
Started by Disneylover99, February 07, 2017, 12:27:33 PM

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Exactly what I was thinking, dlpowl.

We're not going until the end of the year, so hopefully by then we'll actually know what's really changing. It all sounds very confused at the moment - I wonder if the person you spoke to was getting muddled because of the character breakfasts and normal lunch / dinner at Plaza Gardens, or maybe she knows about plans for PG that are still in the pipeline. It is going to be a bit odd that it's a premium restaurant until 10am (or whenever) and then standard for the rest of the day, but that does seem to be the case for now. I bet it will change in the future though.


Yes hopefully they will.  I'm not too bothered personally because we won't be visiting Plaza Gardens (last visit was horrendous) and we will have our character meal in Inventions next time.  It will leave Agrabah Cafe as the only standard buffet option in the park though and I think that's unfair because many families don't go to Agrabah because the food isn't very kid friendly.  Or even adult friendly if you don't like spicy stuff!  I wouldn't eat there!


Agrabah isn't always open either.  It was shut the whole of my last visit and I have various friends who've been there at different times of the year over the last couple of years and they all said it was shut when they were there. 


I spoke to DLP last week as we have a paid for half board plus meal plan and I was told that in a few weeks there would be a new list online of where you can eat breakfast in the parks, but also that we can choose to eat breakfast in one of the other hotels due to the Cheyanne restaurant being refurbished. So may be worth checking online for definitive choices.