Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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@DisneyBud - How did you get on?  I wasn't there yesterday, I went to the UK auditions last November :)


Hello everyone!

I'm new to the forum but I already read some through. :) I really wish to be part of Disneyland. I didn't get through the auditions last friday because of extreme nerves. I was so overwhelmed by the size of the audition and all, I just couldn't do it.. :( I know what to expect now, though, and so I want to have a second chance. :)

I went to the disneyland-casting.com website, and I saw that you could apply for an audition in France. Is it true that they held auditions twice a month?!

I sent them an email with my resume. Do I have any chance to be invited to an audition in France, since I'm Dutch? And how long does it usually take for them to respond? What are their recuirements for inviting someone over to audition?

I've only become more eager since I totally screwed the last audition up, which was all thanks to myself. I hope to hear from someone soon :)

Love, Claire
I don\'t know when,
I don\'t know how,
but I know something\'s starting right now


I have past the auditions 20th april for character only! I'm so happy but I'm afraid that I don't get a call! But i hope soooo that I get al call


@ NotreClaire
I'm sorry to hear that you didn't make it through the audition. I think you have to wait 6 months before applying again. It's a rule that they have, it sucks! (I had to wait 6 months before applying for the Disney Store again.) It's a really crappy rule.
But keep practising and that 6 months will fly by and you'll be ready to audition again! Best of luck.
Love, Wendy Darling :)


@WendyDarling : Whoaa really? That's extreme! Well, we didn't have to sign up for this audition since it was an open audition, so would it still be 6 months?
I don\'t know when,
I don\'t know how,
but I know something\'s starting right now


I had my interview back in December in Edinburgh and I'm in the talent pool and I'm sooooooo nervous to hear back from them about a contract!  Has anyone who went to the recruitment session in Edinburgh received anything yet?


Yeah I'm fairly sure the 6 month rule still applies... :S
Love, Wendy Darling


About the 6 month rule I think that's only for people who have been accepted that hey have to wait. I have searched on their site like everywhere and I could NOT find the 6 month rule, some say it's 3 months, but I think that if that's true they should say so on the auditions and the website right? So is there really any official statement of this rule or is it out-dated? I want to audition again in France as well especially because this summer is kind of my one and only chance to work at Disney so if anyone knew the official policy that would be great because I cannot find this rule on any of their official websites.
Why do all my dreams extend, just around the riverbend?// DREAMERS UNITE! ?
[size=85]ICON CREDIT[/size]


@Nao Yes, that's why I also got my doubts.. I've been looking all over the internet, but I can't find such a rule anywhere on the official Disneyland Paris website(s). They didn't say anything about it on the audition itself either.

So, I assume you're Dutch like me. ^^ Have you applied to an audition in France through the Disneyland-casting website already? If so, when do you think we get the invitation?
I don\'t know when,
I don\'t know how,
but I know something\'s starting right now


I'VE MADE ITTTTTTTTTTT!!!! I still cant believe it, but im really happy (:

I auditioned last Friday, I came there around 9.45 and there A LOT of people (around 300 i think), especially a lot of proffesional dancers, So I was like: "this is going to be a hard job" (I can dance, but not as good all the "proffesionals"). Luckily I've practice the animation part, so hopefully I can pass at least that round. Anyway, I was standing in the line and suddenly I saw the lovely Nao (Still upset that she didnt pass the dance round booooo). 

But, first, we got the animation round (still the same characters): I was in one of the last groups, so i could watch everybody trying to figure out the 6 characters. A lot of "proffesional" dancers didnt make it to the next round (I felt a little bit relieved ha), but then: it was my turn: I smiled the whole time and just trying my best. Luckily I made it to the next round, soooo happy. 

Than we got the dance round: It was freaking hard. Less time, less space, a lot of people and then there was me: I knew the dance a little bit, but wish I had done it better. As you thought, the time was up (Everybody was still confused haha, not funny at that moment, fingers crossed and hoping for the best!!). When I saw the first groups dancing (Some people where really good, but didnt make it through the dance round because they didnt SMILE at all, too bad), I was thinking about all the dance parts and still watching all the people dancing their butt off. It seemed like almost every person knew that dance (There goes my faith!), which made me even more confused, I was even more upset when I saw that Nao didnt pass the dance round (She smiled the whole time and tried so hard to follow all the dance steps, respect!!), but as soon as I through, it was my turn and I keep reminding myself "I can do it, I can do it, just try the best as you can, don't stop and keep in smiling". I knew the first part of the dance, but suddenly my whole group was confused, so I lost my concentration and lost all my hope. I couldnt remember any dance step anymore. I I felt so disappointed, but all you could do at the moment is waiting..... hoping that they didnt say my number (If they said your number, you didnt pass) 

And....THEY DIDNT SAY MY NUMBER!!! I felt so lucky, such a good feeling..

There where 3 groups: the Look-a-likes (However, half of the people where rejected at the end, because they didnt fit in the perfect look-a-like prince/princes yet), the dancers (Big group, met some lovely people there) and the animation/cast member/show people (Yeah, my group, all lovely people, but secretly I knew this already, because before they made the groups, they made a picture of me and then I gave all my stuff (CV+other information) to them and saw my paper they filled in, got the maximum high score at animation and dance not so high, stupid confusion) But, I'm still really happy, love animation!!

All I can say: enjoy this experience, keep on smiling even If you feeling not so well and didnt pass the first time. When I was rejected in London (November), I kept on going, no matter what. If it was not my time, I'll be waiting and hopefully there comes a disneyland audition in The Netherlands (Luckily, it came!). Don't feel too bad about it, its a really long, stressful and ofcourse, a tough day, but its all worth it. Dreams can come true, so keep on dreaming and believe in yourself!!!! (And If you good in animation but not good in dancing, do your best at animation and keep on smiling during the dance round. They want to see your personallity, not If you can follow every dance step)

@Nao: I seriously hope you can join me someday in Disneyland, you''re such a sweetheart! You're going to pass the next audition for sure!!!

@Maxime: hellooooo groupmate!!!

@Astya: thanks girl (:

Anyway, does somebody know what happens next? (I know, waiting...waiting) but when you don't have to wait anymore, are they going to call you or email you? (Still need to email anyway because my availabe status is changing, but in a good way) and Im 5'2, thats a good heigh voor characters right?

I caaanttttttttt waaaaittttttttt!!
Do what your heart desires and dont worry about what the others think. At the end of the day, what makes you happy is what matters the most.


Quote from: "DisneyBud"@Nao, Astya, Tiffanyfinsy I was at the audition too yesterday! Maybe I saw you and didn't realise. I had so much fun there :)

Anddddd.......did you pass the audition? (:

For the other people: when I was in London, they said to me that I must wait for 3 months to audition again i guess...
Do what your heart desires and dont worry about what the others think. At the end of the day, what makes you happy is what matters the most.


Hey everyone,

Just wondering did anyone who was at the London auditions on the 10,11,12th of January who were put in talent pool for jobs around the park (boutique, restauraunt etc) hear anything from Disney yet? :)


@Tiffanyfinsy hmm it's odd I didn't hear them say anything about it on Friday and can't find it on the site. Maybe they don't have it any more? I certainly hope not. I really want to re-audition in June!
Why do all my dreams extend, just around the riverbend?// DREAMERS UNITE! ?
[size=85]ICON CREDIT[/size]


I'm not sure if this posted right the other day...

Re: Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Postby doug89 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:49 am
Hey, I've been following this forum for aaaaaaaaages.

Got this email 10 days ago -
Vendeur Boutique

Contrat de 4 à 5 mois à partir du mois du 28 avril 2012

Horaires travaillés : 35 h /semaine (pour rappel, une journée de 7 heures de travail peut commencer au plus tôt à 6 h 30 et se terminer au plus tard à 2 h du matin)

Rémunération mensuelle brute : 1412.38 euros
Pass Navigo : remboursé à 75 % pour le trajet domicile / lieu de travail

Vous serez logé en chambre partagée dans nos appartements meublés (WIFI possible). Le loyer mensuel est de 291 euros (caution de 200 euros encaissé lors de votre arrivée). N'hésitez pas à nous indiquer votre préférence pour une chambre fumeur ou non fumeur. Nous essaierons de vous satisfaire dans la mesure du possible.

Le nombre de postes étant limité, merci de bien vouloir me confirmer par retour de mail avant le vendredi 13 avril 2012 - 15 heures si vous êtes intéressé ou pas par notre offre . Nous vous confirmerons votre embauche dans la limite de nos disponibilités.

Emailed them back LITERALLY about 10 mins later, saying that as I said in my interview I've exams until May 12th, and could I start after that. Not a peep back, what do you guys reckon is the story? Are they just really slow at getting back? Or did they only want people that could start April 28th (the whole du mois du... thing really confused me). I emailed again today and got an out of office reply until Monday...fingers crossed.

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Hello im Holli ! i dont post on here alot x

Hello everyone ! x im going INSANE WITH THE WAITING..
can anyone PLEASE tell me , HAS ANYONE PASSED the disneyland paris audition between January - April of this year ? AS A CHARACTER performer AND GOT A CALL YET? ( you know, like a contract to start working)

i PASSED ON THE 4TH OF APRIL as a character performer( not dancer) in London .. and im waiting.. i know my chances are slim.. BUT PLEASE... SOMEONE MUST BE IN THE SAME POSITION AS ME !  

iv been on the waiting list before.. and the waiting is HORRID...... iv also been put into make up before( my first audition).. but it didnt work out well.. soo i feel pretty rejected :( (Cinderella) This was my 4th audition, and second time on the waiting list x IT HAS TO HAPPEN SOON <3

Iv been looking on the net, and it seems that there are no auditions for a while... hopefully this means they are casting.. and calling people for contract xx

... well i hope !! x