Adventure Isle + stroller

Started by TJBezz, October 31, 2016, 01:51:09 PM

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We would really like to enjoy Adventure Isle this time round with both our toddlers, however it is impossible to do with a stroller.
Are there any stroller parkings within the area?
Will be locking it since we dont want to risk it getting stolen, so just wondering if you can just lock it to a nearby fence?


We left our pushchair near to Pirates then picked it up afterwards, there is a spot between Pirates and Peter Pan where loads of buggies get parked up. Never had trouble with people taking anything but I don't leave anything in it that is valuable.
1992 - Newport Bay
1994 - Newport Bay
1997 - Sequoia Lodge
1999 - Davy Crockett
2002 - Santa Fe
2005 - Davy Crockett
2008 - Santa Fe
2010 - Sequoia Lodge (January)
2010 - Newport Bay (August)
2015 - Cheyenne
2017 - Sequoia Lodge Golden Forest stay booked for 5 nights July 2017. Excited for the 25th Anniversary!