Fast pass question

Started by simbamad, March 01, 2016, 02:39:58 PM

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Am I right in thinking that your only allowed one fast pass at a time then can get another when the current one has run out ??


when you get your first fast pass it will tell you on it what time you can get your next fast pass. it is normally at least 2 hours later


When you get a fastpass, it will say from when you can get a new one. It will either be after you use your current one, or after 2 hours (which ever is before)

So if you get a fastpass at 10:00, and your ride time is between 10:30 and 11:00, for example, you'll be able to get a new fastpass at 10:30.

And if you get a fastpass at 10:00, and your ride time is between 14:00 and 14:30, you'll be able to get a new fastpass at 12:00.

Hope this helps!


you used to be able to buy a premium fastpass for the day for 60euro but don't know if this has stopped now? difficulut to find any info on the interernet that is not several years old on the topic


Thank you for all your replies, you've all been a great help


You can also get have fastpasses for the main park and the studios at the same time, which is useful on very busy days when your return time might not be for hours and so you don't have to rush between parks


The sale of VIP FastPasses has stopped. The only way to get one these days is by staying in an embarrassingly expensive room at the hotels.

As per above, the precise restriction is that after obtaining a FastPass, you cannot get another FastPass in that park until the earlier of your return time or two hours (rounded down to the next lowest five minutes) after the FastPass was printed.

On my last trip that led to me holding three valid FastPasses at once. I had The Twilight Zone: Tower of Terror issued at 11:13 return between 15:30-16:00, Rock & Roller Coaster avec Aerosmith issued at 13:41 return between 15:45-16:15, and Space Mountain: Mission 2 issued at 14:29 return between 17:15-17:45.