Disneyland Paris Jobs - Casting news and tips

Started by needmagic, April 23, 2007, 03:33:45 PM

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Hey guys,
I've just been reading through this thread, and a lot of people seem to be talking about the open auditions for characters/parade etc. Is there an audition due to be held in January? Can someone tell me when/where it is? Or how I can find out? :)


http://disneylandparis-casting.com/en/n ... n-england5

10th and 11th January in London. I'm going to go on the 10th.


Hello Mirrorball and Miss loocy!
Im off to the auditions on the 10th aswell and im planning on just turning up! I assumed thats the idea.. otherwise im travelling a very long way for not much XD
Wondered if anyone could help me with a few more things  :roll:
1. How many people show up? just out of pure curiosity!
2. Do many people take head shots?
3. Should I take a sandwich? O_o
and finallyyy
4. Im still on the waiting list for braces.. my teeth are pretty straight but my canines are a little off.. will this hold me back to much?
Getting very exited! :D
...Wish I could be part of that world...


Quote from: "Astya"Daniel even says on the day, it's more important to smile and give it everything you can (easier said than done though I think!).  He even says, they can teach you to dance but can't teach you to smile,

Thank you for the tip! I to have stopped lurking and finally joined! Auditioning in 9 days.... so nervous and yet so excited!!

Thanks everybody for taking the time to share your experiences, its a great help!

Can I ask ... are there any dance moves worth learning? I saw one post, said a 'grapevine' (found it on youtube) - I don't dance.... as you probably guessed from that question! :P

What animations where you all asked to perform??
Just think of a wonderful thought..


Hi guys!

 I'm going on the 10th too!

MissAerial, its my first time too, but if its any help.. from reading other posts on other forums, I'm taking a bottle of water and something quick and easy to eat (and maybe a tooth brush!) I read on another post over 100 people will turn up. I am taking a head shot, but its just a cropped photo on photo shot, decent looking but nothing professional. And my teeth are ok but not perfect... so your deffo not alone! I'm staying in a hostel and planning to arrive at 9am.. if there are many there I will stay, if not may disappear for 20 minutes and come back?!

Sounds daft... but what are you planning to wear?
Just think of a wonderful thought..


@Mirrorball - The dance moves...it's hard to explain really and as my performance showed I didn't memorise it all on the day!  Lol.

@MissAriel - Take some water, definitely!  It gets very warm in the room.  I was only there til around half 12 or something, and I got through the first round, cut at the second but pretty much the last group to dance, so sandwich is optional really!  I didn't see anyone else with one.
1 - There were probably around about 150 people, maybe a bit more?
2 - I don't know about head shots.  I know successful dancers were asked about resumes...I don't know what goes on one though, is it just a CV??
4 - Don't worry I'm sure it won't, and besides they're not just looking for face characters anyway.  You could be great at animation and just do costume, or dance.  Not everyone that got through had perfect teeth, there were no 'supermodels', a real mix of people got through.  Don't worry, just smile! :D

@Rex - You probably won't have time to eat...it goes through really fast!  

Most people wore 'dancer' stuff, leggings etc.  I went in jeans and I was about the only one who did (I wouldn't again).  Some people just wore trackies though.  As long as you can move should be fine.  One girl was wearing a yellow thing that looked like it had been made from strips of canary...she got cut right away though...Hehe.


Thankyou for the tips! It calms me down alot to hear from people who have been there :). . . ill be sure to pass on the sandwich then!

Hello! Im planning on just wearing jogging bottoms and a comfy t shirt or something? Oh and tie my hair off my face and makeup free :)
Im stopping really close by in Covent Garden travellodge so I was thinking of going 9ish as well so you wont be the only one! :)
...Wish I could be part of that world...


Hi Rex!

I'm just planning on wearing leggings and a t-shirt. I'm just not sure about shoes 'cause I don't have proper dance shoes and I'm not sure how graceful I can be in trainers!

I haven't booked my tickets yet but I'll be coming down from Northampton in the morning and I'm going to aim to be there about 9:30-9:45ish.


ahhh how exciting!! Well from watching the 'offical' audition advice videos, I think I'm going to wear a blue vest top and a pair of black 3/4 cut track pants, with a pair of fitted shorts underneath. As for shoes I've got nothing dance worthy, so going to pop out later and try and pick something up. I'm just outside of Covent Garden, staying in a hostel called The Generator, are you walking there?? My brothers staying with me, but not coming to the audition. I'm flying in from Spain (but I am English)

as for food.. I was thinking a mars bar :)

ooo so nervous now its starting to feel real!

Have you guys done anything to prepare?  Is there much you can do to prepare??

Any tips on following the chirography? Counting or rembering certain moves in order?! I'm sooooo going to mess it up... a smile may be my only hope!
Just think of a wonderful thought..


would just like to say good luck! to everyone off to auditions soon :thumbs:

love reading this thread would love to have done something like this when i was younger....making do with visiting the park is good enough though,hope some of you auditioning will be working there by the time i next visit.xx



@lynny - Thank you!

@Rex - I've been looking at dance videos on YouTube to try and prepare but I don't know what else to do. Ahhhhh, I'm so nervous!

To people who have been before - what would be a good time to book my train ticket home? I can save about £20 booking in advance and I don't mind wandering around London for a few hours if I get kicked out early!


@lynny - Thankyou very much! :)

@Rex - Wow thats a long way to come for the audition! Ill be walking from my hotel to the audition.. not totally sure how to get there but im arriving the day before so ill work it out :) I also dont have dance shoes.. trainers look like my best bet at the moment? mind you student loan just came in so I could invest XD
preparing ohmigosh..watcing disney princess films back to back XD Also watching youtube videos of character meet and greets ect. and eating healthy! Im scared ill be slightly too big so I thought I better save my chocolate santa for after the audition..

I have booked my train for the next day, purely because im being optimistic about having to be there till 7 haha! But there is so much to do in central london that im sure it will be easy to fill the time :) (p.s shows and musicals are much cheaper if you just go on the day and see if there are any tickets ^_^)
...Wish I could be part of that world...


@Lynny - Thank you so much!!

@missaerial - I know but staying for 4 days and treating the last 2 as a mini break, plus I was worried they might have to many people and ask some of us to come back on the Wednesday. The weather fordcast for Tuesday is good, cold but no rain so I think I will also walk there, I have my google map printed and ready! But I could get lost in my own drive way so I may grab a cab!

@Mirrorball - I would hang around until at lease 7pm, just incase you are one of the lucky few!

I'm listing to Disney music in the car and also watching youtube videos of Parades and Characters.

I would love to be a Belle or a Mary Poppins.... but would be just as happy being getting my foot in the door!

Think might watch Beauty and the Beast tonight now you have said that!

Will be living on this forum for the next few days! :P Will they play Disney music in the back ground while were warming up, to get us in the mood? :D
Just think of a wonderful thought..


Ill be on the forum until the morning I go XD Im far too exited and this way I dont have to annoy my friends by talking about it constantly!
Ah I hope they do play disney songs :)
Do you think they would ask us to come back the next day? O_o my train is booked for 3ish!

I feel the same, I would love to be Ariel but any character (face or otherwise) would be a dream :)
...Wish I could be part of that world...


I doubt think they will, but I'm just being overly cautious. I haven't told anyone other than my mum and brother! They all think I'm off for a little holiday! Desperate to tell them though, but scared I might jinx it now! lol! Well I'll be taking my mp3 player for the walk... so I'll be the one singing ''Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'' through the entrance :P

Well was going to leave buying shoes until tomorrow, but may have to go straight after work now.. all hyped up!

So glad I found other people going to the same audition, don't feel so alien now!
Just think of a wonderful thought..