Impatient autistic child at Xmas

Started by Disneymadmum, January 31, 2016, 01:11:41 PM

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Hi I'm new here. We just last week booked our first ever trip to DLP. We are going 23-28th December and I've read it's an extremely busy time.
Anyway I have an autistic son who doesn't do great with queueing and we are going to get a doctors note for the blue passes ? I think that's what they  are called ?

Anyway can anyone please tell me how this works and how long we are likely to wait at these busy time even with these passes?
I've also heard some rides might give us a time to go back, how do this work also? Thank you

Very excited first time Disney mum




Hi Suzanne, welcome to the forum  :D

We visit DLRP under very similar circumstances and let me put your mind to rest - the accessibility passes work like a dream!

Well go about 3/4 times a year and haven't been given a return to me for any ride in over a year. You predominantly enter via the exit and a CM will ask to see your pass. For most rides in fantasy land the wait time is normally 5 minutes or under. Pirates of the Caribbean /phantom manor/space mountain/ Autopia are normally walk on. Storyland boat trip is the longest wait in the park as there is only 1 boat for accessibility passes so depends on how many people are waiting in front of you but you can always try again a different time (worth it as it is a lovely ride)

For the Studios, everything is normally walk on other than Ratatouille as you  have to wait in the fastpass queue with everyone else for this ride so can be around a 15 minute wait. And if you need the special accessibility "rat" it may be a further wait inside as there is only one. RC racer can be quite a wait too depending on how many people in front of you as again there is only one vehicle. We are not permitted to use our accessibility card for parachute drop so I'm assuming you will get the same one as us. The only time we have been able to do this ride was first thing in the morning when the studio first opens before the queue builds up.

You can use your accessibility pass to stand in a roped off area for parades and Dreams (we are only allowed 1 carer in with the pass)

Even in counter service restaurants, the CMs will help you with a table. Sometimes when it's really busy, you are not allowed to a table until you have been served, if you explain about your needs they will let you sit while someone else queues.

I can't rate DLRP highly enough for their attempts to make lives easier, nothing is too much trouble. You will have an absolutely fantastic time! Feel free to pm me at any time.


Aww thank you soo much for your reply. That's really put my mind at rest, I really dread the idea of a complete ASD meltdown in the middle of a queue full of people because he can often be really difficult to calm down and just runs xx


polar vixen

we have sane situation as you but two boys with add abd a third with adhd . disney it's fantastic because they are so fantastic and it's brilliant because boys are happy it means I very a break to.  can't remember where you're staying but disney hotels ould you explain will also let you skip the breakfast queue which could otherwise be a problem.  we also make up a social story with a rough plan for what's going to happen each day especially the restaurants we plan to easy at. I'd strongly recommend booking your restauraNts I  advance abd if possible fine slightly outside of typical mealtimes just so there's less chance of queuing our having to wait to long to be served. ...12/or between 3 and 5. . have a fantastic time!


Thank you Polar Vixen that's really helpful. I have 2 ASD children too but my older 14 year old daughter is fine with queueing and stuff. My son however is really hard work.
We are staying at Santa Fe and I'm hoping we could perhaps eat at least one breakfast in the park. I'm sure I've read this could be possibly if breakfast at the hotel is Packed ?



Breakfast in the park is offered by exception, usually to guests at the mid-price hotels, when they are very busy. If you've chosen the Santa Fe, unfortunately that's an economy hotel and you will need to stick with La Cantina or upgrade to Café Mickey for €17 per guest per breakfast.


Quote from: Disneymadmum on January 31, 2016, 11:59:37 PM
Aww thank you soo much for your reply. That's really put my mind at rest, I really dread the idea of a complete ASD meltdown in the middle of a queue full of people because he can often be really difficult to calm down and just runs xx

The only time you might have an issue is with Ratatouille as the Fast Pass queue is inside down a corridor with not much to look at so can make the kids a bit antsy. Everywhere else it is really easy to leave if a meltdown occurs.


Eek thank you I'm so excited now I know it won't be a nightmare week of meltdowns




