Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Am I the only one from the Dublin interview who hasn't gotten a contract? I'm thinking maybe they're giving them out in order of start date..cus I put down July 1st for mine..it seems that everyone is getting contracts for May?


Quote from: "mackattack"Am I the only one from the Dublin interview who hasn't gotten a contract? I'm thinking maybe they're giving them out in order of start date..cus I put down July 1st for mine..it seems that everyone is getting contracts for May?

No, there are a few of us still waiting who went to the Dublin Interview. I had my start date down as the 26th of May. Getting worried.  :(


Quote from: "Tiffanyfinsy"
Quote from: "LanaL"I got a job offer April 19 and today - contract by post!  :D

Congrats :D!
Thanks! :)
Congrats to everyone who got job! :D/


Quote from: "VigBasil"
Quote from: "mackattack"Am I the only one from the Dublin interview who hasn't gotten a contract? I'm thinking maybe they're giving them out in order of start date..cus I put down July 1st for mine..it seems that everyone is getting contracts for May?

No, there are a few of us still waiting who went to the Dublin Interview. I had my start date down as the 26th of May. Getting worried.  :(
I'm with you two! However, I put attractions down as my preference and someone said before that those jobs are all gone.. Booo!! Fingers crossed though.  ;)


Guys, I have a question for those who have received their emails for contracts from May or June, to September 30.
Did you give them your availability until the end of September, especially those of you who will have to skip their first weeks of uni? (I'm scared now, because I'm Spanish and I will also have to skip classes if they send me a similar contract). Thanks in advance!


Quote from: "stephaniedisney"Guys, I have a question for those who have received their emails for contracts from May or June, to September 30.
Did you give them your availability until the end of September, especially those of you who will have to skip their first weeks of uni? (I'm scared now, because I'm Spanish and I will also have to skip classes if they send me a similar contract). Thanks in advance!

I put down availability until mid September, but It's no huge inconvenience missing the first week or two of uni, nothing's ever done then and seeing as I'm doing French in college I'll probably learn way more in Disney!!
Only major problem I have is if I have to repeat an exam or two in August :/ Anyone know if it would be possible to fly home for 2 or 3 days? :(


Quote from: "LS1"Has anyone from England got a contract for shops/restaurants/bars yet? I've been in the talent pool since November and the wait is killing me! Does anyone have a phone number for me to contact them about my application? Going to email them in the next week but in case they don't reply!

Well done and good luck to everyone who has contracts! will hopefully see you out there :)

I think a few people have heard, although I'll admit there's so many of us on here now that I've lost track of who's from where! But I'm also from England and was put in the talent pool in November, and I've heard nothing ):


Does anybody know if you take a CDI when it finishes...assuming it will start in June?


I was under the impression that a CDI was 'indéterminé', meaning that there is no end date? Maybe someone could correct me!


so excited to go now! Just wondering is there still loads of contracts to go out? My friend has put down bar work as her preference and she was at the same interview as me and hasnt heard anything yet, do you think she'll hear something next week?


Quote from: "VigBasil"
Quote from: "mackattack"Am I the only one from the Dublin interview who hasn't gotten a contract? I'm thinking maybe they're giving them out in order of start date..cus I put down July 1st for mine..it seems that everyone is getting contracts for May?

No, there are a few of us still waiting who went to the Dublin Interview. I had my start date down as the 26th of May. Getting worried.  :(

Getting very worried. I haven't heard anything either :( I put May 20th-September 4th as my availability. Though I could extend that as I'll be in Paris on Erasmus anyway. I've worked in a shop for 4 years and my French is fairly good. I thought I'd get a contract no bother! Obviously not..:(


Quote from: "niamh"Getting very worried. I haven't heard anything either :( I put May 20th-September 4th as my availability. Though I could extend that as I'll be in Paris on Erasmus anyway. I've worked in a shop for 4 years and my French is fairly good. I thought I'd get a contract no bother! Obviously not..:(

I doubt they would have placed us in the Talent Pool if they didn't think we were employable though, right? This is driving me insane. I just want to know if all of the contracts have been handed out so I can begin plotting my own demise.


Well they did say (somewhere) that all contracts would be given out by mid-May, so we've still got a few days left to hear back I reckon....


Quote from: "VigBasil"I doubt they would have placed us in the Talent Pool if they didn't think we were employable though, right? This is driving me insane. I just want to know if all of the contracts have been handed out so I can begin plotting my own demise.

True, but the wait is hateful. I finished my last summer exam an hour ago so I'll be refreshing my inbox every 5 minutes until I get an email. Do they only email with job offers on a Friday?


I'm in the same situation, in the talent pool since the Dub interviews and was hoping for a shop job, should we just give up? It pretty much is the middle of May, very disappointed :( 5 of my friends from the same interview got jobs :(