Breakfast in the parks

Started by polar vixen, November 09, 2014, 10:52:12 PM

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polar vixen

Since we are travelling via Eurostar, and using Disney express how does this work if we're wanting to arrange to have breakfast int eh parks, at plaza gardens?  I though you could ask for this when checking into your hotel, but since we'll be getting our tickets etc at the Disney express desk, can we still do this, and even if not, how do we get our breakfast slots for the Cheyenne? 
Also, do they still even do breakfast in the parks during November ?  The cast member  I spoke to on the phone didn't seem to have a clue, but we've been different times of year, and it's always been on......

captain rocket

Even using Disney Express, you still have to check in at your hotel at some point and this is when you can organise breakfast in the park if it is available.

polar vixen

Anyone know about breakfast in the parks?


I think Captain Rocket is correct here. You'll need to go to check-in to set your breakfast slots, and that's probably the easiest time to arrange your breakfast in the park. :)

polar vixen

ah so it is possible?  I still get my room keys and park tickets from Disney express though right?  Then I just go to hotel reception to arrange breakfast slots?


Quote from: polar vixen on November 11, 2014, 06:19:39 PM
ah so it is possible?  I still get my room keys and park tickets from Disney express though right?  Then I just go to hotel reception to arrange breakfast slots?

When i went and used disney express i got the park tickets on board eurostar but didn't get my room keys or breakfast slot until i checked in to the hotel later


Quote from: polar vixen on November 11, 2014, 06:19:39 PM
ah so it is possible?  I still get my room keys and park tickets from Disney express though right?  Then I just go to hotel reception to arrange breakfast slots?

Stecal is right, you get your park tickets and meal plan vouchers (if you have any) on the train, but room keys are only handed out at the reception of the relevant hotel, same goes for breakfast slots should you need to set that (you don't in the higher level hotels).

polar vixen

Ah gotcha!  I was completely misinformed then!  Why is it you all know so much more than the Disney staff?
Thanks y'all!

polar vixen

extra question - they told me my bags would be taken to the room, is that right?


Quote from: polar vixen on November 11, 2014, 09:01:37 PM
extra question - they told me my bags would be taken to the room, is that right?

That's correct. :)
Providing enough time has passed before you return, your suitcases should be waiting for you in your room.

polar vixen

Thanks Disney Ron, I was under the impression that we got our room keys when we went to express check in desk, thanks so much, with the way my family is it's really important for me to be completely clear on when and how everything is going to happen, any other tips I should know about?  I've never used this service before! (could you tell? heehee)


Quote from: polar vixen on November 11, 2014, 09:18:51 PM
Thanks Disney Ron, I was under the impression that we got our room keys when we went to express check in desk, thanks so much, with the way my family is it's really important for me to be completely clear on when and how everything is going to happen, any other tips I should know about?  I've never used this service before! (could you tell? heehee)

Personally, I rather like Disney Express. ;D Though I'm not from the UK, so I don't get my park tickets and vouchers until I drop my bags off at the Express desk in the train station. ;) I think the people in the thread have covered everything, just arrive on the train, drop your suitcases off on the upper level of the station and head into the park. :)

When you return to your hotel do the check-in routine (getting your keys and setting the breakfast slot) and you're all set.

Do keep in mind that if you're going at a busy time it may be a good idea for a person to go and do check-in and setting up breakfast to ensure you have a nice time-slot, rather than having to pick one that still has room.

I've never stayed at a hotel where this was needed, you don't need to set up slots for the Newport Bay or the DLH.
So my knowledge on that subject is mostly second hand.

polar vixen

I think we're going to just check in after dreams-  I know breakfast slots may be restricted by then, but we've informed the hotel already about my boys special needs and problems, so breakfast times shouldn't be a problem - THANK YOU! :D