Toasting the New Year on 31 Dec

Started by dencarter, October 23, 2016, 06:51:08 PM

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OK, at the risk of sounding like the ultimate first world problem, my question is:

Is there anywhere you can buy champagne (or any kind of sparkling wine) at Disneyland Park in takeaway glasses?

The reason for asking is I'll be in the park on New Year's Eve, and it would fee very odd not to have a drink to toast the new year at midnight.

Appreciate they serve it in restaurants, but is there a way we can enjoy a midnight tipple on Main St USA?

(I don't have a drink problem, by the way, folks! It's just New Year's Eve is one of those times it's weird not to have a glass in hand!)


When we were there new year 2014/15 they served it in food cart in the studios, it was about €10 a glass.


Quote from: Zee79 on October 23, 2016, 07:12:36 PM
When we were there new year 2014/15 they served it in food cart in the studios, it was about €10 a glass.
Good to know, thanks! Do they let you park hop with it, do you know?!