Floats you've seen at the WWODP.

Started by TowMater, May 06, 2007, 10:41:46 AM

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When I went there in May 2001 there was only about 6 or 7 Floats I've seen in the parade.

Steamboat Willie
Sleeping Beauty
Mary Poppins
The Little Mermaid

I've seen the Dumbo float but it had a extra carridge only for Disney's Toon Circus.

I'm going back there next year at Christmas but might The Once Upon a Dream Parade will still be on next year at Christmas?
"To all who come to his happy place, Welcome" - Walt Disney

Previous Disney Visits

DLRP  | May 2001           |Newport Bay
WDW  | October 2004    | Calabry Parc Villas
WDW  | October 2006    | Hawthorns Suites
WDW  | May 2008          | Hawthorns Suites
WDW  | August 2008      | All Star Movies
DLRP   | November 2008 | Explorers Hotel
WDW  |August 2009       |Pop Century


I've got some old photo's which I really must scan at some point with some of the older floats like The Jungle Book.


^^^Ooo yes, please do that, they would be gratefully received and appreciated!


Might be a while. Still got some pics to upload from my last holiday, and I've got exams in June.

Probably do it in June or July, before I go back to DLRP in September.

The photo's are from 1994. Pre Space Mountain, pre Walt Disney Studio's. They were just building Space Mountain and it was before it was being called Space Mountain.

Just having a look at them now actually, as it's so long since I've seen them.

Mickey is on a float which has a rocket ship.

The Sleeping Beauty float is preceded by knights on real horses! Aurora is dressed in an outfit which is nothing like her outfits in the films, and she's cowering under the dragon, as Philip fends it off with a sword.

There's a Pinocchio float.

A Snow White float on two levels, with Snow White on the top, by a wishing well.

The Cinderella float is the same one.

There's a Dumbo float with a blazing building and Dumbo flying around the building.

A Peter Pan float, which is the Jolly Roger pirate ship.

A Jungle Book float.

Roger Rabbit!

The Little Mermaid float is the same one we had until March, but instead of the big oyster shell where Ariel sits, it has a boat with Ariel and Eric in it.

The Beauty and the Beast float is identical.

This was only just as Aladdin had been released, so there's no Aladdin float. The attraction in Adventureland was open at the time though.

And there are some very out of focus pictures of the Beauty and the Beast show which used to run in Videopolis - before Legend of the Lion King.

Very interesting pictures to look back on and compare what the parks are like now.

I promise to get them scanned in a bit later in the year, as I've said, probably after my exams.



Aside from the ones used in most recent wwodp/princess parade. Going back to 1993/4 time and most are the same as dark prince has mentioned

Mickey and Minnie on a rocket ship

One which I can't make out who its meant to be as its dark, but its between sleeping beauty/cinderella (still same floats) and looks like a king and queen.

Peter Pan on a pirate ship

Jungle Book float

Dumbo on a burning building

Snow white on a wishing well float

Same little mermaid float, but with Ariel and Eric in a boat (instead of the shell ariel sits in)

I also can't find any pictures of this, but I seem to remember an Aladdin float that had a big genie on.
July 15th 2007: DLRP.....my second home \":)\"


There wasn't an Aladdin float when I was there back in 1994. Remember Aladdin had only just come out in 1992, they did have the Passages of Aladdin open at this time, but there wasn't a float in the parade.

At least not when I was there.

I'll get those pictures sorted eventually, promise.

Obviously they aren't as good as my current pics, because they were only taken with an automatic 35mm camera, so they suffer from limitations which are obviously lifted with a digital camera - and I wasn't as used to taking pictures back then. Had a good few years practice with digital cameras now.



The Aladdin one must be from a different time. Not sure when though. My dad used to take the pictures back then and he kind of took the "we've already got pictures of this" approach to the parade, which means we lack any between our first visit and when I started taking them myself.
July 15th 2007: DLRP.....my second home \":)\"



I took pictures for 5 days in a row of the whole Princess Parade on my recent trip. In fact, they're all up on the forum here, except for the last day - I haven't got around to uploading them yet.


Quote from: "Dark_Prince"There wasn't an Aladdin float when I was there back in 1994. Remember Aladdin had only just come out in 1992, they did have the Passages of Aladdin open at this time, but there wasn't a float in the parade.

There was an Aladdin Genie float, he appeared in the Aladdin parade during the year 1993-1994, the genie had many different disguises during this parade :wink: .  The only float that was continued to be used after the mini parade finished was the Magic Carpet float we all know from the wwodp/pp.


Ah well that particular parade wasn't running the weekend I was there. It was just the main WWODP, which didn't have an Aladdin float on that weekend.


Quote from: "crunchie_lover"One which I can't make out who its meant to be as its dark, but its between sleeping beauty/cinderella (still same floats) and looks like a king and queen.

Behind the Sleeping Beauty float that we know from the WWODP, there used to be a second Sleeping Beauty float in the earlier years. On this float, there were Aurora's parents. I'm not sure if I also have pictures of the Disney Classic Parade (all pictures are still at my parent's home). But I am very sure we took pictures of the Aladdin Parade and I think this was in 1993 (and I also think this parade was in autumn or winter, because I can remember wearing a thick rain coat on some pictures).


Wow, these floats all sound so interesting!  It kind of makes you think that perhaps disney did go a bit downhill in the parade department, but at least they have made up for it now!