Birthday and New Year's trip

Started by Belle21, July 29, 2014, 02:09:11 PM

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Hi everyone!

So the bestie and are going back to DLP after an amazing trip in May.

This time we are making it extra special, as it will be my birthday and New Year! We are prob going to book up for Inventions for a birthday meal, and staying at the Santa Fe. I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or top tips for that time of year to make it really special.

What are the dining prices like for NYE? Have seen some which were pretty pricey.

Will the Dreams Christmas show be on? What about places to eat, and get a good cocktail? We couldn't add Disney Dining Plan onto our trip for some reason.

Thanks in advance for you help  :D



I bet you cant wait for your trip!

We went last year for New Year Eve. We actually booked B.Bill tickets via the french ticket master and they only cost us £30 each and that was a great way to enjoy NYE dinner. We were out the show by 11pm and that gave us time to go get a spot for the 12pm celebrations.
We were happy with this as it was a real reasonable price for NYE - if you book tickets for this show direct with Disney they will charge you over £200! madness.

They have places dotted about where you can buy Champagne etc. We actually stayed in the Village this time and enjoyed some drinks in the sports bar before the B.Bill show and then had some drinks in Hotel New York while we waited for the fireworks over the Lake.

We have previously spent NYE in the Park its self and its such a good atmosphere. they had a DJ located above a building in Main street and everyone was dancing. It was Fantastic!

Enjoy your trip xx
I was once told to have a happy place in your mind for when times get hard. Disneyland Paris is my happy place. :)