Trip report 23rd March - 29th March Santa Fe

Started by moonloo, March 31, 2015, 07:49:14 PM

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Hello there!! So we have been back for 2 days and I am over my period of mourning so I can write a report!!! :)
Travelling: Myself, Husband (Super mega grumpy unDisney as you can get type of guy), my LB (10) and LG (7)! So we travelled to Ashford on Sunday 22nd and stayed at a permier inn about 5 minutes from Ashford international. We have never done this before and we will definatley do it again!!
Day 1: We travelled on the Eurostar Standard Premier an arived around 13.30 I believe - straight to the gates. I dont fly and I am soooooo pleased the Eurostar takes you straight to the parks with no fuss. We made the most of the express serice and headed straight to city hall to get lb's dissability pass.
So we got the pass no fuss, no muss and on to collect our photo pass plus box before seeing Thumper and Miss Bunny @ Caseys Corner. At this point I would just like to say that Photo pass easily paid for itself several times over at £20, although I noticed it was 49.99 Euro in the park.
As is tradition on our trips we hit the carrousel (we call it the Caramel), Peter Pan (we call it fly die - dont ask), tea cups, and Pirates several times over and Buzz several times too. We stayed in Disneyland park all day hitting up any rides that took our fancy and generally just soaking up the atmosphere! We headed back to the hotel Santa Fe around 7 to check in.
Check in was quick and easy, we were allocated an accessible room which was lovely in a block right oposite reception. I really love this hotel, we have previously stayed in the big pink, but hubby and kids really prefer Santa Fe! We were given a pass for breakfast so we could go in any time avoiding the queues which was a lovely touch!
Any who we settled in and unpacked whilst the kids watched timone and pumbas safety smart series (again a tradition).
We quickly fell asleep ready for a full day planned in Disneyland and Studios Parks with a request for a 6.30 Mickey wake up call!!!


Great start to your report! I'm looking forward to reading the rest and seeing if your Grumpy turns into Happy by the end =D (see what i did there?!)
Also, I wonder if we ever walked by each other or stood by each other without knowing =D
August 2001 DLP, 3 days
September 2013 DLP, 4 nights 5 days, Santa Fe
September 2014 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Santa Fe
March 2015 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days. Sequoia Lodge
September 2017 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Newport Bay
November 2018 WDW, 14 nights, 15 days, Caribbean Beach Resort


I bet we at least passed each other, if only I knew who you were and what a cow bag your friend was, you could have come played with us and I could have ditched Mr Grumpy with her!!
Off to read your day 2 now...


Haha that would have been so great! I spent a lot of time looking at people and wondering if I recognized them from the forums but as I haven't seen a lot of peoples pictures, I didn't see anyone! We had to have passed though at least once!
August 2001 DLP, 3 days
September 2013 DLP, 4 nights 5 days, Santa Fe
September 2014 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Santa Fe
March 2015 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days. Sequoia Lodge
September 2017 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Newport Bay
November 2018 WDW, 14 nights, 15 days, Caribbean Beach Resort


Day 2

So the main mouse himself woke us up at 6.30 and we quickly got dressed in time to be in breaksfast by 7am, I was pleased to see that the canned fruit has been replaced by actual fruit now, a very welcome addition! We did not queue to go in, but when we left half an hour later the queue was litterally down the corridor... YIKES!
We decided to walk into the park rather than waiting for the shuttle bus... and what a lovely walk it was too! We spotted the most enourmous fish in that river that are obviously very well fed by visitors because whenever we went near to the river, they would swim over... loads of them!!!
We got to the park by 8 (even after a detour for LG to have a wee in the hotel NY)!!! I was please to see Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, Chip and Dale and Goofy all available for photos for extra magic hours guests. Now I know that this is not a popular view, but it was more magical meeting these characters in the park rather than at the santa fe. I was quite worried by the change in the character situation, but I think this is brilliant!!! More characters and in a better atmosphere - still only available for EMH guests, so really I cant see the problem!! I would prefer it if they changed up the characters more, I think only once in the week Goofy was replaced by Donald.
Anyway, we were straight onto Buzz, several times over before hitting Peter Pan for a change of scenery. We did some pottering around on the EMH rides before visiting the Dragon on our way to see the studios for the first time this trip!
The queue to get into studios wasn't bad at all at around 9.50 and we made our way straight towards Ratatouille! This is the first time we have seen this new area, and I was blown away... The line for the ride was massive but thanks to my sons EA card, we joined the fast pass line and walked straight on. Now the ride is just amazing, I really really loved it and it was my first choice of ride every time it was my turn to pick something!!!! Loved loved loved it!!! Next we went onto slinky dog and did the obligatory photo ops around toystory land, I always try and get the same shots of the kids every year which is fun!
This year Studio Tram Tours was actually opperating but I couldn't convince anyone to come with me, not for the whole week... so I reeeeeeally hope someone will next year if it is running!! We also saw Motor Action Plus again and was really impressed to see we were able to take pictures with the stunt crew after it finished... the kids LOVED it!!
It was a cold and wet day allllllll day, but we decided to stay fpr Dreams and so we took a chance on Pizza Planet at LB request! Now LB is autistic with sensory problems at lives on plain pasta, so he was thrilled to be able to fill up on his fave food, the rest of us enjoyed the pizza and deserts... and the free refills of soft drinks were very welcome since the water fountains seemed to have been turned off ALL day!
To round off the day, we took our place infront of the Castle for dreams in the disability area. Magical as always and I will admit to shedding a tear when I heard my LB singing along to Touch the Sky from Brave. Sob!!!
We walked back to the hotel along the river and had a fantastic night sleep!!!!


I'm loving reading this so far, it's getting me so excited for my trip!

Can't wait to read more!
Oct 1993, Aug 1994, Aug 1997, Jan 1998, May 1998, Aug 1998, Aug 2001, Jan 2002, Aug 2002, Aug 2004, Jan 2005, Aug 2006, May 2007, Aug 2007, Jul 2008, Aug 2010, Aug 2011, Aug 2013, Aug 2014, May 2015, Aug 2016

New Year 2016


How did you get the photo pass so cheap?? we are going on Sunday for four nights  :)


Mattbj, we booked with Thomson and it was some offer they were doing... I just called them and asked for them to add it to the package... I think it was actually £24.99 (sorry), but still much cheaper!
Ooooooh when are you going Marf91?


I am going on the 30th April with my best friend.

I usually go with my family so its gonna be such a different experience to be without them! Super excited though!
Oct 1993, Aug 1994, Aug 1997, Jan 1998, May 1998, Aug 1998, Aug 2001, Jan 2002, Aug 2002, Aug 2004, Jan 2005, Aug 2006, May 2007, Aug 2007, Jul 2008, Aug 2010, Aug 2011, Aug 2013, Aug 2014, May 2015, Aug 2016

New Year 2016