Ratatouille Shareholders Preview - 28/07/14 (no spoilers)

Started by never2old, July 01, 2014, 01:47:33 PM

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Back to the real world after a very tiring (but totally worth it  ;)) one day trip to WDS (more like half-day!)... It didn't quite go as planned; but after a bad start, things got better....  :)

Last weekend was a bit full for us, even before the trip to WDS. Friday night it was my sister's birthday (so family dinner). Then there was a music festival Friday through Sunday, my husband was going for that (fortunately he was only planning on going from early evening onwards). In any case, it meant we couldn't go Friday night, or stay Saturday, so we have to drive down to Paris and back (3 hours each way) on the same day... For Ratatouille, no problem  ;D

We left our 3 year old daughter at my parents place to spend the night (no way we were taking her for such a quick trip, she wouldn't understand going to Disneyland and not even seeing Mickey!), and left early Saturday morning. The idea was to get there by 10:30 at the latest (would have loved even earlier but with both of us going out the night before, we needed to be reasonable....) to book our lunch in Chez Remy, and discover the new ride.

Things didn't quite go as planned, we left early as we wanted but there was a bad accident on the motorway  :( after being stopped for quite some time the police opened a service road so that cars could get out (doing a U-Turn on a motorway, check! trucks driving backwards on motorway, check!). We ended up getting to WDS much later than we would have liked... Weather was not brilliant either, grey skies, and it kept raining on and off (on the drive back it was raining non stop....)

We got our bracelets in the WDS entrance (that part was quite fast, I heard there were issues earlier on with delays so maybe it was a good thing we were late...), and made our way (I won't say running, but we certainly were walking at a fast pace....) to the new land. Both entrances were blocked and CM were there to only let in people with the right bracelets. We had to go in via the Toy Story Playland side (through the blue barrel), the other side was exit only. I have to admit, the Studios never seemed so big!! Anyway, we got to the barrel, showed our bracelets, and we were in!!

First impression: WHOA  :o :o Place de Remy is gorgeous. It's beautiful. I can't wait to go back when it's sunny!  It feels very spacious, there are plenty of places to simply sit and relax, and it really welcomes you to just that (though maybe not when it's raining....).

Problem of getting there late, however, was that the restaurant was already fully booked. It seems a bit of a shame that by 11:45 it was not possible to book a table anymore, particularly since we could see throughout the day that there were plenty of free tables (but I guess the restaurant was not running at full capacity) We were both really disappointed, we love our Disney restaurants and were really looking forward to trying the new one. Oh well, something to look forward to for our next visit!!

Another big upset: the waiting times. The normal queue was announcing 60 minutes!!!! And we could see the outside bit of the line was quite full....After a 4 hour drive, one hour wait was really not an option... The fastpass entrance was working, but the fastpass machines were already closed, so I guess they also run out of those... Aaaaargh if only we had gotten there as planned!!! Anyway, the single rider line sign said 5 minutes (the CM at the entrance said it was 15 minutes wait, not 5, but still better than one hour), so we went there... And of course what happened just when we were getting to the boarding area?? The ride broke down!!! They announced over the speakers that we had to evacuate the ride  ??? ::)

So we came out and  waited (under the rain of course). Fortunately I had a small umbrella, so I was a bit covered and took some pictures from the Place de Remy. And waited. And waited....

And finally our luck started to turn: a lot of people left. There was still a fair number of people waiting (with a line of CM in front of us, completely blocking the ride entrance), but most people seemed to leave. So by the time the finally told us the ride was going to re-open (and please no running, floor is slippery with rain...) there was no longer an hour-long wait ahead of us!!

We did the ride 4 times, once with the normal, stand-by queue (when the ride first re-opened, maybe waited 10 minutes), then through the single riders queue (went straight in every time, no wait whatsoever).

I will keep this spoiler free  :-X I managed to avoid most spoilers before doing the ride, and I don't want to ruin it for anyone else. I will just say the ride is amazing. The theming in the queue is gorgeous, the area where you board the ratmobiles is beautiful. The ratmobiles!! You should see them moving!! Someone described their movements as a dance, that's a great description. It's a ballet! When they come in for boarding, and at the end when we get to the end and they move all together... Beautiful. The movements are very smooth. The 3D is very good, some bits moved a bit too quickly for my liking, but that's me. Overall, the ride works wonderfully, and some of the effects are excellent. First time we did it, we were totally taken by it. Lots of oooohs and aaaaahs, it's really a great ride. And the more we did it, the more details we discovered, and I have no doubt we still have lots to see!! This is one ride you'll want to do again and again, no doubt about it. And it's a long ride!! We spent longer doing the ride than actually queuing for it!!! How often does that happen?!?!?

Only problem we had with it, my husband and I, is that we were both feeling a bit sick after riding it a few times. I guess it's motion sickness; I get the same in Star Tours (I've actually stopped doing it now, and it was one of my favourite rides!). And Ratatouille feels a lot more like Star Tours than the other dark rides like Peter Pan. Oh, don't get me wrong, I will be doing Ratatouille again, but probably not 4 times in a row  :-\

After our 4 rides (and after asking again if there was still no room in the restaurant, just in case....) it was almost time to leave. We went for lunch in the Disney Village (ended up in King Ludwig's, where we could get a table straight away), and after a quick visit to World of Disney for some shopping (got myself the Ratatouille mug, and then the rest were presents for my daughter, and my niece and nephew!) it was time to drive back.

As I said, a really quick trip, but totally worth it :) Now to start planning our next trip, and to book lunch in Chez Remy...

Some pictures coming next  :D


Here are some pictures

The fountain is amazing, probably my favourite thing in the whole area!!


You get a pretty nice view of the restaurant (and all the empty tables, sniff...) when you come out of the ride



Lovely report and pics! It's a shame you weren't able to find at table at Chez Remy, but it's something to be looking forward to on your next visit!  :D


Thanks for posting this wonderful pictures! Really looks great. I can't wait to see it in real.


great pictures! I`m so exited tosee this in fall!

Stupid question: How fast is the ride? Like a coaster or more loke Peter Pan (speed wise) ?


Thank you, never2old!

Your story is so interesting told! I am sorry you missed a lot of time on the road, but great that you managed to make the ride 4 times. And next time - the restaurant will be yours!  :D

I can't wait till September! And the single queue is a hint  ;)

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all


Thanks  :)

To be honest, I was so busy admiring everything, that I didn't actually take as many pictures as I would have liked!! It was only when I was back home going back through them that I realised it...

@ Aurora1, speed wise it's nowhere near a coaster, but some bits feel like you're moving quite fast (without actually moving much at all, I suspect). As I said, it's more like Star Tours! Am I making any sense?


I can very good imagine what you mean with Star Wars, it's a kind of this swinging-before-your-eyes feeling  ;D

Not many fotos - but perfect, all the special and beautiful details!

08.1993 - DL Tokyo; 05.2010 - DLP; 11.2010 - DLP; 09.2013 - DLP; 09.2014 - DLP; 11.2015 - DLP
It's a small world after all