may or september?

Started by polar vixen, August 16, 2014, 08:14:28 PM

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polar vixen

Hi all, opinions required please.  We have previously been in sept, nov, sept, and then last june, and I'm undecided about when we should aim for next year.  my difficulty is this: I love going in September, the weather is moderate, dreams isn't on too late, (got 3 little ones so that's a bonus) and it's nice and quiet. (we home educate so we aren't restricted by term times) HOWEVER last time we went in sept it wan;t warm, it was jumper weather, it was too cold to comfortably sit outside on a morning to eat breakfast (we stay at Davy Crockett).  My hubby said he'd rather go when it's nice and hot, fair enough one holiday a year, you want the weather to be nice, so we went in June, HEAVING! Queues for just about everything were well over an hour, during the week, not even the weekend.  The studios were sooooo busy it was shoulder to shoulder just walking in open spaces.  Given that we have 5 kids, 2 of whom are disabled it wasn't exactly a chilled holiday as we had to be on ultra high alert making sure none of them disappeared.  Add into that that between 2-6 it was so unbelievably hot that it was unbearable and made DH a complete cranky pants who just wanted to sit on a bench and sleep, it wasn't really conducive to a nice family holiday.  it was nice though being able to sit outside to eat breakfast and tea, and made us appreciate the pool so much more!.  After being in june I've decided that we won't do it again, it was too stressful, but I am toying with the idea of May - any thoughts?  not sure what time Dreams is on in May?  Would it be easier to keep the little ones up for?  do they still do the 35% off +free half board in May?  Can anyone account for what the weather is generally like?  Any French holidays we would need to avoid?
Main question: if you had the freedom to choose would you go for may or September?


Hi Polar Vixen, like you I also home educate so I'm not restricted to term time either which is a major bonus!

I've also been in September in 2012 when I went for an extended holiday, 13 days. The majority of the time the weather was lovely with just 1 day of rain and 1 with showers. I now prefer November for the Christmas season though and do without my sunshine fix!

The weather on average in May is about the same as the weather in June and September with only the crowds being the big difference. I personally would stick to September as the parks are usually a lot quieter. May 2015 has the last week being half term for UK schools and the first part of May being the bank holiday weekend so if you're considering next year I would avoid May and aim for September  :D


We have been many times in May but it is a mindfield trying to pick good dates. May is full of bank holidays and school holidays accross France and europe so if you pick wrong you would end up with a heaving park again. In May the park is open till between 10pm and 11pm depending on when you go.

As to weather that is any bodies guess lol. We have had great weather in May but last year it was cold and wet the whole of our trip :( :(

Going on what you have said, I think you would be beter sticking to september but if you do go for May, pick your dates VERY carefully x

Uragano Tati

I am interested in going in May 2015 (for the spring festival) and I have searched for the holidays. I'm not 100% sure about what I found on the web, but it can help in choosing the dates.
From 1st to 10th of May are holidays in France and in Holland. The 14th and the 15th are holidays in France and Belgium. From the 23rd to the 31st are holidays in England.
The 25th is Pentecost so it is a holiday in France, England, Belgium and Holland, so avoid that weekend at all cost!!!
I went in May 2012 and it was very very hot and sunny. In September 2013 it was hot, but not to hot, and quite sunny, had only a little rain one evening.
In May the park closes very late. This could be a good thing because you can stay longer in the park but it is very tiring. To be honest we enjoied September more than May because of that.
Next year if we will go in May we will have a rest in the afternoon or wake up very late in the morning (even if in this way we will loose extra magic hours).
April 1998: Sequoia Lodge
January 2003: Disneyland Hotel
May 2012: Santa Fe
September 2013: Cheyenne
November 2014: Cheyenne


I visited the Park several times in may, and in 2012 for the first time in September. Since then I would always prefer September! Less crowded and better weather. You are right in may you could have breakfast outside but you need luck for this because if it's not hot in may it's raining all day long. Never had so much rain in DLP than in may.
So better choose September!

polar vixen

Wow! Everyone in agreement! I was leaning towards September, just trying to come up with an excuse to go sooner! Because we went June this year it seems age away!