Visiting DLP alone... good idea?

Started by Cringer, May 12, 2015, 06:11:43 PM

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Hi everyone... I have a 4 night trip to DLP booked for the end of May. It was supposed to be me and my girlfriend, but things haven't exactly gone to plan in that respect, so my question is: have any of you visited DLP alone? Would you recommend it, or is that a loss I should just cut?


Firstly - sorry things have gone a bit pear shaped. Secondly - great name, I was a big He-man fan myself. Lastly - I've not done it but others on this form have, and have had good times. You have the benefit of being able to be completely selfish and just do exactly what you want, use the single rider lines and be as lazy/greedy/etc as you want. Some people have even visited places like Auberge De Cendrillion alone and had no bother at all. If you don't go, you'll probably only save your spending money so give it a decent amount of thought


Thanks for the response! Yeah, I'll need to think it over properly. There are a lot of pros to it. I'm just sort of fearful of ending up wandering around, miserable and it ruining the magic of the place for the future.

Disney Matt

I say what the hell...go for it!
I've never done it myself but as daddyof2 said you can be selfish & do what you want :)
You might see the place in a whole different way going on your own too :)
Hotel Santa Fe - 95 / Dream Castle - Jul 07 / Hotel Cheyenne - Dec 09 / Hotel Santa Fe - Dec 12 / Sequoia Lodge - Dec 14 / Sequoia Lodge - Feb 16 / Newport Bay Club - Halloween 16 / Newport Bay Club - Feb 17


If you are really worried about being miserable, why not ask a friend to come along?
If you let DLP know about the change in the reservation they really won't object nor care. After all it's paid for two, it doesn't really matter to them which two.



If I were in your position I'd definitely go! Why should you miss out?! Plus you can look at all the beautiful princesses without getting in trouble lol!  It might be good to have a look on here and maybe dlp fan sites on Fb etc and see if there's anyone else travelling alone that you could maybe meet up with while you are there just for a drink or meal etc. I met a lovely lady in the queue for thumper in march (Inge!) and she often travels alone and still has a great time. I do know she met up with other fans while there and she was loving her trip!

Either way whatever you decide to do don't let it put a downer on DLP for you :-)


I´ve been alone to Tokyo Disneyland twice. But I have no problem going anywhere alone (restaurants, cinemas, concerts, holidays...).


I definitely couldn't let a dlp trip go to waste  ;) sorry for your predicament, but as mentioned above you could ask someone to join its only going to cost for travel if your flying or Eurostar hotel is paid for 2. Twice I've had to find someone at the last minute to join me.
Failing that going it alone would he an experience? I would rather that than not go. I watch a lot of vlogs on youtube many of them go solo  :) if I was there same time id of met up! I think many fellow Disney fans wouldn't mind


Thanks for all the responses and suggestions, guys! Sadly, asking a friend to join would be a bit of an imposition, as it's not all paid for. The hotel is, but I'm an Annual Pass holder (as was my girlfriend), so it'd be a case of asking someone to pay for flights and DLP tickets too. Fingers crossed that someone may come along, but at this short notice, it seems likely I'll be travelling alone.

The one definite upside is that this time, I'll definitely get to ride on Ratatouille, since my other half didn't enjoy long waits, so we skipped it on both visits last year, and this time I'll be a single rider.



Visiting DLP by yourself is certainly doable, and quite enjoyable if I do say so myself. ;)
(I think I may be the person they were referring to as visiting L' Auberge solo ;) )

It will also help get your mind of things, which may do you a world of good in times like this.
Let us know what you decide to do, and how it all goes. :)


You will love ratatouille ride it's truely amazing!  :)


I was alone in my first visit to DLP and didn't regret any moment at all. I could do everything that I wanted, and didn't have to count on anyone's opinion. I had nobody telling me things like "Come on! Why do you stop to look at that?" or "I'm not doing that ride!". And definitely, my next Disney Park visit will be WDW, and I'm planning to go 15 days all by myself!


Quote from: Aladar on May 14, 2015, 01:08:35 PM
I was alone in my first visit to DLP and didn't regret any moment at all. I could do everything that I wanted, and didn't have to count on anyone's opinion. I had nobody telling me things like "Come on! Why do you stop to look at that?" or "I'm not doing that ride!". And definitely, my next Disney Park visit will be WDW, and I'm planning to go 15 days all by myself!

Solo WDW comes heartily recommended (just got back). :) Just plan things out, especially dinner reservations, some are quite tricky to get solo (Ohana just didn't let me get a reservation for 1).


That's Fantastic! Thank you for the advise! Why don't you tell us more about your solo vacation at WDW in the trip reports forum?