Ride Comparison

Started by TinkSassy, February 18, 2015, 12:52:35 AM

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I will have very limited time at DLP as I'm trying to tour Paris for the first time as well.  Does anyone have a comparison of the rides that exist in the US parks?  Either park will work as I visit both frequently.  My main goal is to see everything that is different and enjoy the beauty of the parks as I have heard that they are much more beautiful.


Hi there! You should definately check out Crush's Coaster and Ratatouille: The Adventure at the Studios as they are unique to Paris. Also at the Studios there is RC Racer, found only at the Paris & Hong Kong parks. Indiana Jones isn't a dark ride like in California, in Paris it's an outdoor roller coaster. Also don't forget to pay a visit to the dragon that lives under the castle! As for other staple rides like Tower of Terror, Rock n Rollercoaster, Big Thunder, Phantom Manor etc I'm not sure how much the actual ride experience differs but the themeing and story lines differ. Space Mountain will be closed until July (I think) as it's currently getting a make over. Have fun!   
"Have I gone mad? I'm afraid so. You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret...all the best people are."


I've only been to the paris park,but have been told that Pirates is by far the best there than anywhere else.


Alice's Curious Labyrinth is also an original ride as far as I'm aware.
And the arcades are always fun to walk through and have a bit of a gander (especially the Discovery Arcade).
Isn't Aladdin a DLP original as well? That's also a walk-through with no queue (it's not very popular).
And of course: Les Mystères du Nautilus in Discoveryland :)