Has anyone been on a broken down ride before?

Started by loulou169, August 13, 2014, 10:45:50 AM

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Hello everyone! The title says it's all! Has anyone ever been on a ride that's broken down?

Me and my two girls went to DLP 31 march to the 3 April 2014. On our last day we went on the pirates of the caribean for the hundredth time (it's our favourite ride and we just getting straight back on!). The ride started out normal and we are all floating along looking at the pirates, pointing out the scared cat and lobster when the float jogged a little. I didn't think much of it until we got to the first ramp and the float kinda screeched and jolted a little. My kids are loving this but all I'm thinking is "don't fall backwards down the ramp!). We make the first drop fine and it carrys on with only a few jolts and screeching. It wernt until we got to the village scene (with the bridge and goats and woman standing at the edge) when the boat does almighty screech, jolts heavily and stops moving! Somehow the boat had come off the track and was completely stuck! Now this is my favourite ride so to be stuck on it I wasn't worried (if it was its a small world is probably want to cry!) We was stuck for about 10 minutes. We didn't know what was going on as the voice over the tannoy was speaking french. After 5 minutes the lights went on and the music off and we was watching the anamatronics moving but having no sound to them (very strange!) . We could see the whole area lit up and saw the backgrounds, lighting and the people stuck in the boat behind us. After 10 minutes a fellow in waders came wading over and luckily we stopped right next to the emergency exit so he helped us all off. We then got to see behind the scenes there too and the backlot of the whole building!! It was quite a fun time considering the ride had broke but everyone was happy and laughing and making jokes about it! That was the last time rode it as we was going home not long after. Me and my girls did joke that because we ride so many times we probably broke it!! I've also got the video which I'll upload later of anyone wants to watch it.  ;D
Santa Fe: Oct 2011
Santa Fe: Oct 2012
Cheyenne: Apr 2014
Hotel Kyriad: Mar 2017
SLGF: October 2017
Santa Fe: Feb 2018


Wow, that's crazy.

I've not personally got stuck on a ride that's broken down, but we were waiting to board Big Thunder Mountain and the train didn't return. It luckily stopped on the way back from the island and the Cast Members had to walk around and escort them back, then everyone in the queue was asked to leave via the fast-pass entrance and given fast-passes for the next day as they closed the ride and weren't sure as to when it was to be opened again.

On the way home on the Eurostar, I was talking to a women which was there with her husband and grandchildren and they got stuck on It's A Small World and where waiting for 10 minutes before being evaluated.


Oh god! I would think for a lot of people, even though we love it's a small world it must be a hard one to put up with if you ever got stuck! I can imagine the CM's leaving the music on just to wind everyone up! Lol

Big thunder mountain sounds like a scary one to break down on! Especially as you know there are other trains behind and Infront of you!

I suppose the one good thing is everytime I've been there's never been a closure of rides due to breakdown. It seems to all run smoothly, apart from PoTC having certain pirates that don't work or move.
Santa Fe: Oct 2011
Santa Fe: Oct 2012
Cheyenne: Apr 2014
Hotel Kyriad: Mar 2017
SLGF: October 2017
Santa Fe: Feb 2018


We were on Casey Junior a few years ago when it broke down not far out of the station.

We waited on board for a while, the a cast member came along with a ladder to climb down (out of the station, the cars are quite high off the ground). We climbed down the ladder and were escorted along the side of the track, back to the station.

Much more exciting than the usual ride!
Planning WDW 2019
1997 DLP x2, 1998 DLP x2, 1999 DLP, 2000 DLP Millenium, 2002 DLP, 2003 DLR, 2004 WDW + DLP, 2005 DLP + DLR, 2006 WDW, 2007 DLP x2, 2008 WDW + DLP x3, 2009 DLP x7, 2010 WDW (+ extra week due to ash cloud!), 2011 DLR, 2012 WDW + DLP, 2013 WDW + DLP, 2014 WDW + DLPx3 (inc. daytrip for Ratatouille preview), 2015 DLR + DLPx3, 2016 WDW + DLP, 2017 WDW x2 + DLP, 2018 WDW + DLP x2. Coming up - ?


We were on Indiana Jones back in 2003 and all was fine until we reached the drop off point- or almost!we had came to a stop just before the platform. There was a lot of stressed faces and discussion from the cast members going while we could here the next train getting nearer to us!!! I was so scared,especially as it was the first time I'd let my 10 year old wait at the start of the ride for us. As we heard the next train go on to the loop 5 or 6 cast members grabbed hold of ride and literally pulled it to where it needed to be.  I've never been so relieved.  The train behind was right behind us when we got off. Needless to say we didn't ride again that trip,though I've been on loads of times since.

We also had a trip on POTC when the boat in front of us got to the build up and didn't make it so was still at the bottom as we approached. As we pushed forward on to the ramp the boat in front actually lifted up at the back end and ended up propped on the front of our boat! Being the huge worrier I am I was convinced that when we got to the drop it would pull our boat over with it and make a guest sandwich!!! Luckily the boat in front managed to come off as it started to go down the drop and the only real effect was that our boat went down incredibly slow- but hey at least we weren't squashed!


Oh god ewormas you've been on a few!! Lol the Indianna one sounds the scariest out of them all!  :o that would probably put me off for life!! That sort of thing freaks me out and tbh when I so go on rides I'm always thinking of the worse case scenario! I'm not the best person to go on fast rides with!! Lol
Santa Fe: Oct 2011
Santa Fe: Oct 2012
Cheyenne: Apr 2014
Hotel Kyriad: Mar 2017
SLGF: October 2017
Santa Fe: Feb 2018

Sulley's Arms

<...deep breath...>

3 years ago we got stuck on BTM just going up the main 'collapsing mine' climb.  DW was not impressed, was immensely scared, and not at all happy that we were all laughing about it.  We sat for around 10 minutes, waiting for the CMs to come to the rescue which, once they did, lead us inside the ride, very much behind (and indeed beneath) the scenes!

2 summers ago we stopped off at DLP for an evening plus following morning, as a stop-off from our main holiday.  We got stuck on Small World, just before the queue at the end.  After around 15 minutes, the pair of CMs that had eagerly attempting to rescue everybody, suddenly stopped doing so and walked off, leaving us sitting in our boats, music still playing (trust me, as a result of this experience it's still playing in my head today).  They must have been instructed to wait for the fire & rescue team, presumably to avoid accidents, claims, etc.  Anyway, we eventually got up the courage to bravely leap the 50cm or so to the safety of the side platform.  ;)

Been stuck on, wait for it, Buzz Lightyear millions of times, lol.  No news there (no problem there, either, just higher scores...).

Next there was Rock 'n' Rollercoaster.  Just before the initial 360 loop.  0-60 in 2 seconds / 60-0 in something like half a second!  Phew.

Trip Counter
Nov 07 - DCR [4d]
Mar 09 - DCR [3d]
Feb 11 - DCR [4d]
Oct 11 - Kyriad [3d]
Dec 11 - Adagio [3d]
Feb 12 - DCR [6d]
Jun 12 - Crecy Golf [4d]
Aug 12 - Crecy Golf [2d]
Feb 13 - Adagio [4d]
Dec 13 - Crecy Golf [3d]
Feb 14 - DCR [5d]
Mar 15 - Sejours [4d]
Feb 16 - Kyriad [4d]
Dec 16 - Offsite [3d]
Feb 17 - Adagio [4d]
Aug 17 - Offsite [2d]
Dec 17 - Offsite [3d]
Dec 18 - Cheyenne [3d]


We broke down on Crushes Coaster once, half way up on the first climb after Bruce the shark, just before the main ride part, We sat there on the incline for about 5 min with all the messages in French going on, then a CM walked up the steps to let us out climbing out on the slope was tricky for the wife in the back, then we had to walk to the top and we got to see the ride with all the lights on it was an amazing sight, was a bit worried about all the safety nets that are around and not sure how they got down the others on the ride some of them where very high. I loved seeing  all the backstage stuff and they gave us a pass that let us ride again without having to Que again. It is one of my favorite moments at DLP


Quote from: Sully's Arms on August 13, 2014, 11:24:48 PM
<...deep breath...>

3 years ago we got stuck on BTM just going up the main 'collapsing mine' climb.  DW was not impressed, was immensely scared, and not at all happy that we were all laughing about it.  We sat for around 10 minutes, waiting for the CMs to come to the rescue which, once they did, lead us inside the ride, very much behind (and indeed beneath) the scenes!

2 summers ago we stopped off at DLP for an evening plus following morning, as a stop-off from our main holiday.  We got stuck on Small World, just before the queue at the end.  After around 15 minutes, the pair of CMs that had eagerly attempting to rescue everybody, suddenly stopped doing so and walked off, leaving us sitting in our boats, music still playing (trust me, as a result of this experience it's still playing in my head today).  They must have been instructed to wait for the fire & rescue team, presumably to avoid accidents, claims, etc.  Anyway, we eventually got up the courage to bravely leap the 50cm or so to the safety of the side platform.  ;)

Been stuck on, wait for it, Buzz Lightyear millions of times, lol.  No news there (no problem there, either, just higher scores...).

Next there was Rock 'n' Rollercoaster.  Just before the initial 360 loop.  0-60 in 2 seconds / 60-0 in something like half a second!  Phew.

OMG! You've been on a few broken down rides!!! That's mad! I have to say I've been on Buzz when there's been delays with loading/offloading and I'm all guns trying to get more points!! Lol but would you count that as cheating?!! Lol The rock n roller coaster sounds scary though. I'm not a fan of fast rides as I'm scared of things like them breaking or me falling out (sad I know!) so to be on it when that's happened must be a bit scary.

So on IASW they don't actually turn the music off!! Oh god you could have sued for emotional damage and headaches!! Lol in pirates they actually turned the music off, which tbh that music doesn't bother me. It would have been interesting to see the dolls move with no music! So did you see behind the scenes when you came off IASW?

Quote from: Gorneesh on August 13, 2014, 11:25:38 PM
We broke down on Crushes Coaster once, half way up on the first climb after Bruce the shark, just before the main ride part, We sat there on the incline for about 5 min with all the messages in French going on, then a CM walked up the steps to let us out climbing out on the slope was tricky for the wife in the back, then we had to walk to the top and we got to see the ride with all the lights on it was an amazing sight, was a bit worried about all the safety nets that are around and not sure how they got down the others on the ride some of them where very high. I loved seeing  all the backstage stuff and they gave us a pass that let us ride again without having to Que again. It is one of my favorite moments at DLP

Id love to see behind the scenes of Crush!! I've only been in it once and I have to say I didn't know what to expect from that ride, I thought it was slow!! It was the best though! I bet the view was amazing! Shame they did their call out in French. You'd think they'd do it in dual language just to reassure people andake them not panic as I can imagine some people would find that terrifying. And tbh the amount of times that ride has broken down I'm surprised there ain't more messages! lol
Santa Fe: Oct 2011
Santa Fe: Oct 2012
Cheyenne: Apr 2014
Hotel Kyriad: Mar 2017
SLGF: October 2017
Santa Fe: Feb 2018

Sulley's Arms

Quote from: loulou169 on August 14, 2014, 09:24:53 AM

OMG! You've been on a few broken down rides!!! That's mad! I have to say I've been on Buzz when there's been delays with loading/offloading and I'm all guns trying to get more points!! Lol but would you count that as cheating?!!

No, not cheating!  Just a level playing field for all those also 'stuck' on the ride lol!

I didn't bother mentioning Space Mountain breaking down, just avoiding another BTM breakdown by asking if we could wait for the next train so we can go at the back, but the train never came back!

Phantom Manor has broken down a few times as well, but the music usually continues, and that's no bad thing!

Just thinking of all our breakdown experiences makes me think it's really poor, but it never spoils our fun (apart from DW on BTM anyway!).
Trip Counter
Nov 07 - DCR [4d]
Mar 09 - DCR [3d]
Feb 11 - DCR [4d]
Oct 11 - Kyriad [3d]
Dec 11 - Adagio [3d]
Feb 12 - DCR [6d]
Jun 12 - Crecy Golf [4d]
Aug 12 - Crecy Golf [2d]
Feb 13 - Adagio [4d]
Dec 13 - Crecy Golf [3d]
Feb 14 - DCR [5d]
Mar 15 - Sejours [4d]
Feb 16 - Kyriad [4d]
Dec 16 - Offsite [3d]
Feb 17 - Adagio [4d]
Aug 17 - Offsite [2d]
Dec 17 - Offsite [3d]
Dec 18 - Cheyenne [3d]


Iv been stuck on Indiana Jones, a good few years ago (in backwards mode) on the block brakes after the first drop. It was just before we had to leave to get back to bus (was a school trip) and it was a cheeky last ride, was pretty fun climbing down though the stars and that.

Had to run back to catch the bus and the teachers were not impressed.
My Disneyland Paris Trips:
1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 (1 Day Trips)

March 2012, 2 days at Kyriad Hotel
June 2013, 2 days at Dream Castle Hotel
December 2013, 6 days at Sequoia Lodge
December 2014, 6 days at The Disneyland Hotel
December 2015 6 Days at Sequoia Lodge GF

Planned Holidays:
February 2016 - 3 days at Sequoia Lodge GF
November 2016 - Walt Disney World  (Maybe)


Quote from: Matty88 on August 14, 2014, 10:20:07 PM
Iv been stuck on Indiana Jones, a good few years ago (in backwards mode) on the block brakes after the first drop. It was just before we had to leave to get back to bus (was a school trip) and it was a cheeky last ride, was pretty fun climbing down though the stars and that.

Had to run back to catch the bus and the teachers were not impressed.

Lol that could have got you in a lot of trouble! And it's pretty bad timing!! I wonder if you was really late out because of it would your teachers have believed you?! 
Santa Fe: Oct 2011
Santa Fe: Oct 2012
Cheyenne: Apr 2014
Hotel Kyriad: Mar 2017
SLGF: October 2017
Santa Fe: Feb 2018


Problems on BTM put a small damper on my last trip (Oct 2013)
The first time I queued I got to the front and then apparently a woman had dropped her keys on the track, so they sent everyone queuing away (giving us 2 fast passes each though) and evacuated the people on the trains.
Second time, I went on and there were no problems.

Third time was actually quite funny. I was queuing up for Phantom with the family and we were debating what our last ride of the trip would be (Phantom being second to last) and my mum said How about BTM?

So I look over at it and I see people being evacuated from the top of the highest drop! No thank you!


Buzz Lightyear breaks down on every trip, and Pirates of the Caribbean (although that was lucky to happen, because we headed to btm after, and if we had been one train ahead, it would've been the one that crashed, only found out the reason the day after).
"From Time to Time" -Le Visionarium.

Hey, i'm also a D23 Gold Member.... SO THATS FUN!

________Past Trips____________
3 Times in 2001, Twice in 2002, Twice in 2003, Once In 2004, Twice in 2005, Once in 2007, Twice in 2008, 3 times in 2009, Twice in 2010, Twice in 2011, Twice in 2012, Twice in 2013, Once in 2014. February 26-28, 2017.  December 3-6, 2017.

Next Trip: September 2018.


Buzz Lightyear broke down for us, but luckily it was for about a minute. Me and my mum were spinning our carriage at the time of the breakdown and we carried on, it was hilarious! The people behind us couldn't stop laughing! The lights came on for a moment but once the ride started moving again it went back to normal.
August 2001 DLP, 3 days
September 2013 DLP, 4 nights 5 days, Santa Fe
September 2014 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Santa Fe
March 2015 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days. Sequoia Lodge
September 2017 DLP, 4 nights, 5 days, Newport Bay
November 2018 WDW, 14 nights, 15 days, Caribbean Beach Resort