Pre Trip Report 14th-15th July 2015

Started by Elbow777, February 08, 2015, 08:44:48 PM

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Hi all,
I thought I would share our trip this summer...

This will be me and my wife Jane's 4th trip to DLRP and our two girls third. Its over 10 years since our last visit - Space Mountain was on its first mission, Indiana Jones was backwards, the Tower of Terror was two big cement containers behind a fence and Buzz and Crush rides probably hadn't been thought of. I think we will see a lot of changes! Our first trip was in the winter of 1992 - we were in Paris for a family wedding and got the train out for the day to see what all the fuss was about Euro Disney. The only thing I remember was the queueing barriers set up for Star Tours and being able to walk straight onto the ride...the place was empty. I also remember the attention to detail, the lights, the speakers around the park, the sounds coming from the windows of the buildings on main street. (someone having a bath!).  It was brilliant.

We went again in 2003 for Halloween with the girls and then again in 2004 when Granny and Granddad decided to treat the whole family to a holiday together. Not been back since...the 2004 trip was a bit rubbish due to very grumpy relatives who spoilt it for everyone - I guess this might be one of the reasons the kids didn't want to go back - that and the cost of getting there from the north of Scotland..!

We bought shares in 2003 (I think we had about £5 worth) but it got us into Salon Mickey and the parks early - that was a great experience - but I think Disney bought the shares off me the next year so we didn't get the perks in 2004.

So now the girls are 16 and 19. We were looking around for a holiday, Tenerife has been the usual destination, but the girls wanted to go to Paris. We decided to tag on a couple of days at DLRP to the trip. I'm the big fan; Jane and the girls are not too bothered but they knew it would mean a lot to me to go back, probably for the last time.

We have never stayed in a Disney hotel and this time is no different - we are booked into a hotel in Marne-La-Vallee for a couple of nights then a hotel in central Paris for the rest of the week.

That's it we set off on the 13th July for 2 days at the parks. My birthday is the 15th so the girls want to have a special night when we are there - perhaps go to Inventions for a meal.

Any tips or advice is very much appreciated. I haven't got our tickets yet..half thinking about an annual pass whilst the £ is strong. Also not sure about the birthday meal..?? Any recommendations?


Disney Matt

I'm not going to be much help here but "your last time"!!
It can never be your last time :(
Hotel Santa Fe - 95 / Dream Castle - Jul 07 / Hotel Cheyenne - Dec 09 / Hotel Santa Fe - Dec 12 / Sequoia Lodge - Dec 14 / Sequoia Lodge - Feb 16 / Newport Bay Club - Halloween 16 / Newport Bay Club - Feb 17


Yeah think it will be. Its taken us this long to get back so don't think it will happen again!  :'(

Disney Matt

Hotel Santa Fe - 95 / Dream Castle - Jul 07 / Hotel Cheyenne - Dec 09 / Hotel Santa Fe - Dec 12 / Sequoia Lodge - Dec 14 / Sequoia Lodge - Feb 16 / Newport Bay Club - Halloween 16 / Newport Bay Club - Feb 17


I hope you'll all have a llot of fun. I'm sure that will be easy.  ;)
And by the way, I have been to Disneyland twice as a child and I liked it, but I really started to love it when I was a teenager, so maybe your daughters will love it this time too.  ;D
"If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney"


A couple of thoughts - if you're considering an annual pass, then think about how you're going to actually buy it and when you're going to return to get the full use (not sure it works out cost effective for just 2 days but I could be wrong).
Also - for your birthday meal Inventions, Walt's or the Blue Lagoon would be my preference. Your daughters are old enough to appreciate a civilised meal, and all of those have atmosphere/ambience/etc that you don't normally get elsewhere


Quote from: vampira on February 09, 2015, 04:16:44 PM
I hope you'll all have a llot of fun. I'm sure that will be easy.  ;)
And by the way, I have been to Disneyland twice as a child and I liked it, but I really started to love it when I was a teenager, so maybe your daughters will love it this time too.  ;D

I think you are right Vampira they will love it. My youngest was scared stiff at the Halloween festival but she was just a wee bairn!



Quote from: daddyof2 on February 09, 2015, 10:00:20 PM
A couple of thoughts - if you're considering an annual pass, then think about how you're going to actually buy it and when you're going to return to get the full use (not sure it works out cost effective for just 2 days but I could be wrong).

Just had a look at ticket prices. 2 day 2 park tickets from the uk site cost £113. If we buy the middle annual pass for 169 euro and get 10% off through sponsorship they come in at £113 also at today's exchange. With the added benefits of discounts and EMH that seems like the best option...all thanks to the posts on this site...