What do you look forward to the most about trips to DLP

Started by grovesie, May 14, 2015, 02:27:01 PM

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Quote from: samuelvictor on June 08, 2015, 11:41:15 PM
I'm glad to read that other people have similar emotional responses to me in arriving back and just enjoying "being there" - getting off the train and seeing the entrances, walking down mainstreet for the first time, soaking in the atmosphere, and seeing my family, friends, and just all the strangers around me feeling similarly happy and excited is a great feeling. Its such a happy place to be, and I get totally swept up in it all - and as a 33 year old man its hard to explain to some of my friends, but when I'm there I don't care what anybody thinks, I just enjoy everything about it!

On a silly note, I always look forward to when we first get to our hotel is watching Sophie telling me the "10 things to know before you go" - even though I know it by heart. She is annoying, and weirdly mispronounces lots of Disney character's names, but it's all in a strangely endearing way, and the naffness is part of the experience!

Another great response...... Itching to book again...!!
For a more clinical, less emotional response to what I look forward to, my highlights are probably Pirates, Star Tours, Buzz Lightyear, Animagique, Cinemagique and the Art of Animation final room.

One last funny thing that I look forward to is the feeling of coming back to your hotel room, completely exhausted but happy, taking off your shoes and resting your feet whilst sitting on the bed snacking on something and watching some silly Disney kids show in french on TV whilst the kids fall asleep. I always sleep REALLY well in Disney, and wake up excited the next day!


It's the indescribable feeling of happiness, calmness and peace deep in the heart that makes me come again and again. And the fact that my two loving ones - daughter and husband - feel the same as me.
It's always a "coming home" feeling when we enter. It's the detail, the music, the small and big suprising things, that we always find. There is never a chance for dissapointment and a boring feeling.

Our visits are a BIG highlight in our family, the memories (together with all other positive emotions that happen to us, hopefully also in the future) keep us smiling, happy, positive, goodthinking, hopeful and peaceful.

It's really hard to describe it, that's why I looked at the thread for a long time before daring to write. And still I am not sure if I could explain in properly.

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all