Question regarding walking/standing issues

Started by Catalina, July 15, 2016, 02:07:02 PM

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Hey all!
I haven't posted anything for years and years (I got sidetracked with WDW :-)) but now I need some advice I hope I'll get here.
I'm planning a trip with my Sister in September, I am taking her as a thank you for a huge favor she did for me. She's always had issues with her knees and she's had several operations, but has been fine for years. Recently, her issues and pains have come back and are getting worse to a point where she is in constant pain. We're expecting that another operation is in the near future for her. However, it very likely won't be before our Disney trip (which is all booked and paid for) and she really REALLY wants to go - because we don't know how long it'll be before she can walk again after the operation. But I am concerned what a walk-intensive trip with loads and loads of standing like Disneyland will do to her.
So I am looking for any suggestions on what we could do. I know you can rent wheelchairs in WDW, is this also possible in DLP? What is the policy on queuing with wheelchairs?


Yes, you can rent wheelchairs and use the wheel chair access routes to rides.

You can also get a card from city hall that allows you to use the disabled entrances to rides (usually with little waiting time). You have to show proof of disability - I think a letter from your doctor or a disabled parking badge is acceptable. Sometimes they will accept that the guest is disabled without written proof. The card will indicate how many companions are allowed to use the disabled route too.
Planning WDW 2019
1997 DLP x2, 1998 DLP x2, 1999 DLP, 2000 DLP Millenium, 2002 DLP, 2003 DLR, 2004 WDW + DLP, 2005 DLP + DLR, 2006 WDW, 2007 DLP x2, 2008 WDW + DLP x3, 2009 DLP x7, 2010 WDW (+ extra week due to ash cloud!), 2011 DLR, 2012 WDW + DLP, 2013 WDW + DLP, 2014 WDW + DLPx3 (inc. daytrip for Ratatouille preview), 2015 DLR + DLPx3, 2016 WDW + DLP, 2017 WDW x2 + DLP, 2018 WDW + DLP x2. Coming up - ?


There's 2 kinds of passes for people who need extra assistance - Easy Access and Priority.

Priority - this is for people who for whatever reason, are unable to queue and gives quicker access to the rides.  You definitely need proof to obtain one of these passes.

Easy Access - this is for people with a temporary issue who need to access the rides via the disabled entrance.  You should also have some kind of doctors letter for this but I have heard of people getting them without.

There's a full guide here


The priority card is for people who have a permanent disability, and can use a blue badge a dr note not older than 3 months or an dla letter.

the easy access card which rules changed 2 weeks ago, is for temporary disabilty, and als need proof of a dr not older than 3 months (i wouldn't try going without proof as rules are stricter now)

The brochure on the website is not accurate anymore with easy pass you get a time to come back which is the same as the waiting line at that moment for the que, when you come back at that time you go in via the wheelchair entrance.
And you can only have one atraction one you card per time.


Thank you all for the replies, I truly appreciate it. I have a couple more questions, though... Could we rent a wheelchair without a disability card? Just "park" it with the strollers or something and then enter a ride through the queue? Or is the use of a wheelchair only allowed if paired with a disability card? What about parades, would it be an issue to just sit with the wheelchair anywhere on route?
I know these are weird questions. So far though, nothing has been ordered by the doctor and the whole wheelchair rental is more my own idea to try and avoid too much pain for my sister.
Again, I appreciate all the help!


Anyone can rent wheelchair no need of a disability card.
You could "park" the wheelchair with the strollers but i don't know if it
is save. Or bring a lock.
There are always people who can use anything even wheelchairs or strollers.
Maybe you need to ask if you can leave a wheelchair with the strollers.
At parades you can sit anywhere you want if you are on time and find a place you like
i do that too.


I'd imagine the wheelchair would be pretty safe if left with everyone's prams and strollers.  Just don't leave any valuables with it.  I was a bit wary about leaving our pram in the stroller park sections the first time we went but it was absolutely fine.

From Disney's point of view, I can't imagine them objecting to you leaving the wheelchair there and queueing normally.

As for the parade, there is a designated wheelchair area although I'm not sure if you can use it without having one of the disability cards.  But don't worry because all you need to do is pick your spot along the parade route and get there early so that you can put the wheelchair kerbside and then your sister won't have anybody in front of her.  When you've got your position you do have to stay on guard though because people will try to push in front of you.  And adults will happily shove their own children in front of other people (including people in wheelchairs and other children!) so you have to stay alert and if anybody tries to push in just stand in their way and say 'no, sorry, I'm not having my sisters view blocked.'  The level of rudeness that rears its head during parade time can be astonishing but get your spot, guard it and you'll be fine.


The designated wheelchair areas are only for people with the priority card


Thank you for your replies, that helped a lot! I now have an idea of the possibilites we have. I'll check with the doctor a bit closer to our holidays and decide then. But it's great to have all this information, thanks again!