625 per year. They have 4 parks, Paris has two. Otherwise the benefits are very similar. IMO the US annual passes are still very expensive in comparison to Paris considering the US one is three times the price.

Sorry but I think the new annual passes do exactly what they're supposed to at last - offer you savings if you visit more than once a year.
My Trips:
03/2009 DCR -- 07/2009 DLH -- 03/2010 Cheyenne -- 07/2010  DLH -- 12/2010 SL -- 03/2011  Cheyenne -- 08/2011 NBC -- 12/2012 HNY -- 03/2013  Cheyenne - 12/2014 SL -- 03/2016 Cheyenne -- 07/2017  Cheyenne - 12/2017 SL - 08/18 - Cheyenne - 12/2018 NBC - 07/2019 Cheyenne


Quote from: andlorna on March 30, 2017, 09:28:08 PM
Until major updates and more investment I feel that DLP will see a decline in visitors investing in annual passes with the new pricing structure..

If you would have said this 3 years ago, would have firmly agreed because it was losing it's magic and started feeling more like a regular theme park. But right now i can only assume you haven't been to the parks recently or been reading the things that have been going on.

Major updates finished for Star Tours and Big Thunder Mountain, they are nearly done for Space Mountain and soon to be finished for Pirates. Cinemagique has just closed to be changed to a Marvel Action Show and pretty much everything is being made to sparkle and recapture the magic.

The announcement that £200m is going to be invested every year for the next 10 doesn't fall under that category?

More than that, when we went in February everything was clean and we saw so many characters around the place. It feels more Disney than it had in years as the little touches that vanished are now working again and the place was absolutely heaving.

I'm going back in the summer and for halloween (happily got my Dream AP renewed in February) and wouldnt have an issue renewing my families AP's next year at magic plus level. It would just need to save a bit more for them.

Sulley's Arms

A few points to make:

Firstly you can't make a fair comparison between DLP and the US parks. They are so dissimilar in size, scope, opening hours, numbers of attractions, etc. that it's like comparing my Mondeo to an F1 car and trying to claim that they're similar in some way (other than having 4 wheels and a seat)!

Also, to compare the AP price with the ludicrous "rack rate" for daily park tickets is immensely misleading. Nobody ever pays the "standard" day rate because there are always discounts and offers to be had, so to use this as a comparison is, to a large extent, meaningless.

I do agree that we've been spoiled over the past few years with particularly low AP prices, and DLP's push on getting as many APs sold (particularly with monthly payments plans) made the parks more overcrowded, presumably with a larger contingent of "locals" (i.e. those that can drive there within 2-3 hours) who only need to pay  €8/ month - this was wrong IMO.

Do bear in mind as well, when considering buying APs, that to get certain perks only 1 member of your family would need the higher-rated AP - e.g. privilage parking (can't wait to see what happens when those first 3 rows regularly fill up, by the way!), higher restaurant & shop discounts, plus discounts on character breakfasts, etc.

Super Trips already have the new APs on their site and are offering Magic Plus APs for only £185, with Magic Flex for only £142 each.

I certainly won't be getting an Infinity AP (unless I win the lottery), particularly as I believe the VIP viewing area for Illuminations will be PACKED with people believing they have more of a right of a good view than everyone else in there! But maybe I'll consider 1x Plus AP and the rest Flex APs? Who knows...! If we prioritise EMH then maybe we'll all get Magic Plus, but it won't be direct from DLP, as I know we can get them far cheaper!!!  ;D
Trip Counter
Nov 07 - DCR [4d]
Mar 09 - DCR [3d]
Feb 11 - DCR [4d]
Oct 11 - Kyriad [3d]
Dec 11 - Adagio [3d]
Feb 12 - DCR [6d]
Jun 12 - Crecy Golf [4d]
Aug 12 - Crecy Golf [2d]
Feb 13 - Adagio [4d]
Dec 13 - Crecy Golf [3d]
Feb 14 - DCR [5d]
Mar 15 - Sejours [4d]
Feb 16 - Kyriad [4d]
Dec 16 - Offsite [3d]
Feb 17 - Adagio [4d]
Aug 17 - Offsite [2d]
Dec 17 - Offsite [3d]
Dec 18 - Cheyenne [3d]


The best perks of the Infinity-card for me personally are the parking, the vip-area and the swimming.

However, those are also the three perks that I'm afraid will be not available a lof of the time because of the limited amount available: be it parking spaces, room in the vip area (and let's be honest, who feels "vippy" when there are five rows of people in front of you in that area) and the reservation-requirement for both vip and swimming.

The discount and 365-days access do no feel like a perk: we have had those for years already with our Dream-AP's.

I'm not negative about the whole upgrading AP-thing, but I don't want to feel like wasting money when buying four Infinity-AP's and then realizing I have not been able to use the perks as often as I wanted to.