trip report 14-18th feb

Started by girlinleeds, February 19, 2015, 07:27:56 PM

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we stayed at the crowne plaze on manchester airport on the friday night after a nightmare 3 hour journey on the motorway (normally takes 1 hour) up ay 6am and straight to the airport. I'd already checked in at 4am friday morning online to make sure we were sat together, got to the boarding gate to be told that my husband had been switched seats was very unhappy, im not a great fligher and daughter only wanted to sit with me so just had to manage. Flight was ok but daughter had an allergic reaction just as we were taxing to the gate, luckily it was only lip swelling and a dose of medcine and 30 mins later she was fine. Straight through arrivals and driver from inter service prestige was waiting, loaded into the car and of we went.
Approaching the hotels and dh said shouldnt we have turned there for the new york we're going the wrong way and i had to confess i'd upgraded us to the disney land he was amazed, especially when he walked into reception  ;D
Quickly checked in and nipped upto the room and then straight into the park, down to caseys for a snack and then to plan. Park was really busy so didnt manage many rides, carousel and small world and then stood in the pouring down rain to watch the parade which was amazing, the music just makes me smile. We went to pizza planet for tea and i was impressed with the food for the cost of it, by this time little girl was worn out (shes 5) so we headed back to the room was so happy the hotel was so close.
Sunday we were up and at breakfast for about 8ish before heading straight into the park, did a few rides and then she decided she wanted to see a princess, in the que by 9.15 and didnt get out till 11.30 but she was so happy, nipped round to casey juniour and the storybook boats and we decided to have an early lunch so went to the pinoccio reastaurant, i had a burger husband chicken and daughter a hot dog, the food was nice big portions and piping hot. Ques for rides again were long, so didnt get on that many daughter saw big thunder mountain and was determined to go on it. I hate rollercoasters and she'd never been on one so i went on it with her and my husband i hated it but she loved it and i think we've unleased a daredevil now. That evening we went to the wildwest show and it was amazing daughter loved every minute (i'd been worried she'd hate it) and after had a look round the village and then back to the hotel.
Monday we decided to go to the studios so got down to breakfast about 830 took our time but stil had time to kill so nipped into the park and onto buzz lightyear lazer quest, and then across to the studios we were at the ratatouie ride for 10;10 and the que was already 2 hours long, so we used the hotel fastpass and were on within 5 minutes. Loved the ride and really regret only going on it once, spent the rest of the day queing 40 min que for slinky dog and the like. Daughter loved the stich and playhouse disney shows and i adore animagic, had lunch at reastraunt de stars and it was quiet when we got there but soon was heaving, unfortunatley they couldnt keep up with the food being eaten so there was empty dishes and it was like a mob scene when they brought anything out, luckily i was happy to eat my weight in puddings  :-[ . Went park into the park to see dreams and daughters face was a picture even though i had to hold her and my back and arms were killing it was so worth it singing along and dancing together.
Tuesday and daughter really wanted to see another princess so we went to breakfast for 730 and im glad we did when we came out there was a 45-60 min que for breakfast, dh got into the park and sprinted for the princess pavillion while we went round the open rides, managed peter pan, tea cups and the carousel by 930 and went to join him. I was worried that people wouldnt like us joining him, but he said cast members were encouraging people to do the same. About a 40 min wait once inside the pavillion and one very happy girl later we went to see mickey, slight panic as cafe mickey booked for 12.15 but just made it. Food was very yummy and generous portions, we met mickey, eeyore, goofy and chip and dale. Went back into park and went on rides at 4pm ish thunder mountain was calling so husband and daughter went to go on while i nipped to get a hot choc, came back to wait for them to find it had broken down and no sign of them but lots of cast members running to ride. Mad panic untill they eventually showed up they'd just been getting on when it was stopped, we could see one train at the top of the highest climb stopped and people being unloaded. Wasnt very hungry (possibly due to excess hot chocolate consumption) so just a snack for tea a bit of shopping and our second viewing of dreams.
Wednesday and our last day so got up early do daughter could meet another princess breakfast and dropped our luggage at reception,  dh ran through the park and was third in que at the pavillion. It was so foggy though you couldnt see the castle from main street so was very eiry but we walked staright onto dumbo, peter pan, carousel, tea cups a couple of times and then went to the pavillion. This was the only bad thing i have to say about the whole trip, we were asked if we wanted a professional picture as only one princess had a photographer and as we had paied for photo pass we said yes. they told us to wait on the right side but then a cast member said the photographer was here and sent us into the left side. Daughter was chatting to cinderella when the photographer came in and said we had to leave as the photopass system wasnt working and we would have to see the other princess instead, he wouldnt let me take a photo of daughter and cinderella just basically kicked us out, have never seen a princess look so cross. Daughter was very upset and confused and a cast member told us to wait in the other que so we went in to see sleeping beauty instead and she did spend some extra time with her (i think because she was upset) and that made daughter feel better, sleeping beauty was amazing with her.
Came out and did the other rides in fantasyland and then over to big thunder mountain and then into the studios for one last go on slinky, realised at this point i'd left it to late to use the hotel fast pass for ratatouie and was upset but there was a 2 hour wait so didnt have enough time. Quick nip to the village and then back to the hotel, transfer driver was very prompt and an easy trip back to the airport and home (we sat together this time)

Loved every minute, before this trip husband said it was our last ever trip as hes not a disney fan but hes already talking about driving next time instead of flying  ;D


Cafe mickey was the most hassel free way to meet characters
Go for breakfast early, couldnt believe the size of the que after 830 they'd even opened up other rooms to serve breakfast in
If you want to meet princess go early, spoke to people thet joined the que at 10am and they waited four hours!!
Use photopass+  we have over 50 beautiful photos for the same cost at 3, just worth noting only 10 of our pics made it onto the app but there all on the photopass website when i log on.
We found we could see dreams really well from half way down mainstreet where it was less busy so no waiting around, will add some photos when i get chance


Thanks for sharing your report. It seems, that you had a great time.
Can't wait for some pictures  :D

Disney Matt

Great report & thanks for the tips on the Princess Pavilion :D
Hotel Santa Fe - 95 / Dream Castle - Jul 07 / Hotel Cheyenne - Dec 09 / Hotel Santa Fe - Dec 12 / Sequoia Lodge - Dec 14 / Sequoia Lodge - Feb 16 / Newport Bay Club - Halloween 16 / Newport Bay Club - Feb 17