Eurotunnel - any problems in Calais?

Started by dlpowl, August 18, 2016, 12:43:36 AM

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Hi, I'm just wondering if anybody has come home in their car and taken the Eurotunnel recently?  If so, did you return in the day or at night?  Did you have any problems?  Are there really gangs of people standing by the roadside and behaving in an intimidating way?

We are going soon and will be getting a 9.30pm Eurotunnel back to the uk.  There's some really scary stuff being written in the papers at the moment about migrants from the camp attacking holidaymakers in their cars and trying to block the roads etc.  I'm sure the papers are exaggerating it somewhat, as they always do, but there's obviously some truth in it as it seems to have actually happened and I'm starting to get concerned for my families safety.  To be honest, I wish I'd never even booked this trip because I'm stressing so much about my family being safe what with all the current security issues.  For the first time ever, I'm not even looking forward to going to DLP.  I'm looking forward to the day we get home and I can stop fretting about it. :'(


You will be fine
Security at dlp is superb

We got the 1920 tunnel back and couldn't see any issues

If concerned you could get to the terminal before dark and use the canteen and shops which are inside the secure area


Got 8:20pm train & saw absolutely nothing. Ive seen 1 person in 3yrs! Keep doors locked if concerned. We came back 28th July & felt safe both in DLP & using tunnel.
Relax & enjoy :)


Thanks, guys, that has eased my worry a little.  Great idea about arriving at the terminal before dark, thanks, that really does make sense.

I'm really trying to relax but my parents aren't helping by saying things like "I wish you weren't going!".  I'm an only child so myself and my kids are their entire world and whilst I understand their concern, the kids are really excited and I don't want adults passing on fears to them and making them worry.  They're kids, they should just be able to enjoy Disney with no fears.  I was also in America when 9/11 happened and that day will haunt me forever so I do have a heightened anxiety about safety.


It's perfectly normal to be worried. My daughter (13) was supposed to be going a fortnight after the attacks last year so I was past myself, school rearranged for May I was worried about her going because she was visiting Paris as well but kept telling people to stop worrying her about going. She loved it. My brother kept trying to frighten my mother when we were going in July, she is a complete worrier, but I got the last laugh in a way because he went to London a week ago & was petrified incase anything happened, not funny when the boot is on the other foot. The media plays a big part in all this terror. I understand your parents concern but we can't live our lives worrying, it means they have won. When you get there you will be in your Disney bubble & have a great time.


Aah, thank you for your kind words.  That's what I'm hoping for - the Disney bubble effect!  I'm hoping we will just be engulfed in the magic and forget our worries!   Thanks again, I really appreciate the reassurance from everyone.


We felt a lot safer when we were there than in some of the big parks in the Uk

Have a great time!


What they report in the media and what you see in day-to-day life are two completely different things. You'll be fine. :)


Quote from: whatsupanders on August 18, 2016, 03:09:21 PM
What they report in the media and what you see in day-to-day life are two completely different things. You'll be fine. :)

Exactly, News International & the rest of them are there to sell papers & how do they achieve this? By sensationalising, scaremongering & exaggerating  ::)

Anyway, said it before, but DLP I think is is the most secure outdoor space I've been to.

Enjoy your trip...I plan to enjoy mine  :D


Yes I keep reminding myself that they are scaremongering.

I'm worrying a bit more about the port if anything, especially as we have a night train but as someone suggested, I think we will plan on arriving earlier while it's still daylight.


We go on Eurotunnel once a month and don't have issues with migrants, Eurotunnel yes, migrants no :) - Don't forget, some of the "video" footage that we see posted on bookface etc are old recycled videos from the previous years.



Just a quick addition to this thread, the extra security at the Eurotunnel terminal is evident everywhere. New security gates and razor wire is/are being added. You tend to see more of the migrants near to the ferry ports as that is where "The Jungle" is closer to and I think they see it as easier access. Keep in mind, as you leave the A16 motorway, you pretty much are straight into the Eurotunnel complex, within 60 seconds I would say. Seriously, enjoy your trip, security at DLP is pretty much spot on, you do get extra queueing times but it's worth that peace of mind and as said before Eurotunnel is safe

Sulley's Arms

Quote from: dlpowl on August 18, 2016, 12:43:36 AM
We are going soon and will be getting a 9.30pm Eurotunnel back to the uk.  There's some really scary stuff being written in the papers at the moment about migrants from the camp attacking holidaymakers in their cars and trying to block the roads etc.

We take the Eurotunnel regularly and have done for years,  and to date we haven't seen any migrants let alone trouble.

Every time we see my parents they tell us about the scary stories they've read in the papers, which they insist are all true..! Of course, they aren't!

Bottom line is you'll be at one of the highest security venues you can visit. Whatever "trouble" you encounter at Folkestone is as much as you'll encounter at Calais (i.e. none).

Now, haven't you got a magical trip to enjoy??
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Nov 07 - DCR [4d]
Mar 09 - DCR [3d]
Feb 11 - DCR [4d]
Oct 11 - Kyriad [3d]
Dec 11 - Adagio [3d]
Feb 12 - DCR [6d]
Jun 12 - Crecy Golf [4d]
Aug 12 - Crecy Golf [2d]
Feb 13 - Adagio [4d]
Dec 13 - Crecy Golf [3d]
Feb 14 - DCR [5d]
Mar 15 - Sejours [4d]
Feb 16 - Kyriad [4d]
Dec 16 - Offsite [3d]
Feb 17 - Adagio [4d]
Aug 17 - Offsite [2d]
Dec 17 - Offsite [3d]
Dec 18 - Cheyenne [3d]


Aaaahhh, thank you all so much.  You really have made me feel so much better about it, I'm so glad I asked.  Thank you, seriously. xxxxx