Mini, Magic & Super Magic: New seasonal 1 Day tickets

Started by Anthony, September 30, 2014, 02:53:59 PM

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The seasonal ticket pricing for advance 1 Day tickets introduced on the French Disneyland Paris website in July has now made its way to the new official UK site. Dubbed Mini, Magic and Super Magic, the three ticket bands correspond to dates in the year - effectively low, high and peak season.

This applies only to 1 Day tickets bought online, in advance.

More on DLP Today: Mini, Magic or Super Magic? Seasonal ticket pricing returns to Disneyland Paris

What do you think - a good deal, or over-complicating things?

I have to say the system isn't explained very well on the UK ticket booking pages. The calendar above is tricky to find and there's no mention of the cost for a standard 1 Day ticket bought at the park gates - I'm presuming that the top Super Magic price applies?

There's also the awkward situation that with today's exchange rates a Super Magic ticket in GBP currently costs as much as £5 more than it does in Euros...